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aeschright /
Last active September 8, 2021 16:32
A note about npm cli work status

When will [email protected] be released (and other PRs merged?)

On March 22, npm fired several members of the open source and community team for discussing workplace conditions and other labor organizing activities. As a result, core employee contributors to the npm cli were removed from the project, and others have left in solidarity or put their work on hold.

Multiple claims were filed with the NLRB on this matter. The NLRB has investigated and found sufficient evidence of validity to proceed. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects US employees' right to engage in discussions of workplace concerns without threat of retaliation -- and awareness of the importance of how we treat each other is something I valued so much in collaborating with the cli team. How can we work together if we aren't free to discuss what we need?

It's disappointing for all of us to find the work we were doing interrup

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am aeschright on github.
  • I am aeschright ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCfete0Np8FRgfSM7n9PwOHnNY0ncI9mwAarMfzrluuGQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

aeschright / ame-rubyconf2018.txt
Last active November 13, 2018 23:31
RubyConf 2018 notes - Unraveling the Masculinization of Technology
Today I’m going to be talking about gender, technology, and meaningful change.
In the program it says we’ll “learn about the gendered history of computing and explore how we can write a new narrative of participation.” — and that’s only sort of true, but I’ll explain.
To start off — hello!
This was supposed to be an update of a talk I gave a couple of years ago at AlterConf.
For the version I did back then, in 2016, I started off with the idea that we could observe that technology and programming are frequently considered to be male or masculine.
It’s apparent in job ads, speaker lineups, company team pages, and so on. This has obvious effects, like allowing men to find it easier to get interviews and jobs, be paid more and promoted more often, and that leads to them being able to invest in new companies and bring more people like them into this industry.
And once we establish that, I can show you how the field
aeschright / moods.rb
Last active December 2, 2017 23:21
Emoji mood tracker
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
happy_emojis = ["😀", "😃", "😺", "😸"]
sad_emojis = ["😔", "🙁", "🙁", "☹️", "😿"]
mood_satisfied = false
puts "How are you feeling?"
mood_description = gets.chomp
while mood_satisfied == false do
aeschright / twitter-unfollow-me
Created March 11, 2015 05:30
Force everyone not on a twitter list to unfollow you
After you install and set up the twitter command line tool at this script can be used to remove all followers not on a list (called "trusted" in this example). This is useful if you have a public twitter account and you change it to be private.
#set -x
trusted=$( t list members trusted )
followers=$( t followers )
follower_list=$( echo $followers | tr " " "\n" )
Install Facebooker2 gem. Install Mogli gem. Require facebooker2 in your gem config.
Set up Facebook API key at
Create config/facebooker.yml with your app_id and secret for each environment.
Create config/initializers/facebooker.rb with the line 'Facebooker2.load_facebooker_yaml'
Add 'include Facebooker2::Rails::Controller' to your application controller.
<% fb_connect_async_js do %>
<%= yield :facebook_js %>
<% end %>
at the bottom of your application layout.