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Last active March 26, 2020 20:49
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Seafile ignore file
# A blank line matches no files.
# A line starting with # serves as a comment.
# Seafile supports wildcards in the pattern. For example, "foo/*" matches "foo/1" and "foo/hello". "foo/?" matches "foo/1" but not "foo/hello". Note that the wildcard character * recursively matches all the paths under a folder. For instance, "foo/*.html" matches "foo/a.html" and "foo/templates/b.html".
# If the pattern ends with a slash, it would only match a folder. In other words, "foo/" will match a folder "foo" and paths underneath it, but will not match a regular file or a symbolic link "foo".
# If a pattern doesn't end with a slash or a wildcard, it would not match a folder. For example, "foo" can only match regular file "foo" or a symbolic link; while "foo/" and "foo*" match a folder and paths under it.
## Example
## a regular file
## a dir
## wildcard *
## wildcard ?
## Version control
# */.svn/
## Directories
### Ignoring version control folders
# The pattern
# ```
# .git/
# ```
# seems to not work properly.
# Try with
# ```
# .git/*
# .git*
# */.git/
# ```
# [seafile client syncs .git/ even if listed in seafile-ignore.txt](
## Files
# LaTeX relateds files
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