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Created February 21, 2012 02:52
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module Histogram
import Data.Array
data Histogram = Histogram {
numBuckets :: Int
, histStep :: Int
, histBuckets :: Array Int Int
, histBounds :: Array Int Int
, histSize :: Int
} deriving (Show)
mkHistogram :: Int -> Int -> Histogram
mkHistogram nb s = Histogram {
numBuckets = nb
, histStep = s
, histBuckets = listArray (0, nb - 1) (replicate nb 0)
, histBounds = mkBounds nb s
, histSize = 0
mkBounds :: Int -> Int -> Array Int Int
mkBounds nb s = listArray (0, nb - 1) (map (* s) [0..(nb - 1)])
reset :: Histogram -> Histogram
reset h@Histogram { numBuckets = nb } = h {
histBuckets = listArray (0, nb) (replicate nb 0)
, histSize = 0
getQuantile :: Histogram -> Double -> Int
getQuantile h quantile = loop 0 0
nb = numBuckets h
buckets = histBuckets h
hs = histSize h
bounds = histBounds h
loop total i
| i == nb = 0
| otherwise =
if (currQuantile >= quantile) then bounds ! i
else loop (total + (buckets ! i)) (i + 1)
currQuantile = (fromIntegral total) / (fromIntegral hs)
insert :: Histogram -> Int -> Histogram
insert h@Histogram { histBuckets = hb, histSize = hs } datum = h {
histBuckets = hb // [(idx, curr + 1)]
, histSize = hs + 1
} where curr = hb ! idx
idx = findBucket h datum
findBucket :: Histogram -> Int -> Int
findBucket h datum =
if (datum > s * nb) then nb - 1
else loop 0 (nb - 1)
s = histStep h
nb = numBuckets h
loop low high
| low > high = -1
| otherwise =
case cmp of
EQ -> mid
GT -> loop low (mid - 1)
LT -> loop (mid + 1) high
where mid = (low + high) `div` 2
cmp = compareToBucket h mid datum
compareToBucket :: Histogram -> Int -> Int -> Ordering
compareToBucket h bucket datum =
if (low <= datum && high > datum) then EQ
else if (low > datum) then GT
else LT
low = (histBounds h) ! bucket
high = low + (histStep h)
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