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Created April 26, 2017 04:42
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The Roman Numerals kata in Haskell
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
mapping :: Map.Map Int String
mapping = Map.fromList [
(1, "I"),
(4, "IV"),
(5, "V"),
(9, "IX"),
(10, "X")]
keys :: [Int]
keys = (reverse . sort . Map.keys $ mapping)
largestReducer :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
largestReducer number = foldr1 (\x acc -> if x <= number then x else acc)
convert :: Int -> String
convert x
| x == 0 = ""
| otherwise = convertedString ++ convert (x - reducer)
where reducer = largestReducer x keys
convertedString = case (Map.lookup reducer mapping) of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> ""
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "Roman Numerals" $ do
it "finds the largest reducer" $ do
largestReducer 11 keys `shouldBe` 10
largestReducer 10 keys `shouldBe` 10
largestReducer 9 keys `shouldBe` 9
largestReducer 8 keys `shouldBe` 5
largestReducer 4 keys `shouldBe` 4
it "converts Arabic to Roman" $ do
convert 1 `shouldBe` "I"
convert 2 `shouldBe` "II"
convert 4 `shouldBe` "IV"
convert 8 `shouldBe` "VIII"
convert 11 `shouldBe` "XI"
convert 15 `shouldBe` "XV"
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