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Last active September 3, 2015 09:49
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  • Save adriannier/4beeb28306869f7f37d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adriannier/4beeb28306869f7f37d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- Create a new Log Manager instance
set LOGGER to newLogManager("~/Desktop/LogManagerTest.log")
-- Test by sending 30,000 messages; this should cause the auto archive feature to trigger
repeat 10000 times
infoLog("This is an informational message")
errorLog("This is an error")
debugLog("This is a debug message")
end repeat
end tell
on newLogManager(logFilePath)
script ANLogManager
ANLogManager v1.0:
1. Create a new Log Manager instance using:
set LOGGER to newLogManager("~/Desktop/LogManagerTest.log")
The path can be an HFS path or POSIX path. The latter can also contain a tilde.
2. Send messages using one of the following functions:
infoLog("This is an informational message") -- No prefix
errorLog("This is an error") -- Message is prefixed with "[Error]"
debugLog("This is a debug message") -- Message is prefixed with "[Debug]"
Each message is also prefixed with a timestamp before it is written to disk.
Once the log file reaches or exceeds a size of 1 MB it will be
automatically archived. By default a maximum count of 100
archives is kept.
-- Log file name, its full path and the path to the parent folder
property LOG_FILE_NAME : ""
property LOG_FILE_PATH : ""
property PARENT_FOLDER_PATH : ""
-- Archiving parameters
property MAX_SIZE : 1000 * 1000 -- 1 MB
property MAX_ARCHIVE_COUNT : 100
-- For performance, limit how many times file size is checked
property MESSAGES_SINCE_LAST_SIZE_CHECK : 100 -- Make sure file size is checked on first run
-- Time stamp caching, no need to regenerate it multiple times per second
property LAST_MESSAGE_DATE : false
property LAST_TIME_STAMP : false
on initWithPath(aPath)
-- Set file path property
set my LOG_FILE_PATH to convertToHFSPath(aPath)
-- Set the parent folder and file name properties
set prvDlmt to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to ":"
set my PARENT_FOLDER_PATH to (text items 1 thru -2 of hfsPath() as text) & ":"
set my LOG_FILE_NAME to text item -1 of hfsPath() as text
set text item delimiters to prvDlmt
end initWithPath
on infoLog(msg)
set didArchive to archiveIfLargeEnough()
logMessage(msg, false, true, didArchive is false)
end infoLog
on errorLog(msg)
set didArchive to archiveIfLargeEnough()
logMessage(msg, "[Error] ", true, didArchive is false)
end errorLog
on debugLog(msg)
set didArchive to archiveIfLargeEnough()
logMessage(msg, "[Debug] ", true, didArchive is false)
end debugLog
on logMessage(msg, prefix, includeTimestamp, appending)
-- Add prefix
if prefix is not false then set msg to prefix & msg
-- Add time stamp
if includeTimestamp then set msg to timeStamp() & " " & msg
-- Write the prefixed message to disk
writeToDisk(msg, appending)
-- Raise the count since last size check
end logMessage
on writeToDisk(msg, append)
set filePath to hfsPath()
-- Open file
open for access file filePath with write permission
on error eMsg number eNum
-- Error -49 means that the file is already open
if eNum is not -49 then
close access file filePath
end try
if eNum is -128 then error eMsg number eNum -- User cancelled
error "writeToDisk(): Could not open file with write permission: " & eMsg number eNum
end if
end try
-- Write to file
-- Determine end of file and data to write
set fileEnd to 0
if append then
set fileEnd to (get eof of file filePath) + 1
end try
end if
if fileEnd is 0 then set eof of file filePath to 0
write msg & (ASCII character 10) to file filePath starting at fileEnd as Unicode text
on error eMsg number eNum
close access file filePath
end try
if eNum is -128 then error eMsg number eNum -- User cancelled
error "writeToDisk(): Error while writing to file: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
-- Close file
close access file filePath
end try
on error eMsg number eNum
close access file filePath
end try
if eNum is -128 then error eMsg number eNum -- User cancelled
error "writeToDisk(): " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end writeToDisk
on archiveIfLargeEnough()
-- Limit how many times the file size is checked
if my MESSAGES_SINCE_LAST_SIZE_CHECK is greater than or equal to 100 then
if logSize() is greater than or equal to my MAX_SIZE then return archive()
end if
return false
end archiveIfLargeEnough
on archive()
-- Compose a message to inform of archival
set turnOverMessage to "Log file turned over"
-- Add info to current log file
logMessage(turnOverMessage, false, true, true)
-- Archive log file
do shell script "/usr/bin/bzip2 -fk " & quotedPosixPath()
-- Delete oldest archive
set archivePathPrefix to parentFolderPath() & fileName() & "."
set oldestArchivePath to archivePathPrefix & stringForArchiveNumber(my MAX_ARCHIVE_COUNT) & ".bz2"
-- Rename archives (0.bz2 to 1.bz2, 1.bz2 to 2.bz2, etc.)
set archiveNumber to ((my MAX_ARCHIVE_COUNT) - 1)
set archivePath to archivePathPrefix & stringForArchiveNumber(archiveNumber) & ".bz2"
if fileExistsAtPath(archivePath) then
set newName to fileName() & "." & stringForArchiveNumber(archiveNumber + 1) & ".bz2"
renameFileAtHFSPath(archivePath, parentFolderPath(), newName)
end if
set archiveNumber to archiveNumber - 1
if archiveNumber < 0 then exit repeat
end repeat
-- Rename newest archive
set archivePath to archivePathPrefix & "bz2"
set newName to fileName() & "." & stringForArchiveNumber(0) & ".bz2"
renameFileAtHFSPath(archivePath, parentFolderPath(), newName)
return true
end archive
on stringForArchiveNumber(aNum)
return pad(aNum as text, count of (my MAX_ARCHIVE_COUNT as text), "0")
end stringForArchiveNumber
on logSize()
set fileSize to size of (info for file hfsPath())
return fileSize
on error
return 0
end try
end logSize
on hfsPath()
return my LOG_FILE_PATH
end hfsPath
on quotedPosixPath()
return quoted form of (POSIX path of hfsPath())
end quotedPosixPath
on fileName()
return my LOG_FILE_NAME
end fileName
on parentFolderPath()
end parentFolderPath
on timeStamp()
-- Set the date
set aDate to current date
-- No need to generate time stamp again; simply return the cached one
if (my LAST_MESSAGE_DATE) is aDate then return (my LAST_TIME_STAMP)
-- Get the month and day as integer
set m to month of aDate as integer
set d to day of aDate
-- Get the year
set y to year of aDate as text
-- Get the seconds since midnight
set theTime to (time of aDate)
-- Get hours, minutes, and seconds
set h to theTime div (60 * 60)
set min to theTime mod (60 * 60) div 60
set s to theTime mod 60
-- Zeropad month value
set m to m as text
if (count of m) is less than 2 then set m to "0" & m
-- Zeropad day value
set d to d as text
if (count of d) is less than 2 then set d to "0" & d
-- Zeropad hours value
set h to h as text
if (count of h) is less than 2 then set h to "0" & h
-- Zeropad minutes value
set min to min as text
if (count of min) is less than 2 then set min to "0" & min
-- Zeropad seconds value
set s to s as text
if (count of s) is less than 2 then set s to "0" & s
set theTimeStamp to y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & min & ":" & s
set my LAST_MESSAGE_DATE to aDate
set my LAST_TIME_STAMP to theTimeStamp
return theTimeStamp
end timeStamp
on fileExistsAtPath(aPath)
-- Convert path to HFS style
set aPath to convertToHFSPath(aPath)
-- Get info for this file
set fileInfo to info for file aPath
on error eMsg number eNum
return false
end try
-- This is a folder!
if folder of fileInfo then return false
return true
end fileExistsAtPath
on deleteFileAtPath(aPath)
set aPath to convertToHFSPath(aPath)
-- Abort, if file does not exist
if fileExistsAtPath(aPath) is false then return
-- Give System Events a chance to delete the file
with timeout of 3 seconds
tell application "System Events" to delete file aPath
end timeout
on error
if fileExistsAtPath(aPath) then
do shell script "/bin/rm -f " & quoted form of (POSIX path of aPath)
if fileExistsAtPath(aPath) then error "Could not delete file at path " & POSIX path of aPath
end if
end try
end deleteFileAtPath
on renameFileAtHFSPath(hfsPath, hfsParentPath, newName)
if hfsParentPath does not end with ":" then set hfsParentPath to hfsParentPath & ":"
tell application "System Events"
set name of file hfsPath to newName
end tell
on error eMsg number eNum
do shell script "/bin/mv " & quoted form of (POSIX path of hfsPath) & " " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (hfsParentPath & newName))
end try
end renameFileAtHFSPath
on convertToHFSPath(filePath)
Convert any non-relative path to an HFS path. Tilde in POSIX paths is allowed
-- Expand tilde in filePath
if filePath starts with "~" then
-- Get the path to the user’s home folder
set userPath to POSIX path of (path to home folder)
-- Remove trailing slash
if userPath ends with "/" then set userPath to text 1 thru -2 of userPath as text
if filePath is "~" then
set filePath to userPath
set filePath to userPath & text 2 thru -1 of filePath as text
end if
end if
-- Exclude strings that neither have a colon or slash
if filePath does not contain ":" and filePath does not contain "/" then
error "convertToHFSPath(\"" & filePath & "\"): Invalid path"
end if
-- Exclude strings that have a slash put do not start with one; relative paths are not handled
if filePath contains "/" and filePath does not start with "/" then
error "convertToHFSPath(\"" & filePath & "\"): Invalid path"
end if
-- Convert to HFS style path if necessary
if filePath does not contain ":" then
set filePath to (POSIX file filePath) as text
end if
return filePath
end convertToHFSPath
on pad(aText, newWidth, aPrefix)
-- Pad text to new width
repeat newWidth - (count of aText) times
set aText to aPrefix & aText
end repeat
return aText
end pad
end script
tell ANLogManager to initWithPath(logFilePath)
return ANLogManager
end newLogManager
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