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Slash Commands in Discord.js

Discord.js slash command support has been merged!

The discord.js interactions PR has been merged, and d.js master (v13 dev) now has proper support for slash commands!

Official resources:

For help with official slash command support, go to the Discord.js server and ask in #djs-master-branch.

If you are using client.api you should switch over to official support. The following legacy information is not recommended or supported for use.

Slash Commands in Discord.js

These are some simple examples for using Slash Commands in discord.js.
discord.js doesn't have full support for slash commands yet (there's a pr) but you can still use the underlying api and websocket to use them.
Note that discord.js doesn't officially support using client.api, this is basically just a workaround until they fully release support. Do not ask for help with client.api in the discord.js server.

Please read Discord's Slash Command docs since they have actual docs and details for slash commands; the code examples below are just how you can implement it using discord.js.

Note that slash commands won't show in a server unless that server has authorized it with the applications.commands oauth2 scope (not just the bot scope).

This does not require a discord.js update! It should work as long as you're using a modern version (anything v12 would probably work, obviously v12.5.1/latest is recommended)

Alternatively, you can manage commands and handle interactions with slash-create.

Registering a Command:

You only need to register each command one time. You might wanna use an eval command for this.

Alternatively, instead of using discord.js to create the command, you might want to use a UI tool such as Postman, or create them in your code with discord-slash-commands

Send a Command object

For help creating the command object json, try

if your application id and bot id are different, change to the application id

Global Commands

global commands show in all authorized servers, but take up to an hour to deploy.

client.api.applications({data: {
    name: 'ping',
    description: 'ping pong!'

Guild-specific commands

guild commands deploy immediately - use these for testing

client.api.applications('guild id'){data: {
    name: 'ping',
    description: 'ping pong!'

Receiving the Event

interaction is an Interaction object'INTERACTION_CREATE', async interaction => {
  // do stuff and respond here

Responding To An Interaction:

this goes inside the "receiving the event" block.
send an Interaction Response object

client.api.interactions(, interaction.token){data: {
  type: 4,
  data: {
    content: 'hello world!'

Sending a Followup Message

this also goes inside the "receiving the event" block.
see Webhook#send docs

new Discord.WebhookClient(, interaction.token).send('hello world')


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ghost commented May 16, 2021

oh thank you, well how do i make my bot send a message that only the user using the command can see? only you can see this message

Have you tried reading the comments or using Ctrl + F to find on page?

thank u

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I updated my code for my bot and I'm facing an issue where it shows duplicate slash commands. Anyone else facing this issue? I think it might be because of how discord stores cache. I'm not sure. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.

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I updated my code for my bot and I'm facing an issue where it shows duplicate slash commands. Anyone else facing this issue? I think it might be because of how discord stores cache. I'm not sure. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.

If you have guild and global commands it will show as two commands, even if they have the same options and name and description.

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Hey, attaching images to embeds that are sent back as a part of an interaction doesn't seem to working. Is this a limitation of slash commands as of now?

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it isn't, djs's master branch allows it. I'm not sure why we can't send it via advaith's method though.

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Hey, attaching images to embeds that are sent back as a part of an interaction doesn't seem to working. Is this a limitation of slash commands as of now?

I haven't had any luck with sending a picture file and referencing it from the embed either.

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I know I can send messages with the raw data, but how could I convert any object TextChannel#send accepts into an object that the Disord API would accept? How does TextChannel#send do it?

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how can I add multiple responses for each different slash command, it only replies the same 'hello world' to each slash command I add

Copy link'INTERACTION_CREATE', async interaction => {
client.api.interactions(, interaction.token){data: {
type: 4,
data: {
content: 'test'

when you do any / command it will send test how would I make it so I can have multiple / commands with different responses?

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This is amazing!!!

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How can I edit a sent user message using the slash command, as it is done using the standard /me command?

PATCH /webhooks/<application_id>/<interaction_token>/messages/@original sending me error "Unknown Webhooks"

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advaith1 commented Jul 5, 2021

@SHUSTRIK-Milan you cannot send messages from the user or edit messages sent by the user; /me is a built-in client-side command, not an application command

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@SHUSTRIK-Milan you cannot send messages from the user or edit messages sent by the user; /me is a built-in client-side command, not an application command

It is a pity, that there are no such function 😢

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FluffyDev1 commented Aug 6, 2021

Argument of type '"INTERACTION_CREATE"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'WSEventType'
Sadly this is a thing when using Typescript!


Import WSEventType from discord.js

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m3hari commented Aug 25, 2021

oh thank you, well how do i make my bot send a message that only the user using the command can see? only you can see this message

add flags:64 in the response
Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 15 30 09

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m3hari commented Aug 25, 2021

For me, typescript was complaining when using client.api . Here is how I respond to interaction (ephemeral) directly calling the webhook

await`${}/${interaction.token}/callback`, {
      json: { type: 4, data: { content: '"hello world ...", flags: 64 } }

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spifory commented Sep 7, 2021

Can you use the "Only visible to you" flag with a message embed?

you are able to do that in djs v13 using the emphermal thingy

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spifory commented Sep 7, 2021


@advaith i did the


and all i get is

Promise { <pending> }

but nothing turns up in the console, even my eval command nothing happens

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promise commented Sep 7, 2021


@.advaith i did the


and all i get is

Promise { <pending> }

but nothing turns up in the console, even my eval command nothing happens

hey @shamrockyt , you need to await the promise. You can do client.api.applications( to send it to the console. If you're in an async function then you can do const cmds = await client.api.applications(...

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spifory commented Sep 8, 2021


@.advaith i did the


and all i get is

Promise { <pending> }

but nothing turns up in the console, even my eval command nothing happens

hey @shamrockyt , you need to await the promise. You can do client.api.applications( to send it to the console. If you're in an async function then you can do const cmds = await client.api.applications(...

ohhhh @promise thank you by looking at the code it makes sense so thanks!

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Can you use the "Only visible to you" flag with a message embed?

@CRAFTIL yes you can do it now, just mark empheral as true

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