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Last active August 21, 2019 08:11
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kubernetes useful commands
# install and delete keycloak helm chart
## install
cd /Users/maad4/projects/training/codecentric-helm-charts/charts/keycloak;
helm install --name keycloak .
## delete
helm delete --purge keycloak
# secrets
## create cloudsql-instance-credentials secret
kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials --from-file=credentials.json
## keycloak-db
kubectl create secret generic keycloak-db --from-literal=password=PWD
kubectl create secret generic keycloak-admin --from-literal=password=PWD
kubectl delete secret keycloak-db
# logs
## show tail of keycloak logs
kubectl logs pods/keycloak-0 keycloak -f
## To view your environment's kubeconfig, run the following command:
kubectl config view
## show contexts
kubectl config get-contexts
##To view the current context for kubectl, run the following command:
kubectl config current-context
## set context
kubectl config use-context CONTEXT_NAME #CONTEXT_NAME from the list above
## show namespaces
kubectl get namespaces
## set "namespace" in context
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=dev
# ingress
## get ingress resources
kubectl get ingress
## get ingress description
kubectl describe ingress ingress-name # where ingress-name you can take from the previous command
# get a shell running inside k8s
kubectl get pods # list the pod names
kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- /bin/bash
kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- /bin/sh # for alpine
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