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QueueingConsumer extended with the CoDel algorithm
// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
// Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
// at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
// the License for the specific language governing rights and
// limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
// Copyright (c) 2012-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.rabbitmq.client;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties;
import com.rabbitmq.utility.Utility;
public class QueueingConsumerCoDel extends DefaultConsumer {
public static final long DEFAULT_TARGET_DELAY_MS = 200;
public static final long DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS = 20;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_REQUEUE = true;
// Marker object used to signal the queue is in shutdown mode.
// It is only there to wake up consumers. The canonical representation
// of shutting down is the presence of _shutdown.
// Invariant: This is never on _queue unless _shutdown != null.
private static final Delivery POISON = new Delivery(null, null, null);
private static final Delivery NULL_DELIVERY = new Delivery(null, null, null);
private final BlockingQueue<Delivery> _queue;
// When this is non-null the queue is in shutdown mode and nextDelivery
// should
// throw a shutdown signal exception.
private volatile ShutdownSignalException _shutdown;
private volatile ConsumerCancelledException _cancelled;
private long _firstAboveTime = 0;
private long _dropNextAt = 0;
private long _dropCount = 0;
private boolean _dropping = false;
private final Channel _chan;
private final boolean _requeue;
private final long _targetDelay;
private final long _interval;
public QueueingConsumerCoDel(Channel ch) {
this(ch, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Delivery>(), DEFAULT_REQUEUE,
public QueueingConsumerCoDel(Channel ch, boolean requeue) {
this(ch, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Delivery>(), requeue,
public QueueingConsumerCoDel(Channel ch, boolean requeue, long targetDelay,
long interval) {
this(ch, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Delivery>(), requeue, targetDelay,
public QueueingConsumerCoDel(Channel ch, BlockingQueue<Delivery> q) {
public QueueingConsumerCoDel(Channel ch, BlockingQueue<Delivery> q,
boolean requeue, long targetDelay, long interval) {
_queue = q;
_chan = ch;
_requeue = requeue;
_targetDelay = targetDelay;
_interval = interval;
public void handleShutdownSignal(String consumerTag,
ShutdownSignalException sig) {
_shutdown = sig;
public void handleCancel(String consumerTag) throws IOException {
_cancelled = new ConsumerCancelledException();
public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope,
AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
this._queue.add(new Delivery(envelope, properties, body));
* Check if we are in shutdown mode and if so throw an exception.
private void checkShutdown() {
if (_shutdown != null)
throw Utility.fixStackTrace(_shutdown);
* If delivery is not POISON nor null, return it.
* <p/>
* If delivery, _shutdown and _cancelled are all null, return null.
* <p/>
* If delivery is POISON re-insert POISON into the queue and throw an
* exception if POISONed for no reason.
* <p/>
* Otherwise, if we are in shutdown mode or cancelled, throw a corresponding
* exception.
private Delivery handle(Delivery delivery) {
if (delivery == POISON || delivery == null
&& (_shutdown != null || _cancelled != null)) {
if (delivery == POISON) {
if (_shutdown == null && _cancelled == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"POISON in queue, but null _shutdown and null _cancelled. "
+ "This should never happen, please report as a BUG");
if (null != _shutdown)
throw Utility.fixStackTrace(_shutdown);
if (null != _cancelled)
throw Utility.fixStackTrace(_cancelled);
return delivery;
* Main application-side API: wait for the next message delivery and return
* it.
* @return the next message
* @throws InterruptedException
* if an interrupt is received while waiting
* @throws ShutdownSignalException
* if the connection is shut down while waiting
* @throws IOException
* if an IOException gets thrown
public Delivery nextDelivery() throws InterruptedException,
ShutdownSignalException, ConsumerCancelledException, IOException {
Delivery d = dequeue(false);
while (true) {
if (d == NULL_DELIVERY) {
_dropping = false;
if (_dropping) {
if (!d.dropable) {
_dropping = false;
} else if (d.dequeuedAt >= _dropNextAt) {
while (d.dequeuedAt >= _dropNextAt && _dropping) {
false, _requeue);
d = dequeue(false);
if (!d.dropable) {
_dropping = false;
} else {
_dropNextAt += controlLaw();
} else if (d.dropable
&& ((d.dequeuedAt - _dropNextAt < _interval) || (d.dequeuedAt
- _firstAboveTime >= _interval))) {
_chan.basicNack(d.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false,
_dropping = true;
if (d.dequeuedAt - _dropNextAt < _interval) {
_dropCount = _dropCount > 2 ? _dropCount - 2 : 1;
} else {
_dropCount = 1;
_dropNextAt = d.dequeuedAt + controlLaw();
if (d == NULL_DELIVERY) {
d = dequeue(true);
} else {
return d;
private long controlLaw() {
return (long) (_interval / Math.sqrt(_dropCount));
private Delivery dequeue(boolean block) throws InterruptedException {
Delivery d;
if (block) {
d = _queue.take();
} else {
d = _queue.poll();
d = handle(d);
if (d == null) {
_firstAboveTime = 0;
} else {
if (d.sojournTime < _targetDelay) {
_firstAboveTime = 0;
} else {
if (_firstAboveTime == 0) {
_firstAboveTime = d.dequeuedAt + _interval;
} else if (d.dequeuedAt >= _firstAboveTime) {
d.dropable = true;
return d;
public static class Delivery {
private final Envelope _envelope;
private final AMQP.BasicProperties _properties;
private final byte[] _body;
private long enqueuedAt;
private boolean dropable = false;
public long sojournTime = 0;
public long dequeuedAt = 0;
public Delivery(Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties,
byte[] body) {
_envelope = envelope;
_properties = properties;
_body = body;
enqueuedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
private void dequeued() {
dequeuedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
sojournTime = dequeuedAt - enqueuedAt;
* Retrieve the message envelope.
* @return the message envelope
public Envelope getEnvelope() {
return _envelope;
* Retrieve the message properties.
* @return the message properties
public BasicProperties getProperties() {
return _properties;
* Retrieve the message body.
* @return the message body
public byte[] getBody() {
return _body;
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