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Last active February 3, 2023 14:39
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  • Save advanceboy/e1f899108bd077e9ff4a9e3f7eaf3e48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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大量の nanaco ギフトを、 InternetExplorer を操作して自動で登録する PowerShell スクリプト
Automatic nanaco gift card registration tool PowerShell edition.
Set either 'CardNumber' or 'Password' parameter.
<CommonParameters> is not supported.
PS > $NanacoNumber = '0000000000000000';
PS > $Password = Read-Host pass;
PS > &.\Register-NanacoGiftAutomatic.ps1 .\mail-text.txt -NanacoNumber $NanacoNumber -Password $Password;
#Requires -Version 5
param (
# Text file whitch contains gift id url(s)
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName = "NanacoMobile")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ParameterSetName = "NanacoCard")]
# Nanaco number
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName = "NanacoMobile")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName = "NanacoCard")]
[ValidatePattern('^[0-9]{16}$', Options='IgnoreCase')]
# Card number for login as nanaco card member
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "NanacoCard")]
[ValidatePattern('^[0-9]{7}$', Options='IgnoreCase')]
# Password for login as nanaco mobile member
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "NanacoMobile")]
# The browser to be controlled by Selenium
# Need to download the WebDriver program to match the browser.
[ValidateSet(IgnoreCase=$false, 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Edge', 'Safari', 'Opera')]
$Browser = 'Chrome',
# To treats the text file specified on the GiftTextFile parameter as a list of Gift-IDs.
# Specifies the file encoding. The default is default installed code page.
$Encoding = $null
trap { break; }
# Validate Params
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CardNumber) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Password)) {
throw "Both parameter 'CardNumber' and parameter 'Password' can not be null.";
$GiftTextFile = (Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $GiftTextFile).Path;
# Resolve the "Encoding" Argument
if ($null -eq $Encoding) {
$bytes = New-Object byte[](3);
$fs = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($GiftTextFile);
try {
[void]$fs.Read($bytes, 0, 3);
} finally {
if ([System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($bytes + @(0), 0) -eq 0x00BFBBEF) {
$Encoding = 'UTF8';
} elseif ([System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($bytes[0..1] + @(0, 0), 0) -eq 0x0000FEFF) {
$Encoding = 'Unicode';
} elseif ([System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($bytes[0..1] + @(0, 0), 0) -eq 0x0000FFFE) {
$Encoding = 'BigEndianUnicode';
} elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [version]'6.0') {
# Uses the System.Text.Encoding.Default
$Encoding = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemCmdletProviderEncoding]::String;
} else {
# Uses the default encoding for MS-DOS and console programs by System.Management.Automation.EncodingConversion
$Encoding = 'OEM';
# load Selenium
$myDir = $PSScriptRoot;
Add-Type -Path "$myDir\WebDriver.dll";
# 1. Start Browser
$driver = New-Object "OpenQA.Selenium.$Browser.${Browser}Driver";
# Register
function Register-NanacoGift {
process {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($registerUrl)) {
throw 'No valid URL';
# Dump progresses.
$registerUrl -match '(?<=\?)gid=.{4}' > $null;
$maskedGid = $Matches[0] + '************';
Write-Host "Process: $maskedGid";
# 2. login
if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CardNumber)) {
# For nanaco card member
# put nanaco number
Start-Sleep -m 100;
# put card number
Start-Sleep -m 100;
# click login
} else {
# For nanaco mobile member
# put nanaco number
Start-Sleep -m 100;
# put password
Start-Sleep -m 100;
# click login
Start-Sleep -m 100;
# 3. click "nanacoギフト登録" of member menu
$anchor = $driver.FindElementsByTagName('a') | Where-Object {
$null -ne $_.Text -and $_.Text.Contains('nanacoギフト登録')
} | Select-Object -First 1;
if ($null -eq $anchor) {
throw 'no valid button (Probably the card number or the password is wrong)';
Start-Sleep 1;
# 4. click "ご利用約款に同意の上、登録"
$originalHwnd = $driver.CurrentWindowHandle;
$currentHwndList = [string[]]$driver.WindowHandles;
$anchorss = $driver.FindElementsByCssSelector('input[src*="/member/image/gift100/btn_400.gif"]') | Select-Object -First 1;
if ($null -eq $anchorss) {
throw 'no valid button';
Start-Sleep 1;
# 5. click "確認画面へ" button on gift registration form.
$driver.WindowHandles | ForEach-Object {
# switch to new window
if ($currentHwndList -notcontains $_) {
try {
Start-Sleep -m 100;
$anchorss = $driver.FindElementById('submit-button');
Start-Sleep 1;
# push "登録" button and close IE window
$anchorss = $driver.FindElementsByCssSelector('input[alt="登録する"]') | Select-Object -First 1;
if ($null -eq $anchorss) {
Write-Error 'no valid button (Probably the gift is already registered)';
} else {
Start-Sleep 1;
} finally {
# run
try {
if ($AsGiftIdList) {
# build URLs from nanaco gift-ids
$urlList = Get-Content $GiftTextFile -Encoding $Encoding | Where-Object { $_ -match '^[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}$'; } | ForEach-Object { "$_" };
} else {
# extracting URLs from the email text
$urlList = Get-Content $GiftTextFile -Encoding $Encoding | Where-Object { $_ -match 'https://www\.nanaco-net\.jp/pc/emServlet\?gid=[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}'; } | ForEach-Object { $Matches[0] };
$urlList | Register-NanacoGift;
} finally {
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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