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ExampleWasTaken /
Last active February 22, 2024 18:03
Enable Discord Developer Options and more


I am in no way, shape, or form responsible for any damage caused by the usage of these snippets. You use them at your own risk! I am not related to Discord in any way.

This gist is unmaintained! Feel free to fork it.

What is this?

Using the Chrome dev tools you can do some fun stuff with the Discord client. As they are disabled on the stable version you need to use the canary version which is used to test new features before they get released to the stable version. It's usage is totally legal and within ToS. Discord does not promote it but encourages users to use it to find bugs, etc.

You can download the latest Canary builds here:

The-Fireplace / WHY NO
Last active October 21, 2024 11:47
A brief summary of why I am not currently supporting Forge

So, as I update mods and switch more of them over to Fabric, I'm sure I'll frequently get asked "Will you port to Forge" or "Why not Forge," so I figured I'd make a document explaining why and link to it instead of typing up the explanation every time.

The Short Version

Maintaining mods for two different mod loaders is time consuming, and when choosing between them, Fabric is the clear choice to me. If I ever get to the point where my mods are all updated, I will consider porting mods to Forge on a case-by-case basis, but it will not be a priority. The lead developer of Forge, LexManos, has essentially told me he will not support features that allow me to update at least one of my mods past 1.12.2, and on top of that, he did so very rudely while treating me like a complete idiot for trying to make it possible to continue using Forge for that mod. I am not the only person he has treated in this manner, and I do not support this kind of toxic behavior.

But how does Fabric compare to Forge?

I've conside

Aplet123 /
Created August 27, 2020 15:11
GoogleCTF Sprint Writeup

GoogleCTF Sprint Writeup

Sprint faster than this binary!

Part 1: Starting Analysis

We're given a standard ELF, so we open it in Binary Ninja to try to figure out what it's doing:

(you may have to open the image in another tab and zoom in since it's small)

indygwyn /
Created August 25, 2019 23:05 — forked from drmalex07/
Setup a minimal certificate authority. #ca #minimal-ca #certificate #certificate-authority

Setup minimal Certificate Authority (CA)

1. Setup directory

Setup a directory to be used as the root of the certificate authority, e.g /home/user/documents/identity/ca.

First, create the root key/certificate pair root.{key,crt} that will be used to sign client requests. For example:

    openssl genrsa -out root.key 4096