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Last active March 13, 2025 11:35
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Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN Next.js 13 Threads App | React, Next JS, TypeScript, MongoDB
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
// Resource:
// Above article shows why we need webhooks i.e., to sync data to our backend
// Resource:
// It's a good practice to verify webhooks. Above article shows why we should do it
import { Webhook, WebhookRequiredHeaders } from "svix";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from "http";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import {
} from "@/lib/actions/community.actions";
// Resource:
// Above document lists the supported events
type EventType =
| "organization.created"
| "organizationInvitation.created"
| "organizationMembership.created"
| "organizationMembership.deleted"
| "organization.updated"
| "organization.deleted";
type Event = {
data: Record<string, string | number | Record<string, string>[]>;
object: "event";
type: EventType;
export const POST = async (request: Request) => {
const payload = await request.json();
const header = headers();
const heads = {
"svix-id": header.get("svix-id"),
"svix-timestamp": header.get("svix-timestamp"),
"svix-signature": header.get("svix-signature"),
// Activitate Webhook in the Clerk Dashboard.
// After adding the endpoint, you'll see the secret on the right side.
const wh = new Webhook(process.env.NEXT_CLERK_WEBHOOK_SECRET || "");
let evnt: Event | null = null;
try {
evnt = wh.verify(
heads as IncomingHttpHeaders & WebhookRequiredHeaders
) as Event;
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json({ message: err }, { status: 400 });
const eventType: EventType = evnt?.type!;
// Listen organization creation event
if (eventType === "organization.created") {
// Resource:
// Show what evnt?.data sends from above resource
const { id, name, slug, logo_url, image_url, created_by } =
evnt?.data ?? {};
try {
// @ts-ignore
await createCommunity(
// @ts-ignore
logo_url || image_url,
"org bio",
return NextResponse.json({ message: "User created" }, { status: 201 });
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Internal Server Error" },
{ status: 500 }
// Listen organization invitation creation event.
// Just to show. You can avoid this or tell people that we can create a new mongoose action and
// add pending invites in the database.
if (eventType === "organizationInvitation.created") {
try {
// Resource:
console.log("Invitation created", evnt?.data);
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Invitation created" },
{ status: 201 }
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Internal Server Error" },
{ status: 500 }
// Listen organization membership (member invite & accepted) creation
if (eventType === "organizationMembership.created") {
try {
// Resource:
// Show what evnt?.data sends from above resource
const { organization, public_user_data } = evnt?.data;
console.log("created", evnt?.data);
// @ts-ignore
await addMemberToCommunity(, public_user_data.user_id);
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Invitation accepted" },
{ status: 201 }
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Internal Server Error" },
{ status: 500 }
// Listen member deletion event
if (eventType === "organizationMembership.deleted") {
try {
// Resource:
// Show what evnt?.data sends from above resource
const { organization, public_user_data } = evnt?.data;
console.log("removed", evnt?.data);
// @ts-ignore
await removeUserFromCommunity(public_user_data.user_id,;
return NextResponse.json({ message: "Member removed" }, { status: 201 });
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Internal Server Error" },
{ status: 500 }
// Listen organization updation event
if (eventType === "organization.updated") {
try {
// Resource:
// Show what evnt?.data sends from above resource
const { id, logo_url, name, slug } = evnt?.data;
console.log("updated", evnt?.data);
// @ts-ignore
await updateCommunityInfo(id, name, slug, logo_url);
return NextResponse.json({ message: "Member removed" }, { status: 201 });
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Internal Server Error" },
{ status: 500 }
// Listen organization deletion event
if (eventType === "organization.deleted") {
try {
// Resource:
// Show what evnt?.data sends from above resource
const { id } = evnt?.data;
console.log("deleted", evnt?.data);
// @ts-ignore
await deleteCommunity(id);
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Organization deleted" },
{ status: 201 }
} catch (err) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ message: "Internal Server Error" },
{ status: 500 }
"use server";
import { FilterQuery, SortOrder } from "mongoose";
import Community from "../models/community.model";
import Thread from "../models/thread.model";
import User from "../models/user.model";
import { connectToDB } from "../mongoose";
export async function createCommunity(
id: string,
name: string,
username: string,
image: string,
bio: string,
createdById: string // Change the parameter name to reflect it's an id
) {
try {
// Find the user with the provided unique id
const user = await User.findOne({ id: createdById });
if (!user) {
throw new Error("User not found"); // Handle the case if the user with the id is not found
const newCommunity = new Community({
createdBy: user._id, // Use the mongoose ID of the user
const createdCommunity = await;
// Update User model
return createdCommunity;
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
console.error("Error creating community:", error);
throw error;
export async function fetchCommunityDetails(id: string) {
try {
const communityDetails = await Community.findOne({ id }).populate([
path: "members",
model: User,
select: "name username image _id id",
return communityDetails;
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
console.error("Error fetching community details:", error);
throw error;
export async function fetchCommunityPosts(id: string) {
try {
const communityPosts = await Community.findById(id).populate({
path: "threads",
model: Thread,
populate: [
path: "author",
model: User,
select: "name image id", // Select the "name" and "_id" fields from the "User" model
path: "children",
model: Thread,
populate: {
path: "author",
model: User,
select: "image _id", // Select the "name" and "_id" fields from the "User" model
return communityPosts;
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
console.error("Error fetching community posts:", error);
throw error;
export async function fetchCommunities({
searchString = "",
pageNumber = 1,
pageSize = 20,
sortBy = "desc",
}: {
searchString?: string;
pageNumber?: number;
pageSize?: number;
sortBy?: SortOrder;
}) {
try {
// Calculate the number of communities to skip based on the page number and page size.
const skipAmount = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
// Create a case-insensitive regular expression for the provided search string.
const regex = new RegExp(searchString, "i");
// Create an initial query object to filter communities.
const query: FilterQuery<typeof Community> = {};
// If the search string is not empty, add the $or operator to match either username or name fields.
if (searchString.trim() !== "") {
query.$or = [
{ username: { $regex: regex } },
{ name: { $regex: regex } },
// Define the sort options for the fetched communities based on createdAt field and provided sort order.
const sortOptions = { createdAt: sortBy };
// Create a query to fetch the communities based on the search and sort criteria.
const communitiesQuery = Community.find(query)
// Count the total number of communities that match the search criteria (without pagination).
const totalCommunitiesCount = await Community.countDocuments(query);
const communities = await communitiesQuery.exec();
// Check if there are more communities beyond the current page.
const isNext = totalCommunitiesCount > skipAmount + communities.length;
return { communities, isNext };
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching communities:", error);
throw error;
export async function addMemberToCommunity(
communityId: string,
memberId: string
) {
try {
// Find the community by its unique id
const community = await Community.findOne({ id: communityId });
if (!community) {
throw new Error("Community not found");
// Find the user by their unique id
const user = await User.findOne({ id: memberId });
if (!user) {
throw new Error("User not found");
// Check if the user is already a member of the community
if (community.members.includes(user._id)) {
throw new Error("User is already a member of the community");
// Add the user's _id to the members array in the community
// Add the community's _id to the communities array in the user
return community;
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
console.error("Error adding member to community:", error);
throw error;
export async function removeUserFromCommunity(
userId: string,
communityId: string
) {
try {
const userIdObject = await User.findOne({ id: userId }, { _id: 1 });
const communityIdObject = await Community.findOne(
{ id: communityId },
{ _id: 1 }
if (!userIdObject) {
throw new Error("User not found");
if (!communityIdObject) {
throw new Error("Community not found");
// Remove the user's _id from the members array in the community
await Community.updateOne(
{ _id: communityIdObject._id },
{ $pull: { members: userIdObject._id } }
// Remove the community's _id from the communities array in the user
await User.updateOne(
{ _id: userIdObject._id },
{ $pull: { communities: communityIdObject._id } }
return { success: true };
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
console.error("Error removing user from community:", error);
throw error;
export async function updateCommunityInfo(
communityId: string,
name: string,
username: string,
image: string
) {
try {
// Find the community by its _id and update the information
const updatedCommunity = await Community.findOneAndUpdate(
{ id: communityId },
{ name, username, image }
if (!updatedCommunity) {
throw new Error("Community not found");
return updatedCommunity;
} catch (error) {
// Handle any errors
console.error("Error updating community information:", error);
throw error;
export async function deleteCommunity(communityId: string) {
try {
// Find the community by its ID and delete it
const deletedCommunity = await Community.findOneAndDelete({
id: communityId,
if (!deletedCommunity) {
throw new Error("Community not found");
// Delete all threads associated with the community
await Thread.deleteMany({ community: communityId });
// Find all users who are part of the community
const communityUsers = await User.find({ communities: communityId });
// Remove the community from the 'communities' array for each user
const updateUserPromises = => {
await Promise.all(updateUserPromises);
return deletedCommunity;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error deleting community: ", error);
throw error;
import Image from "next/image";
import Link from "next/link";
import { Button } from "../ui/button";
interface Props {
id: string;
name: string;
username: string;
imgUrl: string;
bio: string;
members: {
image: string;
function CommunityCard({ id, name, username, imgUrl, bio, members }: Props) {
return (
<article className='community-card'>
<div className='flex flex-wrap items-center gap-3'>
<Link href={`/communities/${id}`} className='relative h-12 w-12'>
className='rounded-full object-cover'
<Link href={`/communities/${id}`}>
<h4 className='text-base-semibold text-light-1'>{name}</h4>
<p className='text-small-medium text-gray-1'>@{username}</p>
<p className='mt-4 text-subtle-medium text-gray-1'>{bio}</p>
<div className='mt-5 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between gap-3'>
<Link href={`/communities/${id}`}>
<Button size='sm' className='community-card_btn'>
{members.length > 0 && (
<div className='flex items-center'>
{, index) => (
index !== 0 && "-ml-2"
} rounded-full object-cover`}
{members.length > 3 && (
<p className='ml-1 text-subtle-medium text-gray-1'>
{members.length}+ Users
export default CommunityCard;
export const sidebarLinks = [
imgURL: "/assets/home.svg",
route: "/",
label: "Home",
imgURL: "/assets/search.svg",
route: "/search",
label: "Search",
imgURL: "/assets/heart.svg",
route: "/activity",
label: "Activity",
imgURL: "/assets/create.svg",
route: "/create-thread",
label: "Create Thread",
imgURL: "/assets/community.svg",
route: "/communities",
label: "Communities",
imgURL: "/assets/user.svg",
route: "/profile",
label: "Profile",
export const profileTabs = [
{ value: "threads", label: "Threads", icon: "/assets/reply.svg" },
{ value: "replies", label: "Replies", icon: "/assets/members.svg" },
{ value: "tagged", label: "Tagged", icon: "/assets/tag.svg" },
export const communityTabs = [
{ value: "threads", label: "Threads", icon: "/assets/reply.svg" },
{ value: "members", label: "Members", icon: "/assets/members.svg" },
{ value: "requests", label: "Requests", icon: "/assets/request.svg" },
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/* Activity */
.activity-card {
@apply flex items-center gap-2 rounded-md bg-dark-2 px-7 py-4;
/* No Result */
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.account-form_input {
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.comment-form_btn {
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protocol: "https",
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module.exports = nextConfig;
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"use server";
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
import { connectToDB } from "../mongoose";
import User from "../models/user.model";
import Thread from "../models/thread.model";
import Community from "../models/community.model";
export async function fetchPosts(pageNumber = 1, pageSize = 20) {
// Calculate the number of posts to skip based on the page number and page size.
const skipAmount = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
// Create a query to fetch the posts that have no parent (top-level threads) (a thread that is not a comment/reply).
const postsQuery = Thread.find({ parentId: { $in: [null, undefined] } })
.sort({ createdAt: "desc" })
path: "author",
model: User,
path: "community",
model: Community,
path: "children", // Populate the children field
populate: {
path: "author", // Populate the author field within children
model: User,
select: "_id name parentId image", // Select only _id and username fields of the author
// Count the total number of top-level posts (threads) i.e., threads that are not comments.
const totalPostsCount = await Thread.countDocuments({
parentId: { $in: [null, undefined] },
}); // Get the total count of posts
const posts = await postsQuery.exec();
const isNext = totalPostsCount > skipAmount + posts.length;
return { posts, isNext };
interface Params {
text: string,
author: string,
communityId: string | null,
path: string,
export async function createThread({ text, author, communityId, path }: Params
) {
try {
const communityIdObject = await Community.findOne(
{ id: communityId },
{ _id: 1 }
const createdThread = await Thread.create({
community: communityIdObject, // Assign communityId if provided, or leave it null for personal account
// Update User model
await User.findByIdAndUpdate(author, {
$push: { threads: createdThread._id },
if (communityIdObject) {
// Update Community model
await Community.findByIdAndUpdate(communityIdObject, {
$push: { threads: createdThread._id },
} catch (error: any) {
throw new Error(`Failed to create thread: ${error.message}`);
async function fetchAllChildThreads(threadId: string): Promise<any[]> {
const childThreads = await Thread.find({ parentId: threadId });
const descendantThreads = [];
for (const childThread of childThreads) {
const descendants = await fetchAllChildThreads(childThread._id);
descendantThreads.push(childThread, ...descendants);
return descendantThreads;
export async function deleteThread(id: string, path: string): Promise<void> {
try {
// Find the thread to be deleted (the main thread)
const mainThread = await Thread.findById(id).populate("author community");
if (!mainThread) {
throw new Error("Thread not found");
// Fetch all child threads and their descendants recursively
const descendantThreads = await fetchAllChildThreads(id);
// Get all descendant thread IDs including the main thread ID and child thread IDs
const descendantThreadIds = [
id, => thread._id),
// Extract the authorIds and communityIds to update User and Community models respectively
const uniqueAuthorIds = new Set(
[ =>, // Use optional chaining to handle possible undefined values,
].filter((id) => id !== undefined)
const uniqueCommunityIds = new Set(
[ =>, // Use optional chaining to handle possible undefined values,
].filter((id) => id !== undefined)
// Recursively delete child threads and their descendants
await Thread.deleteMany({ _id: { $in: descendantThreadIds } });
// Update User model
await User.updateMany(
{ _id: { $in: Array.from(uniqueAuthorIds) } },
{ $pull: { threads: { $in: descendantThreadIds } } }
// Update Community model
await Community.updateMany(
{ _id: { $in: Array.from(uniqueCommunityIds) } },
{ $pull: { threads: { $in: descendantThreadIds } } }
} catch (error: any) {
throw new Error(`Failed to delete thread: ${error.message}`);
export async function fetchThreadById(threadId: string) {
try {
const thread = await Thread.findById(threadId)
path: "author",
model: User,
select: "_id id name image",
}) // Populate the author field with _id and username
path: "community",
model: Community,
select: "_id id name image",
}) // Populate the community field with _id and name
path: "children", // Populate the children field
populate: [
path: "author", // Populate the author field within children
model: User,
select: "_id id name parentId image", // Select only _id and username fields of the author
path: "children", // Populate the children field within children
model: Thread, // The model of the nested children (assuming it's the same "Thread" model)
populate: {
path: "author", // Populate the author field within nested children
model: User,
select: "_id id name parentId image", // Select only _id and username fields of the author
return thread;
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error while fetching thread:", err);
throw new Error("Unable to fetch thread");
export async function addCommentToThread(
threadId: string,
commentText: string,
userId: string,
path: string
) {
try {
// Find the original thread by its ID
const originalThread = await Thread.findById(threadId);
if (!originalThread) {
throw new Error("Thread not found");
// Create the new comment thread
const commentThread = new Thread({
text: commentText,
author: userId,
parentId: threadId, // Set the parentId to the original thread's ID
// Save the comment thread to the database
const savedCommentThread = await;
// Add the comment thread's ID to the original thread's children array
// Save the updated original thread to the database
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error while adding comment:", err);
throw new Error("Unable to add comment");
// Resource:
// Copy paste (be careful with imports)
import { generateReactHelpers } from "@uploadthing/react/hooks";
import type { OurFileRouter } from "@/app/api/uploadthing/core";
export const { useUploadThing, uploadFiles } = generateReactHelpers<OurFileRouter>();
"use server";
import { FilterQuery, SortOrder } from "mongoose";
import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
import Community from "../models/community.model";
import Thread from "../models/thread.model";
import User from "../models/user.model";
import { connectToDB } from "../mongoose";
export async function fetchUser(userId: string) {
try {
return await User.findOne({ id: userId }).populate({
path: "communities",
model: Community,
} catch (error: any) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch user: ${error.message}`);
interface Params {
userId: string;
username: string;
name: string;
bio: string;
image: string;
path: string;
export async function updateUser({
}: Params): Promise<void> {
try {
await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ id: userId },
username: username.toLowerCase(),
onboarded: true,
{ upsert: true }
if (path === "/profile/edit") {
} catch (error: any) {
throw new Error(`Failed to create/update user: ${error.message}`);
export async function fetchUserPosts(userId: string) {
try {
// Find all threads authored by the user with the given userId
const threads = await User.findOne({ id: userId }).populate({
path: "threads",
model: Thread,
populate: [
path: "community",
model: Community,
select: "name id image _id", // Select the "name" and "_id" fields from the "Community" model
path: "children",
model: Thread,
populate: {
path: "author",
model: User,
select: "name image id", // Select the "name" and "_id" fields from the "User" model
return threads;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching user threads:", error);
throw error;
// Almost similar to Thead (search + pagination) and Community (search + pagination)
export async function fetchUsers({
searchString = "",
pageNumber = 1,
pageSize = 20,
sortBy = "desc",
}: {
userId: string;
searchString?: string;
pageNumber?: number;
pageSize?: number;
sortBy?: SortOrder;
}) {
try {
// Calculate the number of users to skip based on the page number and page size.
const skipAmount = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize;
// Create a case-insensitive regular expression for the provided search string.
const regex = new RegExp(searchString, "i");
// Create an initial query object to filter users.
const query: FilterQuery<typeof User> = {
id: { $ne: userId }, // Exclude the current user from the results.
// If the search string is not empty, add the $or operator to match either username or name fields.
if (searchString.trim() !== "") {
query.$or = [
{ username: { $regex: regex } },
{ name: { $regex: regex } },
// Define the sort options for the fetched users based on createdAt field and provided sort order.
const sortOptions = { createdAt: sortBy };
const usersQuery = User.find(query)
// Count the total number of users that match the search criteria (without pagination).
const totalUsersCount = await User.countDocuments(query);
const users = await usersQuery.exec();
// Check if there are more users beyond the current page.
const isNext = totalUsersCount > skipAmount + users.length;
return { users, isNext };
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching users:", error);
throw error;
export async function getActivity(userId: string) {
try {
// Find all threads created by the user
const userThreads = await Thread.find({ author: userId });
// Collect all the child thread ids (replies) from the 'children' field of each user thread
const childThreadIds = userThreads.reduce((acc, userThread) => {
return acc.concat(userThread.children);
}, []);
// Find and return the child threads (replies) excluding the ones created by the same user
const replies = await Thread.find({
_id: { $in: childThreadIds },
author: { $ne: userId }, // Exclude threads authored by the same user
path: "author",
model: User,
select: "name image _id",
return replies;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching replies: ", error);
throw error;
import { type ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
// generated by shadcn
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs));
// created by chatgpt
export function isBase64Image(imageData: string) {
const base64Regex = /^data:image\/(png|jpe?g|gif|webp);base64,/;
return base64Regex.test(imageData);
// created by chatgpt
export function formatDateString(dateString: string) {
const options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
year: "numeric",
month: "short",
day: "numeric",
const date = new Date(dateString);
const formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString(undefined, options);
const time = date.toLocaleTimeString([], {
hour: "numeric",
minute: "2-digit",
return `${time} - ${formattedDate}`;
// created by chatgpt
export function formatThreadCount(count: number): string {
if (count === 0) {
return "No Threads";
} else {
const threadCount = count.toString().padStart(2, "0");
const threadWord = count === 1 ? "Thread" : "Threads";
return `${threadCount} ${threadWord}`;
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i got the same issue, use auth middleware instead of clerkMiddleware. although it shows "authMiddleware' is deprecated". But your job is done and eliminate the home route to get the desired result. code: import { authMiddleware } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";

export default authMiddleware({ publicRoutes: ["/api/webhook/clerk"], ignoredRoutes: ["/api/webhook/clerk"],


export const config = { matcher: ['/((?!...|next).)', '/', '/(api|trpc)(._)'], };

import { clerkMiddleware, createRouteMatcher } from "@clerk/nextjs/server";
const isPublicRoute = createRouteMatcher([
// '/:username',
// '/search'


export default clerkMiddleware(async(auth, request) => {

if (!isPublicRoute(request)) {
  await auth.protect()


export const config = {
matcher: [
// Skip Next.js internals and all static files, unless found in search params
// Always run for API routes

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