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Created February 11, 2015 02:17
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package main
import (
type PGM struct{
Vertices map[uuid.UUID]*Vertex
Edges map[uuid.UUID]*Edge
storageMutex sync.Mutex
TotalEntityCount float64
TotalVertexCount float64
TotalEdgeCount float64
UniqueVertexNameMap map[string]uuid.UUID
UniqueEdgeNameMap map[string]uuid.UUID
type Entity struct {
Id uuid.UUID
Name string
UniqueName string
Label string
Count float64
Properties map[string]interface{}
type Vertex struct {
Edges map[uuid.UUID]*Edge
type Edge struct {
VertexA *Vertex
VertexB *Vertex
Directionality string
func (p *PGM) GetEdgeById(id uuid.UUID) (*Edge, bool) {
e,ok := p.Edges[id]
return e,ok
func (p *PGM) GetVertexById(id uuid.UUID) (*Vertex, bool){
v,ok := p.Vertices[id]
return v,ok
func (e *Entity) Increment(){
e.Count += 1.0
func (e *Entity) UpdateProperties(props, overwriteProps map[string]interface{}){
//favor already existing properties
for k, v := range props{
if _,ok := e.Properties[k]; ok == false{
e.Properties[k] = v
//overwrite any explcitly overwritten properties
for k,v := range overwriteProps{
if _,ok := e.Properties[k]; ok{
e.Properties[k] = v
e.Properties = props
func (p *PGM) UpsertVertex(vb *Vertex) *Vertex{
defer p.storageMutex.Unlock()
var _vid uuid.UUID
if vid,ok := p.UniqueVertexNameMap[vb.UniqueName]; ok{
_vid = vid
p.Vertices[vid].UpdateProperties(vb.Properties, map[string]interface{}{})
_vid = uuid.NewV4()
vb.Id = _vid
vb.Count = 1.0
vb.Edges = make(map[uuid.UUID]*Edge)
p.Vertices[vb.Id] = vb
//unique name to id
p.UniqueVertexNameMap[vb.UniqueName] = _vid
p.TotalVertexCount += 1.0
p.TotalEntityCount += 1.0
return p.Vertices[_vid]
func (p *PGM) UpsertEdge(ea *Edge) *Edge{
defer p.storageMutex.Unlock()
var _eid uuid.UUID
if eid,ok := p.UniqueEdgeNameMap[ea.UniqueName]; ok{
_eid = eid
//update properties
p.Edges[eid].UpdateProperties(ea.Properties, map[string]interface{}{})
_eid = uuid.NewV4()
ea.Id = _eid
p.Edges[ea.Id] = ea
ea.Count = 1.0
//unique name to id
p.UniqueEdgeNameMap[ea.UniqueName] = _eid
p.TotalEdgeCount += 1.0
p.TotalEntityCount += 1.0
return p.Edges[_eid]
func (v *Vertex) UpsertEdge(e *Edge) *Edge {
var _edge *Edge
if edge, ok := v.Edges[e.Id]; ok == false{
v.Edges[e.Id] = e
_edge = edge
_edge = edge
return _edge
func NewPgm() *PGM{
pgm := &PGM{}
pgm.Vertices = make(map[uuid.UUID]*Vertex)
pgm.Edges = make(map[uuid.UUID]*Edge)
pgm.UniqueVertexNameMap = make(map[string]uuid.UUID)
pgm.UniqueEdgeNameMap = make(map[string]uuid.UUID)
return pgm
func main(){
test := [][]string{
[]string{"what","do","happiness","and","fear", "have", "in", "common"},
//insert data into graph
pgm := NewPgm()
for _,sentence := range test {
for word_idx := 0; word_idx <len(sentence)-1; word_idx+=2{
va := &Vertex{Entity{UniqueName: sentence[word_idx]},nil}
va = pgm.UpsertVertex(va)
vb := &Vertex{Entity{UniqueName: sentence[word_idx+1]},nil}
vb = pgm.UpsertVertex(vb)
e := &Edge{Entity{UniqueName: sentence[word_idx]+"_"+sentence[word_idx+1]},va,vb,"yo"}
e = pgm.UpsertEdge(e)
//check that probabilities are correct
what_v := pgm.Vertices[pgm.UniqueVertexNameMap["what"]]
fmt.Printf("probability of global %s: %v\n", what_v.UniqueName, what_v.Count/pgm.TotalVertexCount)
for _,e := range what_v.Edges {
fmt.Printf("probability of global %s: %v\n", e.UniqueName, e.Count/pgm.TotalEdgeCount)
edge_sum := 0.0
for _,_e := range what_v.Edges{
edge_sum += _e.Count
fmt.Printf("probability of %s coming after %s: %v\n", e.VertexB.UniqueName,e.VertexA.UniqueName, e.Count/edge_sum)
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