- LG 27UD69P-4k
- expecting 2.0 1080p worst case
- Crystal Series case 570X RGB
- Silent Loop 360 water cooler
- 750W Straight Power 11
- Ryzen Threadripper 1920X
- X399 Aorus Gaming 7 mobo
- 16GB 3000MHz XPG Dazzle CL16
- Radeon RX 560 EVO
- Samsung SSD 250 960 EVO M.2
- Solus Budgie is cool
- Elixir works with asdf, erlang through eopkg initially
- Wayland transition sounds scary and basically invalidates all the stuff below
figure out how to use apple keyboard/hhkb
macbook keyboard layout is broken, tilde is misplaced, english macintosh input source is wrong as well (tilde inputs §), probably needs something like polish macbook 😂
hhkb uknown yet, investigate dipswitches
pl chars ...
remap stuff so cmd/super works just like in mac for most applications
- requires per "window id" settings
- people just go with ctrl everywhere, but that does not make sense
- submit xbindskeys package to solus upstream
- gnome-terminal allows nice keybindings setup, cmd+c/cmd+v work as they should
- maybe don't go with xbindskeys but read from /dev/input directly (elixir?)
- xbindkeys/xdotool seem to work, proof of concept:
# .xbindkeysrc
"/home/hq1/script.sh Mod4_t"
Mod4 + t
"/home/hq1/script.sh Mod4_l"
Mod4 + l
# script.sh
W=`xdotool getactivewindow`
S1=`xprop -id ${W} | awk -F '"' '/WM_CLASS/{print $4}'`
echo "Combo $1 on window $W '$S1'" >> /tmp/log.txt
echo "Trying ${HANDLER}" >> /tmp/log.txt
if [[ -x $HANDLER ]]
echo "Executable found" >> /tmp/log.txt
echo "No handler found" >> /tmp/log.txt
# Firefox_Mod4_l.remap
xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window $1 F6
xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window $1 Ctrl+a
- wrap this with a nice interface
- add xbindkeys to xprofile
- disable whatever gnome/budgie binds to Super by default, otherwise Super_L doesn't register properly on first attempt
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key ''
- Find a way to provision default gtk3/budgie/whatever keybindings programatically.
- Remap caps to ctrl programatically (or use HHKB and fuck it)
- dconf has some strings but dconf-editor complains about orphaned values (no keys)
~/.config/dconf $ strings user | grep "Super"
grep: warning: GREP_OPTIONS is deprecated; please use an alias or script
- see if flameshot can properly put stuff into xclip
- don't get discouraged, muh freedom is worth it 😂
- replace pocket with wallabag
- put wallabag on kobo - https://gitlab.com/anarcat/wallabako/
- come up with a good name for home PC (bsb = blood starved beast, krul), set up dynamic dns on digitalocean to reach from the outside (TM)
- self hosted whatsmyip: https://mtod.org/ip
- crontab to update dyn dns entries
- make {pc}.mtod.org with some cool public stats/uptime
- standalone whatsapp/signal - gnome web displays properly but fucks up hidpi when turned into an "app"
- not critical, pinned tabs are okay.jpg
- standalone slack - should be good to go with solus 3rd party
- teamviewer - bogus info on solus 3rd party, TV changed their URLs, submit package fix upstream
- budgie/gtk - seems fine so far (on a macbook)
- Install lineage with no google apps
- separate linux dotfiles repo, including .config