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Last active March 30, 2017 16:00
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An Example Conversion Upload Script for a Google Sheet to upload conversions to AdStage

Example Custom Conversion Upload

This example script takes a Google Spreadsheet that is visible to anybody with the URL (example here:, downloads it, converts to AdStage conversion format, then uploads to the AdStage custom conversion endpoint (as documented here:

  1. To run this script, save this file as conversion_upload_script.rb
  2. Edit the variables
  1. Run the script:
/home/David/Downloads $ ruby conversion_upload_script.rb 
require 'csv'
require 'open-uri'
require 'json/ext'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
# This is AdStage's test organization, your id will be different:
# Just the number in the id you get back creating the Column:
# custom_conversions:14:conversions
# This is an example on AdStage's test organization, your id will be different:
# You can get the token from AdStage support:
# Note:
# We can only pull the first tab as a file from Google Sheets
# For this to work without requesting Google Drive access and making the script a lot more complicated,
# the sheet must be set with sharing settings: "visible to anyone with the link".
headers = {
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => "Bearer #{ADSTAGE_TOKEN}",
'Accept' => 'application/json'
# This takes a single line from the sheet and turns into the expected format for the
# custom conversions endpoint
def format_conversion(line, conversion_name = 'Conversion', conversion_value = 'Value')
entity_id = line['Entity ID']
timestamp = line['Date']
attribution = line.fetch(conversion_name, 0).to_f
ret = {timestamp: timestamp, attribution: {entity_id => attribution}}
ret[:value] = line['Value'].to_f if line['Value']
# This takes a Google Sheets CSV Export URL, downloads the CSV,
# turns rows into conversions via the #format_conversion function,
# And returns a blob of JSON format data to send to AdStage
def read_conversions(url)
output = []
dates = [], :headers => :first_row).each do |line|
dates << line.to_hash['Date']
output << format_conversion(line.to_hash)
dates ={|d| Time.parse(d) }
date_min = dates.min.strftime('%F')
date_max = dates.max.strftime('%F')
{conversions: output, date_range: "#{date_min}..#{date_max}"}.to_json
# Here's where we convert the sheets URL export CSV for easy parsing:
sheets_url = SHEETS_URL.split('#').first.gsub(/\/(edit|)(\?usp=sharing|)\/?$/, "/export?format=csv")
# Convert the conversions to JSON:
values = read_conversions(sheets_url)
# Output JSON so we can see what will be sent:
puts "Conversion data:"
puts "-----"
puts values
puts "-----"
conversion_url = "#{ADSTAGE_API}/organizations/#{ADSTAGE_ORG}/metric_descriptors/#{ADSTAGE_DESCRIPTOR_ID}/conversions"
uri = URI.parse(conversion_url)
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request =, headers)
request.body = values
puts "Uploading conversions to: #{conversion_url}"
puts "Result: " + http.request(request).inspect
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