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Last active February 16, 2024 18:58
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Comparing different assertion methods and error messages
import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
class Customer
String name;
Integer age;
public class AgeVerificationTests
Customer customer;
int expectedAge = 39;
public void setup()
customer = new Customer(); = "John Doe";
customer.age = 18;
/** Don't do this, assertTrue() loses data that helps us debug **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertTrue()
assertTrue(customer.age >= 18);
assertTrue(customer.age == expectedAge);
/** A custom message can show the expected results **/
@Test void testCustomerAge_usingAssertTrueWithMessage()
assertTrue(customer.age >= expectedAge, String.format("age %d was not same as expected %d", customer.age, expectedAge));
/** This is better because assertEquals() will show the comparison on failure **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertEquals()
assertEquals(customer.age, expectedAge);
/** This is even better because message provides context **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertEqualsWithMessage()
assertEquals(customer.age, expectedAge, "checking customer age");
/** using AssertJ **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsEqualTo()
/** This has the same problem as assertTrue() - We don't know what is being tested **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsTrue()
assertThat(customer.age == expectedAge).isTrue();
/** This gives us some context, but we have to enter it ourselves **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsTrueWithMessage()
assertThat(customer.age).overridingErrorMessage(String.format("age %d was not same as expected %d", customer.age, expectedAge)).isEqualTo(expectedAge);
/** This adds context and gives us the comparison **/
public void testCustomerAge_usingAssertjWithContext()
assertThat(customer.age).as("checking customer age").isEqualTo(expectedAge);
/** Soft Assertions allow you to perform multiple checks **/
public void testCustomerAge_withSoftAssertions()
var softly = new SoftAssertions();
softly.assertThat(customer.age).as("check that customer age has been set").isNotNull();
softly.assertThat(customer.age).as("check that customer age is correct").isEqualTo(expectedAge);
softly.assertThat(customer.age).as("make sure customer is not a minor").isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(18);
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Run this set of tests to see what each assertion and error message looks like to compare the results.

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aevans-mms commented Feb 16, 2024

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertTrue

Expected :true
Actual   :false
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertTrue(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertTrueWithMessage

org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: age 18 was not same as expected 39 ==> 
Expected :true
Actual   :false
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertTrueWithMessage(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertEquals

Expected :18
Actual   :39
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertEquals(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertEqualsWithMessage

org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: checking customer age ==> 
Expected :18
Actual   :39
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertEqualsWithMessage(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsEqualTo

expected: 39
 but was: 18
Expected :39
Actual   :18
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsEqualTo(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsTrue

Expecting value to be true but was false
Expected :true
Actual   :false
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsTrue(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsTrueWithMessage

java.lang.AssertionError: age 18 was not same as expected 39
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjIsTrueWithMessage(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjWithContext

org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: [checking customer age] 
expected: 39
 but was: 18
Expected :39
Actual   :18
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_usingAssertjWithContext(

test: AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_withSoftAssertions

[check that customer age is correct] 
expected: 39
 but was: 18
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_withSoftAssertions(

Comparison Failure: 
Expected :39
Actual   :18

Multiple Failures (1 failure)
-- failure 1 --
[check that customer age is correct] 
expected: 39
 but was: 18
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_withSoftAssertions(
at AgeVerificationTests.testCustomerAge_withSoftAssertions(

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