Converts a latin character string into leetspeak.
140By7.35 15 4 7w337-51z3D, F0RK-70-PL4y, C0MMuN17y-CuR473D
C0LL3C710N 0F J4v45CR1P7. 60 70 7H3 M4573R 6157 P463, 4ND
CL1CK 7H3 Bu770N. 1. M0D1Fy 4LL 7H3 F1L35 70 4CC0RD1N6 70
7H3 RuL35 1N 7H3 6157. 2. 54v3 y0uR 3N7Ry 4ND 7w337 17 uP!
3. K33P 1N M1ND 7H47 7H4NK5 70 7H3 4w350M3 53N51B1L17135 0F
7H3 617HuB 734M, 61575 4R3 Ju57 R3P05. 50 F33L FR33 70 CL0N3
y0uR5 4ND w0RK L0C4LLy F0R 4 M0R3 C0MF0R74BL3 3Nv1R0NM3N7,
4ND 70 4LL0w C0MM17 M3554635.
See the site for a showcase of entries (built itself using 140-byte entries!), and follow @140bytes on Twitter.
To learn about byte-saving hacks for your own code, or to contribute what you've learned, head to the wiki. is brought to you by Jed Schmidt, with help from Alex Kloss. It was inspired by work from Thomas Fuchs and Dustin Diaz.
Since b is 0 (false-y) at the first call of the replace, we can't use it. ~b doesn't help either, because undefined gets coerced, too on this one.k Additionally, we can achieve IE compatibility using only 5bytes more, by replacing "4BCD3F6H1JKLMN0PQR57" with [4,,,,3,,6,,1,,,,,,,,,,5,7].
Update: We can use ++b and save 1 char:
function f(a,b){return++b?"4BCD3F6H1JKLMN0PQR57"[parseInt(a,36)-10]||a:a.replace(/./g,f)}