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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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accumulators::SignedObservableType + hdf5
#include <alps/mc/mcbase.hpp>
#include <alps/mc/mpiadapter.hpp>
#include <alps/mc/api.hpp>
#include <alps/mc/stop_callback.hpp>
#include <alps/accumulators.hpp>
#include <alps/params.hpp>
class sim1 : public alps::mcbase {
sim1(parameters_type const & p, std::size_t seed_offset = 0):
alps::mcbase(p, seed_offset),
measurements <<
alps::accumulator::RealObservable("e1") <<
alps::accumulator::SignedRealObservable("e2") << // <- Here is the bug
// alps::accumulator::RealObservable("e2"); // This works
void update() { count++; }
void measure() {
measurements["e1"] << 1.0;
measurements["e2"] << 2*(count%2)-1;
measurements["Sign"] << 2*(count%2)-1;
double fraction_completed() const { return double (count/nsweeps); }
int nsweeps;
int count;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
boost::mpi::communicator comm;
alps::params p;
p["nsweeps"] = 100000;
alps::mcmpiadapter<sim1> sim (p,comm, alps::check_schedule(0.0000001, 60));;
alps::results_type<sim1>::type res = alps::collect_results(sim);
std::cout << res << std::endl;
if (!comm.rank()) {
alps::hdf5::archive ar ("save_test.h5", "w");
ar["/data"] << res; // segfault with SignedObservableType
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