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  • Save adnils/3d9023610abee1af796f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adnils/3d9023610abee1af796f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
_ff-addon-snippet-CF_QueryWorkspaceLockedInterval - Every one second it checks if workstaiton is locked. It looks like as soon as screensaver turns on, even if the require password delay is not "immedietly" the CGSSessionScreenIsLocked property is 1/true.(Mac OS X) (jsctypes)
if (typeof myint == 'undefined') {
var myint = null;
function doit(){
if (myint === null) {
myint = setInterval(function() {
var lib = {
CoreGraphics: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics',
CoreFoundation: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation'
for (var l in lib) {
lib[l] =[l]);
//start mactypes
var Boolean = ctypes.unsigned_char;
var UniChar = ctypes.jschar; // uint16 with automatic conversion
//end mactypes
//start CoreFoundationTypes
var __CFBoolean = new ctypes.StructType('__CFBoolean');
var CFBooleanRef = __CFBoolean.ptr;
var CFTypeRef = ctypes.void_t.ptr;
var __CFString = new ctypes.StructType('__CFString');
var CFStringRef = __CFString.ptr;
var CFIndex = ctypes.long;
var __CFAllocator = new ctypes.StructType('__CFAllocator');
var CFAllocatorRef = __CFAllocator.ptr;
//end CoreFoundationTypes
//dictionary functionality
var __CFDictionary = new ctypes.StructType('__CFDictionary');
var CFDictionaryRef = __CFDictionary.ptr;
var CFDictionaryGetValue = lib.CoreFoundation.declare('CFDictionaryGetValue', ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t.ptr/*returns CFTypeRef*/, CFDictionaryRef, ctypes.void_t.ptr/*CFStringRef*/);
//end dictionary functionality
//string functionality
var CFStringCreateWithCharacters = lib.CoreFoundation.declare('CFStringCreateWithCharacters', ctypes.default_abi, CFStringRef, CFAllocatorRef, UniChar.ptr, CFIndex);
//end string functionality
var CFBooleanGetValue = lib.CoreFoundation.declare('CFBooleanGetValue', ctypes.default_abi, Boolean, CFBooleanRef);
//common declares
var CFRelease = lib.CoreFoundation.declare('CFRelease', ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t, CFTypeRef);
function makeCFStr(input) { //input is just a js string so like `var input = 'blah';`
return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(null, input, input.length);
//end common declares
var CGSessionCopyCurrentDictionary = lib.CoreGraphics.declare('CGSessionCopyCurrentDictionary', ctypes.default_abi, CFDictionaryRef);
var CGSessionDict = CGSessionCopyCurrentDictionary();
if (CGSessionDict.isNull()) {
console.error('CGSessionDict is null');
} else {
var kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_str = 'CGSSessionScreenIsLocked';
var kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(null, kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_str, kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_str.length); //works // i figured it should be a string because of: here they are making CFSTR of a text string
var kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val = CFDictionaryGetValue(CGSessionDict, kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey);
//console.log('kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val:', kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val, uneval(kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val)); //printing `"kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val:" CData { } "ctypes.voidptr_t(ctypes.UInt64("0x7fff7a13b7f0"))"`
if (kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val.isNull()) {
console.log('CFDictionaryGetValue isNull so the key is not present in the dictionary, I am guesing');
} else {
var kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted = ctypes.cast(kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val, CFBooleanRef); //we know its a boolean so cast it
//console.log('kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted:', uneval(kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted));
var kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted_valInDict = CFBooleanGetValue(kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted);
console.log('kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted_valInDict:', kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey_val_casted_valInDict);
CFRelease(kCGSSessionOnConsoleKey); //do release on things made with CFStringCreateWithCharacters per
CFRelease(CGSessionDict); //apple docs say to release dictionary's
for (var l in lib) {
}, 1000);
} else {
myint = null;
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