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Abhishek Divekar adivekar-utexas

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adivekar-utexas /
Last active February 26, 2025 16:26
Tips for a successful resume & referral at Amazon (Abhishek's guide)

I am always happy to provide referrals for folks applying to Amazon for a variety of roles. Amazon is a FAANG, so I know that landing a job there can make a big difference to someone's career, and I am happy to spend the time to provide a referral.

If you are interested, please read the points below very carefully before reaching out (either on LinkedIn or on [email protected]). This is to save time on both sides 😄 I will not entertain requests from those who have clearly not read these points, regarless of how great your accomplishments are. No exceptions.

I usually check my personal email around 9am EST / 8pm IST. If you reach out, please give me upto 48 hours to revert.

The tips:

  1. It is up to you to visit and search for open positions.
adivekar-utexas /
Created July 3, 2024 11:44 — forked from xiaohk/
Prepare for an arXiv submission

Submission Steps

  1. Download source code from Overleaf if you use it: menu -> download -> source.

  2. Strip comments and combine all tex files (f01-main.tex, f02-intro.tex, etc.) into one file arxiv_main.tex.

# Replace f01-main.tex with the main tex file in your overleaf project
latexpand --empty-comments f01-main.tex > arxiv_main.tex
adivekar-utexas / gist:95758673d5014a9556a027a1712a80ca
Created February 12, 2024 05:24
How to ensure you kill a ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor in Python
from typing import *
import ctypes
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor
def stop_executor(
executor: Optional[Union[ThreadPoolExecutor, ProcessPoolExecutor]],
force: bool = True, ## Forcefully terminate, might lead to work being lost.
if executor is not None:
if isinstance(executor, ThreadPoolExecutor):
"""A collection of utilities to augment the Python language:"""
from typing import *
import time, traceback, random, sys
import math, gc
from datetime import datetime
from math import inf
import numpy as np
from threading import Semaphore
import multiprocessing as mp
from concurrent.futures._base import Future
adivekar-utexas /
Last active May 21, 2023 17:51
Download and split REALNEWS into multiple small parquet files
REALNEWS is a big dataset of several million news articles obtained from Common Crawl.
It was used to train the Grover news generation language model.
Details here:
In this script, we download it following instructions from
(please make sure to fill in the survey in the link above!)
After downloading, the file is a .tar.gz containing an enormous .jsonl file.
To split it into multiple small .parquet files, I've written the script below.