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Forked from arturh/LICENSE.txt
Created May 24, 2011 14:20
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function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g){for(g=c=e="";(d=a.charCodeAt(g))&&(c+=/.{8}$/(1e7+d.toString(2))),f=c.substr(g++*6,6);)e+=b[parseInt(f,2)];return e}
is 140bytes

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jed commented May 24, 2011

Nice work, gentlemen! The final entry needs to be forked from the master gist.

(Also, not to rain on anything, but that RegExp call isn't going to work in IE...)

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arturh commented May 24, 2011

Here's me again in my rule bending mode: The only real JavaScript (per trademark) is Mozilla's. IE is JScript/Ecmascript, not Javascript. So the regex is ok.

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aemkei commented May 24, 2011

Okay, cool!

I moved the code to

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