This method converts color values from hue-saturation-lightness (HSL) to it's red-green-blue representation.
Check out the demo!
Special thanks to tsaniel, Alex Kloss, subzey, Jed Schmidt, and maettig for there unbelievable magic and effort!
See the site for a showcase of entries (built itself using 140-byte entries!), and follow @140bytes on Twitter.
To learn about byte-saving hacks for your own code, or to contribute what you've learned, head to the wiki. is brought to you by Jed Schmidt, with help from Alex Kloss. It was inspired by work from Thomas Fuchs and Dustin Diaz.
To bad. My 116 bytes version returns bad colors when hue is exactly 1. This was not visible in the test.html script due to the behaviour of floating point numbers. I had to add 3 bytes to fix this. Now it's 119 bytes. The good thing is, now hue accepts every positive number without additional error checking. A version with basic error checking for all three arguments is 139 bytes.
Oh, and by the way, there is an error in your hsl(0..360, 0..100, 0..100) function. You mixed the value ranges for hue and luminance. I fixed it. This makes your version 136 bytes.
Here is the same hsl(0..360, 0..100, 0..100) function based on my version. This is 133 bytes.