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Created August 29, 2023 12:40
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DiffEditorMove Test
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
const tokenGroupToScopesMap = {
comments: ['comment', 'punctuation.definition.comment'],
strings: ['string', 'meta.embedded.assembly'],
keywords: ['keyword - keyword.operator', 'keyword.control', 'storage', 'storage.type'],
numbers: ['constant.numeric'],
types: ['', '', 'support.type', 'support.class'],
functions: ['', 'support.function'],
variables: ['variable', '']
function hexUpper(charCode: CharCode): number {
if (charCode >= CharCode.Digit0 && charCode <= CharCode.Digit9 || charCode >= CharCode.A && charCode <= CharCode.F) {
return charCode;
} else if (charCode >= CharCode.a && charCode <= CharCode.f) {
return charCode - CharCode.a + CharCode.A;
return 0;
function isSemanticTokenColorizationSetting(style: any): style is ISemanticTokenColorizationSetting {
return style && (types.isString(style.foreground) || types.isString(style.fontStyle) || types.isBoolean(style.italic)
|| types.isBoolean(style.underline) || types.isBoolean(style.strikethrough) || types.isBoolean(style.bold));
import * as nls from 'vs/nls';
import * as types from 'vs/base/common/types';
import * as resources from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { getParseErrorMessage } from 'vs/base/common/jsonErrorMessages';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { parse as parsePList } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/common/plistParser';
import { StorageScope, IStorageService, StorageTarget } from 'vs/platform/storage/common/storage';
import { ThemeConfiguration } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/common/themeConfiguration';
import { ColorScheme } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/theme';
import { basename } from 'vs/base/common/path';
import * as Json from 'vs/base/common/json';
import { Color } from 'vs/base/common/color';
import { ExtensionData, ITokenColorCustomizations, ITextMateThemingRule, IWorkbenchColorTheme, IColorMap, IThemeExtensionPoint, VS_LIGHT_THEME, VS_HC_THEME, IColorCustomizations, ISemanticTokenRules, ISemanticTokenColorizationSetting, ISemanticTokenColorCustomizations, IThemeScopableCustomizations, IThemeScopedCustomizations, THEME_SCOPE_CLOSE_PAREN, THEME_SCOPE_OPEN_PAREN, themeScopeRegex, THEME_SCOPE_WILDCARD, VS_HC_LIGHT_THEME } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/common/workbenchThemeService';
import { convertSettings } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/common/themeCompatibility';
import { Extensions as ColorRegistryExtensions, IColorRegistry, ColorIdentifier, editorBackground, editorForeground } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/colorRegistry';
import { ITokenStyle, getThemeTypeSelector } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/themeService';
import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform';
import { TokenStyle, SemanticTokenRule, ProbeScope, getTokenClassificationRegistry, TokenStyleValue, TokenStyleData, parseClassifierString } from 'vs/platform/theme/common/tokenClassificationRegistry';
import { MatcherWithPriority, Matcher, createMatchers } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/common/textMateScopeMatcher';
import { IExtensionResourceLoaderService } from 'vs/platform/extensionResourceLoader/common/extensionResourceLoader';
import { CharCode } from 'vs/base/common/charCode';
const colorRegistry =<IColorRegistry>(ColorRegistryExtensions.ColorContribution);
const tokenClassificationRegistry = getTokenClassificationRegistry();
export type TokenStyleDefinition = SemanticTokenRule | ProbeScope[] | TokenStyleValue;
export type TokenStyleDefinitions = { [P in keyof TokenStyleData]?: TokenStyleDefinition | undefined };
export type TextMateThemingRuleDefinitions = { [P in keyof TokenStyleData]?: ITextMateThemingRule | undefined; } & { scope?: ProbeScope };
export class ColorThemeData implements IWorkbenchColorTheme {
static readonly STORAGE_KEY = 'colorThemeData';
id: string;
label: string;
settingsId: string;
description?: string;
isLoaded: boolean;
location?: URI; // only set for extension from the registry, not for themes restored from the storage
watch?: boolean;
extensionData?: ExtensionData;
private themeTokenScopeMatchers: Matcher<ProbeScope>[] | undefined;
private customTokenScopeMatchers: Matcher<ProbeScope>[] | undefined;
private textMateThemingRules: ITextMateThemingRule[] | undefined = undefined; // created on demand
private tokenColorIndex: TokenColorIndex | undefined = undefined; // created on demand
private themeSemanticHighlighting: boolean | undefined;
private customSemanticHighlighting: boolean | undefined;
private customSemanticHighlightingDeprecated: boolean | undefined;
private themeTokenColors: ITextMateThemingRule[] = [];
private customTokenColors: ITextMateThemingRule[] = [];
private colorMap: IColorMap = {};
private customColorMap: IColorMap = {};
private semanticTokenRules: SemanticTokenRule[] = [];
private customSemanticTokenRules: SemanticTokenRule[] = [];
private constructor(id: string, label: string, settingsId: string) { = id;
this.label = label;
this.settingsId = settingsId;
this.isLoaded = false;
get semanticHighlighting(): boolean {
if (this.customSemanticHighlighting !== undefined) {
return this.customSemanticHighlighting;
if (this.customSemanticHighlightingDeprecated !== undefined) {
return this.customSemanticHighlightingDeprecated;
return !!this.themeSemanticHighlighting;
public getColor(colorId: ColorIdentifier, useDefault?: boolean): Color | undefined {
let color: Color | undefined = this.customColorMap[colorId];
if (color) {
return color;
color = this.colorMap[colorId];
if (useDefault !== false && types.isUndefined(color)) {
color = this.getDefault(colorId);
return color;
get tokenColors(): ITextMateThemingRule[] {
if (!this.textMateThemingRules) {
const result: ITextMateThemingRule[] = [];
// the default rule (scope empty) is always the first rule. Ignore all other default rules.
const foreground = this.getColor(editorForeground) || this.getDefault(editorForeground)!;
const background = this.getColor(editorBackground) || this.getDefault(editorBackground)!;
settings: {
foreground: normalizeColor(foreground),
background: normalizeColor(background)
let hasDefaultTokens = false;
function addRule(rule: ITextMateThemingRule) {
if (rule.scope && rule.settings) {
if (rule.scope === '') {
hasDefaultTokens = true;
result.push({ scope: rule.scope, settings: { foreground: normalizeColor(rule.settings.foreground), background: normalizeColor(rule.settings.background), fontStyle: rule.settings.fontStyle } });
// Add the custom colors after the theme colors
// so that they will override them
if (!hasDefaultTokens) {
this.textMateThemingRules = result;
return this.textMateThemingRules;
private getTokenStyle(type: string, modifiers: string[], language: string, useDefault = true, definitions: TokenStyleDefinitions = {}): TokenStyle | undefined {
const result: any = {
foreground: undefined,
bold: undefined,
underline: undefined,
strikethrough: undefined,
italic: undefined
const score = {
foreground: -1,
bold: -1,
underline: -1,
strikethrough: -1,
italic: -1
function _processStyle(matchScore: number, style: TokenStyle, definition: TokenStyleDefinition) {
if (style.foreground && score.foreground <= matchScore) {
score.foreground = matchScore;
result.foreground = style.foreground;
definitions.foreground = definition;
for (const p of ['bold', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'italic']) {
const property = p as keyof TokenStyle;
const info = style[property];
if (info !== undefined) {
if (score[property] <= matchScore) {
score[property] = matchScore;
result[property] = info;
definitions[property] = definition;
function _processSemanticTokenRule(rule: SemanticTokenRule) {
const matchScore = rule.selector.match(type, modifiers, language);
if (matchScore >= 0) {
_processStyle(matchScore,, rule);
let hasUndefinedStyleProperty = false;
for (const k in score) {
const key = k as keyof TokenStyle;
if (score[key] === -1) {
hasUndefinedStyleProperty = true;
} else {
score[key] = Number.MAX_VALUE; // set it to the max, so it won't be replaced by a default
if (hasUndefinedStyleProperty) {
for (const rule of tokenClassificationRegistry.getTokenStylingDefaultRules()) {
const matchScore = rule.selector.match(type, modifiers, language);
if (matchScore >= 0) {
let style: TokenStyle | undefined;
if (rule.defaults.scopesToProbe) {
style = this.resolveScopes(rule.defaults.scopesToProbe);
if (style) {
_processStyle(matchScore, style, rule.defaults.scopesToProbe);
if (!style && useDefault !== false) {
const tokenStyleValue = rule.defaults[this.type];
style = this.resolveTokenStyleValue(tokenStyleValue);
if (style) {
_processStyle(matchScore, style, tokenStyleValue!);
return TokenStyle.fromData(result);
* @param tokenStyleValue Resolve a tokenStyleValue in the context of a theme
public resolveTokenStyleValue(tokenStyleValue: TokenStyleValue | undefined): TokenStyle | undefined {
if (tokenStyleValue === undefined) {
return undefined;
} else if (typeof tokenStyleValue === 'string') {
const { type, modifiers, language } = parseClassifierString(tokenStyleValue, '');
return this.getTokenStyle(type, modifiers, language);
} else if (typeof tokenStyleValue === 'object') {
return tokenStyleValue;
return undefined;
private getTokenColorIndex(): TokenColorIndex {
// collect all colors that tokens can have
if (!this.tokenColorIndex) {
const index = new TokenColorIndex();
this.tokenColors.forEach(rule => {
this.semanticTokenRules.forEach(r => index.add(;
tokenClassificationRegistry.getTokenStylingDefaultRules().forEach(r => {
const defaultColor = r.defaults[this.type];
if (defaultColor && typeof defaultColor === 'object') {
this.customSemanticTokenRules.forEach(r => index.add(;
this.tokenColorIndex = index;
return this.tokenColorIndex;
public get tokenColorMap(): string[] {
return this.getTokenColorIndex().asArray();
public getTokenStyleMetadata(typeWithLanguage: string, modifiers: string[], defaultLanguage: string, useDefault = true, definitions: TokenStyleDefinitions = {}): ITokenStyle | undefined {
const { type, language } = parseClassifierString(typeWithLanguage, defaultLanguage);
const style = this.getTokenStyle(type, modifiers, language, useDefault, definitions);
if (!style) {
return undefined;
return {
foreground: this.getTokenColorIndex().get(style.foreground),
bold: style.bold,
underline: style.underline,
strikethrough: style.strikethrough,
italic: style.italic,
public getTokenStylingRuleScope(rule: SemanticTokenRule): 'setting' | 'theme' | undefined {
if (this.customSemanticTokenRules.indexOf(rule) !== -1) {
return 'setting';
if (this.semanticTokenRules.indexOf(rule) !== -1) {
return 'theme';
return undefined;
public getDefault(colorId: ColorIdentifier): Color | undefined {
return colorRegistry.resolveDefaultColor(colorId, this);
public resolveScopes(scopes: ProbeScope[], definitions?: TextMateThemingRuleDefinitions): TokenStyle | undefined {
if (!this.themeTokenScopeMatchers) {
this.themeTokenScopeMatchers =;
if (!this.customTokenScopeMatchers) {
this.customTokenScopeMatchers =;
for (const scope of scopes) {
let foreground: string | undefined = undefined;
let fontStyle: string | undefined = undefined;
let foregroundScore = -1;
let fontStyleScore = -1;
let fontStyleThemingRule: ITextMateThemingRule | undefined = undefined;
let foregroundThemingRule: ITextMateThemingRule | undefined = undefined;
function findTokenStyleForScopeInScopes(scopeMatchers: Matcher<ProbeScope>[], themingRules: ITextMateThemingRule[]) {
for (let i = 0; i < scopeMatchers.length; i++) {
const score = scopeMatchers[i](scope);
if (score >= 0) {
const themingRule = themingRules[i];
const settings = themingRules[i].settings;
if (score >= foregroundScore && settings.foreground) {
foreground = settings.foreground;
foregroundScore = score;
foregroundThemingRule = themingRule;
if (score >= fontStyleScore && types.isString(settings.fontStyle)) {
fontStyle = settings.fontStyle;
fontStyleScore = score;
fontStyleThemingRule = themingRule;
findTokenStyleForScopeInScopes(this.themeTokenScopeMatchers, this.themeTokenColors);
findTokenStyleForScopeInScopes(this.customTokenScopeMatchers, this.customTokenColors);
if (foreground !== undefined || fontStyle !== undefined) {
if (definitions) {
definitions.foreground = foregroundThemingRule;
definitions.bold = definitions.italic = definitions.underline = definitions.strikethrough = fontStyleThemingRule;
definitions.scope = scope;
return TokenStyle.fromSettings(foreground, fontStyle);
return undefined;
public defines(colorId: ColorIdentifier): boolean {
return this.customColorMap.hasOwnProperty(colorId) || this.colorMap.hasOwnProperty(colorId);
public setCustomizations(settings: ThemeConfiguration) {
public setCustomColors(colors: IColorCustomizations) {
this.customColorMap = {};
const themeSpecificColors = this.getThemeSpecificColors(colors) as IColorCustomizations;
if (types.isObject(themeSpecificColors)) {
this.tokenColorIndex = undefined;
this.textMateThemingRules = undefined;
this.customTokenScopeMatchers = undefined;
private overwriteCustomColors(colors: IColorCustomizations) {
for (const id in colors) {
const colorVal = colors[id];
if (typeof colorVal === 'string') {
this.customColorMap[id] = Color.fromHex(colorVal);
public setCustomTokenColors(customTokenColors: ITokenColorCustomizations) {
this.customTokenColors = [];
this.customSemanticHighlightingDeprecated = undefined;
// first add the non-theme specific settings
// append theme specific settings. Last rules will win.
const themeSpecificTokenColors = this.getThemeSpecificColors(customTokenColors) as ITokenColorCustomizations;
if (types.isObject(themeSpecificTokenColors)) {
this.tokenColorIndex = undefined;
this.textMateThemingRules = undefined;
this.customTokenScopeMatchers = undefined;
public setCustomSemanticTokenColors(semanticTokenColors: ISemanticTokenColorCustomizations | undefined) {
this.customSemanticTokenRules = [];
this.customSemanticHighlighting = undefined;
if (semanticTokenColors) {
this.customSemanticHighlighting = semanticTokenColors.enabled;
if (semanticTokenColors.rules) {
const themeSpecificColors = this.getThemeSpecificColors(semanticTokenColors) as ISemanticTokenColorCustomizations;
if (types.isObject(themeSpecificColors)) {
if (themeSpecificColors.enabled !== undefined) {
this.customSemanticHighlighting = themeSpecificColors.enabled;
if (themeSpecificColors.rules) {
this.tokenColorIndex = undefined;
this.textMateThemingRules = undefined;
public isThemeScope(key: string): boolean {
return key.charAt(0) === THEME_SCOPE_OPEN_PAREN && key.charAt(key.length - 1) === THEME_SCOPE_CLOSE_PAREN;
public isThemeScopeMatch(themeId: string): boolean {
const themeIdFirstChar = themeId.charAt(0);
const themeIdLastChar = themeId.charAt(themeId.length - 1);
const themeIdPrefix = themeId.slice(0, -1);
const themeIdInfix = themeId.slice(1, -1);
const themeIdSuffix = themeId.slice(1);
return themeId === this.settingsId
|| (this.settingsId.includes(themeIdInfix) && themeIdFirstChar === THEME_SCOPE_WILDCARD && themeIdLastChar === THEME_SCOPE_WILDCARD)
|| (this.settingsId.startsWith(themeIdPrefix) && themeIdLastChar === THEME_SCOPE_WILDCARD)
|| (this.settingsId.endsWith(themeIdSuffix) && themeIdFirstChar === THEME_SCOPE_WILDCARD);
public getThemeSpecificColors(colors: IThemeScopableCustomizations): IThemeScopedCustomizations | undefined {
let themeSpecificColors;
for (const key in colors) {
const scopedColors = colors[key];
if (this.isThemeScope(key) && scopedColors instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(scopedColors)) {
const themeScopeList = key.match(themeScopeRegex) || [];
for (const themeScope of themeScopeList) {
const themeId = themeScope.substring(1, themeScope.length - 1);
if (this.isThemeScopeMatch(themeId)) {
if (!themeSpecificColors) {
themeSpecificColors = {} as IThemeScopedCustomizations;
const scopedThemeSpecificColors = scopedColors as IThemeScopedCustomizations;
for (const subkey in scopedThemeSpecificColors) {
const originalColors = themeSpecificColors[subkey];
const overrideColors = scopedThemeSpecificColors[subkey];
if (Array.isArray(originalColors) && Array.isArray(overrideColors)) {
themeSpecificColors[subkey] = originalColors.concat(overrideColors);
} else if (overrideColors) {
themeSpecificColors[subkey] = overrideColors;
return themeSpecificColors;
private readSemanticTokenRules(tokenStylingRuleSection: ISemanticTokenRules) {
for (const key in tokenStylingRuleSection) {
if (!this.isThemeScope(key)) { // still do this test until experimental settings are gone
try {
const rule = readSemanticTokenRule(key, tokenStylingRuleSection[key]);
if (rule) {
} catch (e) {
// invalid selector, ignore
private addCustomTokenColors(customTokenColors: ITokenColorCustomizations) {
// Put the general customizations such as comments, strings, etc. first so that
// they can be overridden by specific customizations like "string.interpolated"
for (const tokenGroup in tokenGroupToScopesMap) {
const group = <keyof typeof tokenGroupToScopesMap>tokenGroup; // TS doesn't type 'tokenGroup' properly
const value = customTokenColors[group];
if (value) {
const settings = typeof value === 'string' ? { foreground: value } : value;
const scopes = tokenGroupToScopesMap[group];
for (const scope of scopes) {
this.customTokenColors.push({ scope, settings });
// specific customizations
if (Array.isArray(customTokenColors.textMateRules)) {
for (const rule of customTokenColors.textMateRules) {
if (rule.scope && rule.settings) {
if (customTokenColors.semanticHighlighting !== undefined) {
this.customSemanticHighlightingDeprecated = customTokenColors.semanticHighlighting;
public ensureLoaded(extensionResourceLoaderService: IExtensionResourceLoaderService): Promise<void> {
return !this.isLoaded ? this.load(extensionResourceLoaderService) : Promise.resolve(undefined);
public reload(extensionResourceLoaderService: IExtensionResourceLoaderService): Promise<void> {
return this.load(extensionResourceLoaderService);
private load(extensionResourceLoaderService: IExtensionResourceLoaderService): Promise<void> {
if (!this.location) {
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
this.themeTokenColors = [];
const result = {
colors: {},
textMateRules: [],
semanticTokenRules: [],
semanticHighlighting: false
return _loadColorTheme(extensionResourceLoaderService, this.location, result).then(_ => {
this.isLoaded = true;
this.semanticTokenRules = result.semanticTokenRules;
this.colorMap = result.colors;
this.themeTokenColors = result.textMateRules;
this.themeSemanticHighlighting = result.semanticHighlighting;
public clearCaches() {
this.tokenColorIndex = undefined;
this.textMateThemingRules = undefined;
this.themeTokenScopeMatchers = undefined;
this.customTokenScopeMatchers = undefined;
toStorage(storageService: IStorageService) {
const colorMapData: { [key: string]: string } = {};
for (const key in this.colorMap) {
colorMapData[key] = Color.Format.CSS.formatHexA(this.colorMap[key], true);
// no need to persist custom colors, they will be taken from the settings
const value = JSON.stringify({
label: this.label,
settingsId: this.settingsId,
themeTokenColors: => ({ settings: tc.settings, scope: tc.scope })), // don't persist names
extensionData: ExtensionData.toJSONObject(this.extensionData),
themeSemanticHighlighting: this.themeSemanticHighlighting,
colorMap: colorMapData,
// roam persisted color theme colors. Don't enable for icons as they contain references to fonts and images., value, StorageScope.PROFILE, StorageTarget.USER);
get baseTheme(): string {
return this.classNames[0];
get classNames(): string[] {
return' ');
get type(): ColorScheme {
switch (this.baseTheme) {
case VS_LIGHT_THEME: return ColorScheme.LIGHT;
case VS_HC_THEME: return ColorScheme.HIGH_CONTRAST_DARK;
default: return ColorScheme.DARK;
// constructors
static createUnloadedThemeForThemeType(themeType: ColorScheme, colorMap?: { [id: string]: string }): ColorThemeData {
return ColorThemeData.createUnloadedTheme(getThemeTypeSelector(themeType), colorMap);
static createUnloadedTheme(id: string, colorMap?: { [id: string]: string }): ColorThemeData {
const themeData = new ColorThemeData(id, '', '__' + id);
themeData.isLoaded = false;
themeData.themeTokenColors = []; = false;
if (colorMap) {
for (const id in colorMap) {
themeData.colorMap[id] = Color.fromHex(colorMap[id]);
return themeData;
static createLoadedEmptyTheme(id: string, settingsId: string): ColorThemeData {
const themeData = new ColorThemeData(id, '', settingsId);
themeData.isLoaded = true;
themeData.themeTokenColors = []; = false;
return themeData;
static fromStorageData(storageService: IStorageService): ColorThemeData | undefined {
const input = storageService.get(ColorThemeData.STORAGE_KEY, StorageScope.PROFILE);
if (!input) {
return undefined;
try {
const data = JSON.parse(input);
const theme = new ColorThemeData('', '', '');
for (const key in data) {
switch (key) {
case 'colorMap': {
const colorMapData = data[key];
for (const id in colorMapData) {
theme.colorMap[id] = Color.fromHex(colorMapData[id]);
case 'themeTokenColors':
case 'id': case 'label': case 'settingsId': case 'watch': case 'themeSemanticHighlighting':
(theme as any)[key] = data[key];
case 'semanticTokenRules': {
const rulesData = data[key];
if (Array.isArray(rulesData)) {
for (const d of rulesData) {
const rule = SemanticTokenRule.fromJSONObject(tokenClassificationRegistry, d);
if (rule) {
case 'location':
// ignore, no longer restore
case 'extensionData':
theme.extensionData = ExtensionData.fromJSONObject(data.extensionData);
if (! || !theme.settingsId) {
return undefined;
return theme;
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
static fromExtensionTheme(theme: IThemeExtensionPoint, colorThemeLocation: URI, extensionData: ExtensionData): ColorThemeData {
const baseTheme: string = theme['uiTheme'] || 'vs-dark';
const themeSelector = toCSSSelector(extensionData.extensionId, theme.path);
const id = `${baseTheme} ${themeSelector}`;
const label = theme.label || basename(theme.path);
const settingsId = || label;
const themeData = new ColorThemeData(id, label, settingsId);
themeData.description = theme.description; = theme._watch === true;
themeData.location = colorThemeLocation;
themeData.extensionData = extensionData;
themeData.isLoaded = false;
return themeData;
function toCSSSelector(extensionId: string, path: string) {
if (path.startsWith('./')) {
path = path.substr(2);
let str = `${extensionId}-${path}`;
//remove all characters that are not allowed in css
str = str.replace(/[^_a-zA-Z0-9-]/g, '-');
if (str.charAt(0).match(/[0-9-]/)) {
str = '_' + str;
return str;
async function _loadColorTheme(extensionResourceLoaderService: IExtensionResourceLoaderService, themeLocation: URI, result: { textMateRules: ITextMateThemingRule[]; colors: IColorMap; semanticTokenRules: SemanticTokenRule[]; semanticHighlighting: boolean }): Promise<any> {
if (resources.extname(themeLocation) === '.json') {
const content = await extensionResourceLoaderService.readExtensionResource(themeLocation);
const errors: Json.ParseError[] = [];
const contentValue = Json.parse(content, errors);
if (errors.length > 0) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('error.cannotparsejson', "Problems parsing JSON theme file: {0}", => getParseErrorMessage(e.error)).join(', '))));
} else if (Json.getNodeType(contentValue) !== 'object') {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('error.invalidformat', "Invalid format for JSON theme file: Object expected.")));
if (contentValue.include) {
await _loadColorTheme(extensionResourceLoaderService, resources.joinPath(resources.dirname(themeLocation), contentValue.include), result);
if (Array.isArray(contentValue.settings)) {
convertSettings(contentValue.settings, result);
return null;
result.semanticHighlighting = result.semanticHighlighting || contentValue.semanticHighlighting;
const colors = contentValue.colors;
if (colors) {
if (typeof colors !== 'object') {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize({ key: 'error.invalidformat.colors', comment: ['{0} will be replaced by a path. Values in quotes should not be translated.'] }, "Problem parsing color theme file: {0}. Property 'colors' is not of type 'object'.", themeLocation.toString())));
// new JSON color themes format
for (const colorId in colors) {
const colorHex = colors[colorId];
if (typeof colorHex === 'string') { // ignore colors tht are null
result.colors[colorId] = Color.fromHex(colors[colorId]);
const tokenColors = contentValue.tokenColors;
if (tokenColors) {
if (Array.isArray(tokenColors)) {
} else if (typeof tokenColors === 'string') {
await _loadSyntaxTokens(extensionResourceLoaderService, resources.joinPath(resources.dirname(themeLocation), tokenColors), result);
} else {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize({ key: 'error.invalidformat.tokenColors', comment: ['{0} will be replaced by a path. Values in quotes should not be translated.'] }, "Problem parsing color theme file: {0}. Property 'tokenColors' should be either an array specifying colors or a path to a TextMate theme file", themeLocation.toString())));
const semanticTokenColors = contentValue.semanticTokenColors;
if (semanticTokenColors && typeof semanticTokenColors === 'object') {
for (const key in semanticTokenColors) {
try {
const rule = readSemanticTokenRule(key, semanticTokenColors[key]);
if (rule) {
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize({ key: 'error.invalidformat.semanticTokenColors', comment: ['{0} will be replaced by a path. Values in quotes should not be translated.'] }, "Problem parsing color theme file: {0}. Property 'semanticTokenColors' contains a invalid selector", themeLocation.toString())));
} else {
return _loadSyntaxTokens(extensionResourceLoaderService, themeLocation, result);
function _loadSyntaxTokens(extensionResourceLoaderService: IExtensionResourceLoaderService, themeLocation: URI, result: { textMateRules: ITextMateThemingRule[]; colors: IColorMap }): Promise<any> {
return extensionResourceLoaderService.readExtensionResource(themeLocation).then(content => {
try {
const contentValue = parsePList(content);
const settings: ITextMateThemingRule[] = contentValue.settings;
if (!Array.isArray(settings)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('error.plist.invalidformat', "Problem parsing tmTheme file: {0}. 'settings' is not array.")));
convertSettings(settings, result);
return Promise.resolve(null);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('error.cannotparse', "Problems parsing tmTheme file: {0}", e.message)));
}, error => {
return Promise.reject(new Error(nls.localize('error.cannotload', "Problems loading tmTheme file {0}: {1}", themeLocation.toString(), error.message)));
const defaultThemeColors: { [baseTheme: string]: ITextMateThemingRule[] } = {
'light': [
{ scope: '', settings: { foreground: '#316bcd' } },
{ scope: 'token.warn-token', settings: { foreground: '#cd9731' } },
{ scope: 'token.error-token', settings: { foreground: '#cd3131' } },
{ scope: 'token.debug-token', settings: { foreground: '#800080' } }
'dark': [
{ scope: '', settings: { foreground: '#6796e6' } },
{ scope: 'token.warn-token', settings: { foreground: '#cd9731' } },
{ scope: 'token.error-token', settings: { foreground: '#f44747' } },
{ scope: 'token.debug-token', settings: { foreground: '#b267e6' } }
'hcLight': [
{ scope: '', settings: { foreground: '#316bcd' } },
{ scope: 'token.warn-token', settings: { foreground: '#cd9731' } },
{ scope: 'token.error-token', settings: { foreground: '#cd3131' } },
{ scope: 'token.debug-token', settings: { foreground: '#800080' } }
'hcDark': [
{ scope: '', settings: { foreground: '#6796e6' } },
{ scope: 'token.warn-token', settings: { foreground: '#008000' } },
{ scope: 'token.error-token', settings: { foreground: '#FF0000' } },
{ scope: 'token.debug-token', settings: { foreground: '#b267e6' } }
const noMatch = (_scope: ProbeScope) => -1;
function nameMatcher(identifers: string[], scope: ProbeScope): number {
function findInIdents(s: string, lastIndent: number): number {
for (let i = lastIndent - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (scopesAreMatching(s, identifers[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
if (scope.length < identifers.length) {
return -1;
let lastScopeIndex = scope.length - 1;
let lastIdentifierIndex = findInIdents(scope[lastScopeIndex--], identifers.length);
if (lastIdentifierIndex >= 0) {
const score = (lastIdentifierIndex + 1) * 0x10000 + identifers[lastIdentifierIndex].length;
while (lastScopeIndex >= 0) {
lastIdentifierIndex = findInIdents(scope[lastScopeIndex--], lastIdentifierIndex);
if (lastIdentifierIndex === -1) {
return -1;
return score;
return -1;
function scopesAreMatching(thisScopeName: string, scopeName: string): boolean {
if (!thisScopeName) {
return false;
if (thisScopeName === scopeName) {
return true;
const len = scopeName.length;
return thisScopeName.length > len && thisScopeName.substr(0, len) === scopeName && thisScopeName[len] === '.';
function getScopeMatcher(rule: ITextMateThemingRule): Matcher<ProbeScope> {
const ruleScope = rule.scope;
if (!ruleScope || !rule.settings) {
return noMatch;
const matchers: MatcherWithPriority<ProbeScope>[] = [];
if (Array.isArray(ruleScope)) {
for (const rs of ruleScope) {
createMatchers(rs, nameMatcher, matchers);
} else {
createMatchers(ruleScope, nameMatcher, matchers);
if (matchers.length === 0) {
return noMatch;
return (scope: ProbeScope) => {
let max = matchers[0].matcher(scope);
for (let i = 1; i < matchers.length; i++) {
max = Math.max(max, matchers[i].matcher(scope));
return max;
function readSemanticTokenRule(selectorString: string, settings: ISemanticTokenColorizationSetting | string | boolean | undefined): SemanticTokenRule | undefined {
const selector = tokenClassificationRegistry.parseTokenSelector(selectorString);
let style: TokenStyle | undefined;
if (typeof settings === 'string') {
style = TokenStyle.fromSettings(settings, undefined);
} else if (isSemanticTokenColorizationSetting(settings)) {
style = TokenStyle.fromSettings(settings.foreground, settings.fontStyle, settings.bold, settings.underline, settings.strikethrough, settings.italic);
if (style) {
return { selector, style };
return undefined;
class TokenColorIndex {
constructor() {
this._lastColorId = 0;
this._id2color = [];
this._color2id = Object.create(null);
private _lastColorId: number;
private _id2color: string[];
private _color2id: { [color: string]: number };
public asArray(): string[] {
return this._id2color.slice(0);
public get(color: string | Color | undefined): number {
color = normalizeColor(color);
if (color === undefined) {
return 0;
const value = this._color2id[color];
if (value) {
return value;
console.log(`Color ${color} not in index.`);
return 0;
public add(color: string | Color | undefined): number {
color = normalizeColor(color);
if (color === undefined) {
return 0;
let value = this._color2id[color];
if (value) {
return value;
value = ++this._lastColorId;
this._color2id[color] = value;
this._id2color[value] = color;
return value;
function normalizeColor(color: string | Color | undefined | null): string | undefined {
if (!color) {
return undefined;
if (typeof color !== 'string') {
color = Color.Format.CSS.formatHexA(color, true);
const len = color.length;
if (color.charCodeAt(0) !== CharCode.Hash || (len !== 4 && len !== 5 && len !== 7 && len !== 9)) {
return undefined;
const result = [CharCode.Hash];
for (let i = 1; i < len; i++) {
const upper = hexUpper(color.charCodeAt(i));
if (!upper) {
return undefined;
if (len === 4 || len === 5) {
if (result.length === 9 && result[7] === CharCode.F && result[8] === CharCode.F) {
result.length = 7;
return String.fromCharCode(...result);
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