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Adrián López adrianlzt

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DavidBuchanan314 /
Last active June 22, 2023 22:21
Panopto video downloader
import requests
import json
import os
import youtube_dl
Place the value of your .ASPXAUTH token in the following variable
DazWilkin /
Last active December 25, 2021 12:40
Google Cloud IoT Core & Golang
echo "Installing Mosquitto (MQTT) client tools"
opkg update > /dev/null
opkg install mosquitto mosquitto-client > /dev/null
echo "Configure GCP Cloud IoT"
read -p "GCP Project ID : " PROJECT
read -p "GCP Region : " REGION
read -p "GCP IoT Registry ID: " REGISTRY
read -p "GCP IoT Device ID : " DEVICE
Morreski /
Last active September 3, 2024 00:29
Python lru_cache with timeout
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import functools
def timed_cache(**timedelta_kwargs):
def _wrapper(f):
update_delta = timedelta(**timedelta_kwargs)
next_update = datetime.utcnow() + update_delta
# Apply @lru_cache to f with no cache size limit
tbondarchuk / gather_delegation.yml
Created September 29, 2016 09:37
ansible gather facts from another host
## works only on ansible >= 2.0
###### inventory:
# [group1]
# test-01
# [group2]
# test-02
- hosts: group2
brendangregg /
Last active May 26, 2023 09:55
# chaintest Summarize off-CPU time by kernel stack + 2 waker stacks
# WORK IN PROGRESS. For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF.
# USAGE: chaintest [-h] [-u] [-p PID] [-i INTERVAL] [-T] [duration]
# PLEASE DO NOT RUN THIS IN PRODUCTION! This is a work in progress, intended to
# explore chain graphs on Linux, using eBPF capabilities from a particular
# kernel version (4.3ish). This tool will eventually get much better.
varemenos /
Last active February 11, 2025 12:00
Git log in JSON format

Get Git log in JSON format

git log --pretty=format:'{%n  "commit": "%H",%n  "abbreviated_commit": "%h",%n  "tree": "%T",%n  "abbreviated_tree": "%t",%n  "parent": "%P",%n  "abbreviated_parent": "%p",%n  "refs": "%D",%n  "encoding": "%e",%n  "subject": "%s",%n  "sanitized_subject_line": "%f",%n  "body": "%b",%n  "commit_notes": "%N",%n  "verification_flag": "%G?",%n  "signer": "%GS",%n  "signer_key": "%GK",%n  "author": {%n    "name": "%aN",%n    "email": "%aE",%n    "date": "%aD"%n  },%n  "commiter": {%n    "name": "%cN",%n    "email": "%cE",%n    "date": "%cD"%n  }%n},'

The only information that aren't fetched are:

  • %B: raw body (unwrapped subject and body)
  • %GG: raw verification message from GPG for a signed commit
bradrydzewski /
Last active February 14, 2025 07:04
Generate trusted CA certificates for running Docker with HTTPS
# Generates client and server certificates used to enable HTTPS
# remote authentication to a Docker daemon.
# See
# To start the Docker Daemon:
# sudo docker -d \