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Last active February 20, 2023 16:26
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  • Save adorobis/bdbf6ed6f087f44ba43f8dcd4d364c86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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echo "" > ${LOG_FILE}
exec 3>&1 1>>${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
# refresh let's encrypt certificates with godaddy dns challenge
a=$(/root/ --issue --dns dns_gd -d --reloadcmd "/root/deploy-freenas/")
echo -e "\nRenewal command finished:" | tee /dev/fd/3
echo $a | tee /dev/fd/3
if [[ $a = *not* ]]; then
echo "Was not renewed" | tee /dev/fd/3
unset -v latest_key
unset -v latest_crt
for file in /etc/certificates/letsencrypt-*.crt; do
[[ $file -nt $latest_crt ]] && latest_crt=$file
echo -e "\nLatest crt file:" | tee /dev/fd/3
echo $latest_crt | tee /dev/fd/3
for file in /etc/certificates/letsencrypt-*.key; do
[[ $file -nt $latest_key ]] && latest_key=$file
echo -e "\nLatest key file:" | tee /dev/fd/3
echo $latest_key | tee /dev/fd/3
echo -e "\nCertificate files renewed recently" | tee /dev/fd/3
mkdir /etc/certificates/new
cp $latest_crt /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt
cp $latest_key /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key
echo -e "\nCopy certificates to plex-plexpass" | tee /dev/fd/3
# generate pkcs12 file from the certificate files
openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt \
-inkey /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key \
-out /mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/plex-plexpass/root/tmp/certificate.pfx -passout 'pass:' | tee /dev/fd/3
# copy certificates to plexwebtools
cp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key \
/mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/plex-plexpass/root/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/WebTools.bundle/Contents/Code/Certificate/WebTools.key
cp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt \
/mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/plex-plexpass/root/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-ins/WebTools.bundle/Contents/Code/Certificate/WebTools.crt
# restart plex service
iocage exec plex-plexpass service plexmediaserver_plexpass restart | tee /dev/fd/3
echo -e "\nCopy certificates to nc jail" | tee /dev/fd/3
# copy certificates to nextcloud jail
cp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key /mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/nc/root/etc/ssl/cert.key | tee /dev/fd/3
cp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt /mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/nc/root/etc/ssl/cert.crt | tee /dev/fd/3
# restart nextcloud web server
iocage exec nc service nginx restart | tee /dev/fd/3
echo -e "\nCopy certificates to router" | tee /dev/fd/3
#update router certificate
/root/ | tee /dev/fd/3
echo -e "\nCopy certificates to NGINX jail" | tee /dev/fd/3
#copy to NGINX and restart
cp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key /mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/nginx/root/usr/local/etc/nginx
cp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt /mnt/Dane/iocage/jails/nginx/root/usr/local/etc/nginx
iocage exec nginx service nginx restart | tee /dev/fd/3
echo -e "\nCopy certificates to portainer" | tee /dev/fd/3
#copy to portainer & restart container
scp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key [email protected]:/home/docker-data/portainer/certs/key.pem
scp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt [email protected]:/home/docker-data/portainer/certs/cert.pem
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i sshkey.txt [email protected] "cd /home/docker-data && docker-compose restart portainer" | tee /dev/fd/3
echo -e "\nCopy certificates to Debian Webmin and Cockpit services" | tee /dev/fd/3
scp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key [email protected]:/etc/webmin/
scp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt [email protected]:/etc/webmin/
scp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.key [email protected]:/etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d/
scp /etc/certificates/new/letsencrypt.crt [email protected]:/etc/cockpit/ws-certs.d/
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i sshkey.txt [email protected] "systemctl restart cockpit.service && systemctl restart webmin.service" | tee /dev/fd/3
mail -s "Certificate renewal" [email protected] < ${LOG_FILE}
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