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Save adrian-enspired/5906840 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// you can't just get this as JSON in the first place, can you ...?
$xml = simplexml_load_file( "" );
$json = json_encode( $xml );
$array = json_decode( $json,TRUE );
$items = $array['channel']['item'];
// we're doing this now so we can sanitize the data without requiring a second loop
// (substitute your actual DB credentials)
$DB = new mysqli( DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME );
// make sure you're connected
if( $DB->connect_errno ){
print "failed to connect to DB: {$DB->connect_error}";
exit( 1 );
$DB->set_charset( 'utf8' );
/* here's what the regex does:
# start of pattern
^ start of string
(?: this subpattern matches; does not capture
[^\?]*\?url= anything "not a ?", followed by "?url="
(basically, the "readability" part of the url)
(https?://) this subpattern captures (referenced by $1)
http:// -or- https://
(?: this subpattern matches; does not capture
m "m"
(?:obile)? possibly followed by "obile"
\. followed by a dot
)? (and possibly not there at all)
(.*)$ this subpattern captures (referenced by $2)
everything else until the end of the string
(meaning, the actual URL you want)
#ui end of pattern
"u" means "unicode"
"i" means "case insensitive"
$match = "#^(?:[^\?]*\?url=)(https?://)(?:m(?:obile)?\.)?(.*)$#ui";
// we'll replace the original string with backreferences $1 and $2
// (note these ARE NOT php variables).
$replace = '$1$2';
// parse title and url from raw data
foreach( $items as $item ){
$title = $item['title'];
// URL
$url = preg_replace( $match,$replace,$item['link'] );
// save for later
$title_url[] = array( $title,$url );
// we'll use these in the SQL statement
$sql_values[] = "('{$DB->real_escape_string( $title )}','{$DB->real_escape_string( $url )}')";
// it's later already!
// add array of values to INSERT statement
// reversing array to put entries in chronological order
$SQL = "INSERT INTO `read`(`title`,`url`) VALUES\n ".implode( "\n,",array_reverse( $sql_values ) );
// look at it (if you care to)
print "our INSERT statement:<pre>$SQL</pre>";
// try the query
if( $DB->query( $SQL ) ){
print "added {$DB->affected_rows} records";
// query failed
print "failed to INSERT: [{$DB->errno}] {$DB->error}";
# database table schema #
,`title` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL
,`url` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL
,PRIMARY KEY( `title`,`url` )
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