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Last active December 10, 2015 09:49
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TSP GAopt - in progress...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;
namespace tsp
class Program
static Random r = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
List<City> cities = ReadCities();
List<City> A = Clone(cities); //cities = Shuffle(cities);
List<City> B = Clone(cities);
ReadAnswers(ref A, ref B);
Gene a = new Gene(A);
Gene b = new Gene(B);
//GeneticsLinear(a, b);
GeneticsGapSwap(a, b);
Console.WriteLine("Starting fitness: " + + " : " +;
static void GeneticsLinear(Gene A, Gene B)
bool finished = false; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { Console.ReadLine(); finished = true; })).Start();
while (!finished)
bool wait_a = true;
bool wait_b = true;
LinearFlips(A, (gene) => { A = gene; wait_a = false; });
LinearFlips(B, (gene) => { B = gene; wait_b = false; });
while (wait_a || wait_b) Thread.SpinWait(5);
Diverge(ref A, ref B);
Save(A, B);
static void GeneticsGapSwap(Gene A, Gene B)
bool finished = false; new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { Console.ReadLine(); finished = true; })).Start();
while (!finished)
bool wait_a = true;
bool wait_b = true;
GapSwap(A, (gene) => { A = gene; wait_a = false; });
GapSwap(B, (gene) => { B = gene; wait_b = false; });
while (wait_a || wait_b) Thread.Sleep(1000);
Diverge(ref A, ref B);
Save(A, B);
A.Draw().Save("a" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary() + ".png");
B.Draw().Save("b" + DateTime.Now.ToBinary() + ".png");
static void LinearFlips(Gene gene, Action<Gene> callback)
new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
for (int e = 0; e < gene.edges.Count; e++)
Gene mutant = gene.Mutate(e);
if ( <
gene = mutant;
Console.WriteLine( + "(" + e + "/" + gene.edges.Count + ")");
//e -= 2;
//if (e < -1) e = -1;
e = -1;
static void GapSwap(Gene gene, Action<Gene> callback)
int threads_per_gene = 3;
List<bool> thread_waits = new List<bool>();
for (int t = 0; t < threads_per_gene; t++)
int wait_indie = t;
int lower = (gene.edges.Count / threads_per_gene) * t;
int upper = ((gene.edges.Count / threads_per_gene) * (t + 1)) - 2; // -2 is the safety zone so two edges arent in the same allocation
if (threads_per_gene == 1) { lower = 0; upper = gene.edges.Count; }
new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
for (int rounds = 0; rounds < 10; rounds++)
for (int e = lower; e < upper; e++)
for (int e2 = e + 3; e2 < upper; e2++)
if (gene.Mutate(e, e2))
Console.WriteLine( + "(" + e + "/" + e2 + ")");
e = lower;
e2 = e + 3;
thread_waits[wait_indie] = false;
for (int w = 0; w < thread_waits.Count; w++)
if (thread_waits[w])
w = -1;
static void Diverge(ref Gene A, ref Gene B)
bool recheck = true;
while (recheck)
recheck = false;
Dictionary<String, Edge> hA = ToDictionary(A.edges);
Dictionary<String, Edge> hB = ToDictionary(B.edges);
for (int a = 0; a < A.edges.Count; a++)
if (a % 1000 == 0) Console.Write("-");
if (hB.ContainsKey(A.edges[a].HASH()))
for (int b = 0; b < B.edges.Count; b++)
if (A.edges[a].GetHashCode() == B.edges[b].GetHashCode())
recheck = true;
if (b < B.edges.Count / 2) B.Mutate(b, r.Next(B.edges.Count / 2, B.edges.Count), true);
else B.Mutate(r.Next(0, B.edges.Count / 2), b, true);
//if (b + 1 < B.edges.Count) B = B.Mutate(b + 1);
//b -= 2;
//if (b < -1)
b = -1;
hB = ToDictionary(B.edges);
static Dictionary<String, Edge> ToDictionary(List<Edge> list)
Dictionary<String, Edge> h = new Dictionary<String, Edge>();
for (int l = 0; l < list.Count; l++) h.Add(list[l].HASH(), list[l]);
return h;
static List<City> ReadCities()
List<City> cities = new List<City>();
using (FileStream fs = File.Open("data/santa_cities.csv", FileMode.Open))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
sr.ReadLine(); // ignore header
while (!sr.EndOfStream) cities.Add(new City(sr.ReadLine()));
return cities;
static void ReadAnswers(ref List<City> A, ref List<City> B)
using (FileStream fs = File.Open("answer.csv", FileMode.Open))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
Console.WriteLine("Building answers from file");
sr.ReadLine(); // ignore header
int true_index = 0;
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
if (true_index % 10000 == 0) Console.Write(true_index + "-");
String[] aANDb = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
int a_id = int.Parse(aANDb[0]);
int b_id = int.Parse(aANDb[1]);
for (int a = 0; a < A.Count; a++)
if (A[a].id == a_id)
City register = A[true_index];
A[true_index] = A[a];
A[a] = register;
for (int b = 0; b < B.Count; b++)
if (B[b].id == b_id)
City register = B[true_index];
B[true_index] = B[b];
B[b] = register;
static List<City> Clone(List<City> ToClone)
List<City> clone = new List<City>();
clone.AddRange(ToClone.GetRange(0, ToClone.Count));
return clone;
static List<City> Shuffle(List<City> shuff)
for (int s = 0; s < shuff.Count; s++)
int random = r.Next(shuff.Count);
City register = shuff[s];
shuff[s] = shuff[random];
shuff[random] = register;
return shuff;
static void Save(Gene a, Gene b)
Console.WriteLine("Building answer");
if (File.Exists("answer.csv")) File.Delete("answer.csv");
using (FileStream fs = File.Create("answer.csv"))
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs))
sw.WriteLine("path1,path2,(fit:" + + ":" + + ")");
sw.WriteLine(a.edges[0] + "," + b.edges[0];
sw.WriteLine(a.edges[0] + "," + b.edges[0];
for (int e = 1; e < a.edges.Count; e++) sw.WriteLine(a.edges[e] + "," + b.edges[e];
class Gene
static Random r = new Random();
public List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>();
public double fitness;
private Gene(){}
public Gene(List<City> Cities)
fitness = 0;
edges = GetEdges(Cities);
for (int e = 0; e < edges.Count; e++) fitness += edges[e].distance;
public Gene Mutate()
return Mutate(r.Next(0, edges.Count));
public Gene Mutate(int Mutation_Point)
Gene mutant = Clone(this);
Edge left = (Mutation_Point - 1 >= 0 ? mutant.edges[Mutation_Point - 1] : null);
Edge apex = mutant.edges[Mutation_Point];
Edge right = (Mutation_Point + 1 < mutant.edges.Count ? mutant.edges[Mutation_Point + 1] : null);
if (left != null) -= left.distance; -= apex.distance;
if (right != null) -= right.distance;
if (left != null) left = new Edge(left.a, apex.b);
apex = new Edge(apex.b, apex.a);
if (right != null) right = new Edge(apex.b, right.b);
if (left != null) mutant.edges[Mutation_Point - 1] = left;
mutant.edges[Mutation_Point] = apex;
if (right != null) mutant.edges[Mutation_Point + 1] = right;
if (left != null) += left.distance; += apex.distance;
if (right != null) += right.distance;
return mutant;
public bool Mutate(int Left, int Right, bool force = false)
if (Right - Left <= 1) throw new Exception("Attemping to switch an edge with itself, or left > right");
double old_fitness = 0;
old_fitness += edges[Right ].distance;
old_fitness += edges[Left ].distance;
old_fitness += edges[Left + 1].distance;
old_fitness += edges[Right - 1].distance;
Edge new_right = new Edge(edges[Left ].b, edges[Right ].b);
Edge new_left = new Edge(edges[Left ].a, edges[Right ].a);
Edge new_left_plus_one = new Edge(edges[Right ].a, edges[Left + 1].b);
Edge new_right_minus_one = new Edge(edges[Right - 1].a, edges[Left ].b);
double new_fitness = 0;
new_fitness += new_right.distance;
new_fitness += new_left.distance;
new_fitness += new_left_plus_one.distance;
new_fitness += new_right_minus_one.distance;
if (new_fitness < old_fitness || force)
edges[Right ] = new_right;
edges[Left ] = new_left;
edges[Left + 1] = new_left_plus_one;
edges[Right - 1] = new_right_minus_one;
fitness -= old_fitness;
fitness += new_fitness;
return true;
return false;
public List<Edge> GetEdges(List<City> path)
List<Edge> e = new List<Edge>();
for (int p = 0; p < path.Count - 1; p++) e.Add(new Edge(path[p], path[p + 1]));
return e;
private static Gene Clone(Gene ToClone)
Gene clone = new Gene(); =;
clone.edges.AddRange(ToClone.edges.GetRange(0, ToClone.edges.Count));
return clone;
public Bitmap Draw()
float width = 0; float height = 0;
for (int e = 0; e < edges.Count; e++)
float widest = (edges[e].a.x > edges[e].b.x ? edges[e].a.x : edges[e].b.x);
float heighest = (edges[e].a.y > edges[e].b.y ? edges[e].a.y : edges[e].b.y);
width = (width > widest ? width : widest);
height = (height > heighest ? height : heighest);
Bitmap b = new Bitmap((int)width / 10, (int)height / 10);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
Pen p = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Black));
for (int e = 0; e < edges.Count; e++) g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, edges[e].a.x / 10, edges[e].a.y / 10, edges[e].b.x / 10, edges[e].b.y / 10);
return b;
class City
public int id;
public float x;
public float y;
public City(String Line)
String[] split = Line.Split(',');
id = int.Parse(split[0]);
x = float.Parse(split[1]);
y = float.Parse(split[2]);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return id == ((City)obj).id;
class Edge
public City a;
public City b;
public double distance;
public Edge(City A, City B)
a = A;
b = B;
distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + Math.Pow(a.y - b.y, 2));
public override int GetHashCode()
if ( > return ( + "-" +;
else return ( + "-" +;
public override string ToString()
return + "-" +;
public string HASH()
if ( > return ( + "-" +;
else return ( + "-" +;
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