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Last active September 13, 2015 22:18
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Jersey City . Public Housing

The Montgomery Gardens public housing project has over 80% vacancy rate. It was vacated and recently imploaded on August 29, 2015. You can watch the exciting video here.

This static visualization compares public housing projects' vacancy rates. The entire data set contains granular information including monthly data, total number of units, move-in and move-out numbers, etc. Can't wait to learn how to utilize time sliders and other interactive controls!

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<title>Jersey City . Public Housing</title>
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<h1>Vacancy Rates by Property</h1>
<p>Monthly average vacancy rates Jan 2014-May 2015. Source: <a href="">Jersey City Housing Authority</a>.</p>
<button id="vacancy">Vacancy Rate</button>
<button id="vacantUnits">Vacant Units</button>
<button id="totalUnits">Total Units</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var rects;
var dataset;
var padding = [ 20, 10, 30, 170 ]; //Top, right, bottom, left
var percent = d3.format(".0%");
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d3.csv("PAvg.csv", function(data) {
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return d3.descending(+a.vacancyRate, +b.vacancyRate);
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widthScale.domain([ 0, d3.max(data, function(d) {
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heightScale.domain( { return d.propertyName; } ));
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return d.propertyName + "'s vacancy rate is " + percent(+d.vacancyRate);
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return +d.totalUnits;
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//Update rect widths
.attr("width", function(d) {
return widthScale(d.totalUnits);
.text(function(d) {
return d.propertyName + " has " + d.totalUnits + " units";
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return +d.vacancyRate;
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//Update rect widths
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return d.propertyName + "'s vacancy rate is " + d.vacancyRate * 100.00 + "%";
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.text(function(d) {
return d.propertyName + " has " + d.vacantUnits + " vacant units";
//Update axis".x.axis")
propertyName propertyCategory totalUnits vacantUnits vacancyRate
254 Bergen Avenue Non-Federal Affordable 36 3 0.09
Arlington Gardens Non-Federal Affordable 90 7 0.08
Barbara Place Terrace HOPE6 Developments 40 0 0.01
Berry Gardens Elderly/Disabled Developments 356 39 0.11
Booker T. Washington Conventional Public Housing 305 34 0.11
Curries Woods Conventional Public Housing 295 20 0.07
Dwight St. Homes Homeownership Project 19 5 0.24
Glenview I HOPE6 Developments 38 0 0.00
Gloria Robinson I HOPE6 Developments 58 1 0.02
Gloria Robinson II HOPE6 Developments 71 1 0.01
Gloria Robinson III HOPE6 Developments 24 0 0.00
Holland Gardens Conventional Public Housing 189 9 0.05
Hudson Gardens Conventional Public Housing 221 3 0.01
Lafayette Senior Living HOPE6 Developments 82 3 0.04
Lafayette Village HOPE6 Developments 77 0 0.00
Marion Gardens Conventional Public Housing 228 25 0.11
Montgomery Gardens Conventional Public Housing 434 366 0.84
Ocean Pointe (East and West) HOPE6 Developments 45 2 0.04
Pacific Court HOPE6 Developments 41 0 0.00
Thomas J. Stewart Elderly/Disabled Developments 48 1 0.03
Woodward Terrace HOPE6 Developments 45 0 0.01
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