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Last active December 21, 2015 22:19
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AWS command-line jq commands
# ec2 instance info
aws ec2 describe-instances | sed -e 's/"Key"/"key"/' -e 's/"Value"/"value"/' |jq -c '[.Reservations[].Instances[]|{PrivateIpAddress,PublicIpAddress, AZ: .Placement.AvailabilityZone, Name: (.Tags|from_entries|.Name)}]|sort_by(.Name)[]'
# ec2 instance info with filter
aws --profile us ec2 describe-instances --filters '[{"Name":"tag-key","Values":["Name"]}, {"Name":"tag-value","Values":["*agentserver*"]}]' | sed -e 's/"Key"/"key"/' -e 's/"Value"/"value"/' |jq -c '[.Reservations[].Instances[]|{PrivateIpAddress,PublicIpAddress, AZ: .Placement.AvailabilityZone, Name: (.Tags|from_entries|.Name)}]|sort_by(.Name)[]'
# ebs snapshot info
snapName="mysnapshot"; aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filter '{"name":"tag-key","values":"Name"}' --filter "{\"name\":\"tag-value\",\"values\":\"$snapName\"}" | jq -c '[.Snapshots[]|{VolumeId, SnapshotId, Description, StartTime}]|sort_by(.StartTime)[]'
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