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Last active December 15, 2015 15:39
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Iris - Scattergraph (support vs confidence) -
<!DOCTYPE html>
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.axis path,
.axis line {
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d3.json("model.json", function(error, model) {
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var width = 900 - margin.left - margin.right;
var height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var xPadding = 20;
var yPadding = 35;
var leaves = get_leaves(model.model.root);
var max_support = (leaves.sort(function (x, y) {
return y.count - x.count})[0].count)/model.rows;
var xScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, max_support + 0.025])
.range([0, width]);
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, 1])
.range([height, 0]);
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var colorPrediction = d3.scale.category10();
var colorLookup = function(leaf) {
return hoverAdjust(leaf, colorPrediction(leaf.output));
// SVG panel.
var svg ="#chart")
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.style({'font-size': '40px', 'font-weight': 'bold', 'fill': '#ddd'});
// Draw leaves
.attr("cx", function(leaf) {
return xScale(leaf.count/model.rows);
.attr("cy", function(leaf) {
return yScale(leaf.confidence);
.attr("r", function(leaf) {
return 2 * Math.sqrt(height - yScale(leaf.count/model.rows));
.attr("fill", colorLookup)
.attr("stroke", colorLookup)
.style('cursor', 'pointer')
.on('mouseover', function(leaf) {'svg #outputLabel')
.text(leaf.output + " (" + ((leaf.count/model.rows) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%, " + (leaf.confidence * 100).toFixed(2) + "%)")
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.text(function(d) { return d; });
// Returns the list of leaves of a tree
function get_leaves(node) {
var leaves = [];
if ('children' in node) {
for (var i=0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
var childLeaves = get_leaves(node.children[i]);
for (var j=0; j < childLeaves.length; j++) {
} else {
var distribution = [];
if ('bins' in node.objective_summary) {
distribution = node.objective_summary.bins;
else if ('counts' in node.objective_summary) {
distribution = node.objective_summary.counts;
else if ('categories' in node.objective_summary) {
distribution = node.objective_summary.categories
leaves = [{
"confidence": node.confidence,
"count": node.count,
"distribution": distribution,
"output": node.output}];
return leaves;
// Adjust hover
function hoverAdjust(d, color) {
return d.hover ? d3.rgb(color).brighter(0.66) : color;
{"category": 0, "code": 200, "columns": 5, "created": "2013-03-29T04:45:44.618000", "credits": 0.017578125, "credits_per_prediction": 0.0, "dataset": "dataset/51551c780c0b5e04c5000255", "dataset_status": true, "description": "", "excluded_fields": [], "fields_meta": {"count": 5, "limit": 1000, "offset": 0, "total": 5}, "input_fields": ["000000", "000001", "000002", "000003"], "locale": "en-US", "max_columns": 0, "max_rows": 150, "model": {"depth_threshold": 20, "fields": {"000000": {"column_number": 0, "datatype": "double", "name": "sepal length", "optype": "numeric", "order": 0, "preferred": true, "summary": {"bins": [[4.3, 1], [4.425, 4], [4.6, 4], [4.7, 2], [4.8, 5], [4.9, 6], [5, 10], [5.1, 9], [5.2, 4], [5.3, 1], [5.4, 6], [5.5, 7], [5.6, 6], [5.7, 8], [5.8, 7], [5.9, 3], [6, 6], [6.1, 6], [6.2, 4], [6.3, 9], [6.44167, 12], [6.6, 2], [6.7, 8], [6.8, 3], [6.92, 5], [7.1, 1], [7.2, 3], [7.3, 1], [7.4, 1], [7.6, 1], [7.7, 4], [7.9, 1]], "maximum": 7.9, "mean": 5.84333, "median": 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"variance": 0.18998}}, "000002": {"column_number": 2, "datatype": "double", "name": "petal length", "optype": "numeric", "order": 2, "preferred": true, "summary": {"bins": [[1, 1], [1.1, 1], [1.2, 2], [1.3, 7], [1.4, 13], [1.5, 13], [1.63636, 11], [1.9, 2], [3, 1], [3.3, 2], [3.5, 2], [3.6, 1], [3.75, 2], [3.9, 3], [4.0375, 8], [4.23333, 6], [4.46667, 12], [4.6, 3], [4.74444, 9], [4.94444, 9], [5.1, 8], [5.25, 4], [5.46, 5], [5.6, 6], [5.75, 6], [5.95, 4], [6.1, 3], [6.3, 1], [6.4, 1], [6.6, 1], [6.7, 2], [6.9, 1]], "maximum": 6.9, "mean": 3.758, "median": 4.34142, "minimum": 1, "missing_count": 0, "population": 150, "splits": [1.25138, 1.32426, 1.37171, 1.40962, 1.44567, 1.48173, 1.51859, 1.56301, 1.6255, 1.74645, 3.23033, 3.675, 3.94203, 4.0469, 4.18243, 4.34142, 4.45309, 4.51823, 4.61771, 4.72566, 4.83445, 4.93363, 5.03807, 5.1064, 5.20938, 5.43979, 5.5744, 5.6646, 5.81496, 6.02913, 6.38125], "standard_deviation": 1.7653, "sum": 563.7, "sum_squares": 2582.71, "variance": 3.11628}}, 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{"column_number": 0, "datatype": "double", "name": "sepal length", "optype": "numeric", "order": 0, "preferred": true}, "000001": {"column_number": 1, "datatype": "double", "name": "sepal width", "optype": "numeric", "order": 1, "preferred": true}, "000002": {"column_number": 2, "datatype": "double", "name": "petal length", "optype": "numeric", "order": 2, "preferred": true}, "000003": {"column_number": 3, "datatype": "double", "name": "petal width", "optype": "numeric", "order": 3, "preferred": true}, "000004": {"column_number": 4, "datatype": "string", "name": "species", "optype": "categorical", "order": 4, "preferred": true}}, "root": {"children": [{"confidence": 0.92865, "count": 50, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-setosa", 50]]}, "output": "Iris-setosa", "predicate": {"field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 2.45}}, {"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{"children": [{"confidence": 0.34237, "count": 2, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 2]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000000", "operator": ">", "value": 5.95}}, {"confidence": 0.20654, "count": 1, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1]]}, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "predicate": {"field": "000000", "operator": "<=", "value": 5.95}}], "confidence": 0.20765, "count": 3, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1], ["Iris-virginica", 2]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000000", "operator": "<=", "value": 6.4}}, {"confidence": 0.20654, "count": 1, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1]]}, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "predicate": {"field": "000000", "operator": ">", "value": 6.4}}], "confidence": 0.15004, "count": 4, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 2], ["Iris-virginica", 2]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000001", "operator": ">", "value": 2.9}}, {"confidence": 0.60966, "count": 6, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 6]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000001", "operator": "<=", "value": 2.9}}], "confidence": 0.49016, "count": 10, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 2], ["Iris-virginica", 8]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 5.05}}, {"confidence": 0.90819, "count": 38, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 38]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 5.05}}], "confidence": 0.86024, "count": 48, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 2], ["Iris-virginica", 46]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000003", "operator": ">", "value": 1.65}}, {"children": [{"confidence": 0.92444, "count": 47, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 47]]}, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "predicate": {"field": "000002", "operator": "<=", "value": 4.95}}, {"children": [{"confidence": 0.43849, "count": 3, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 3]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000000", "operator": ">", "value": 6.05}}, {"children": [{"confidence": 0.20654, "count": 1, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 1]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000003", "operator": "<=", "value": 1.55}}, {"confidence": 0.20654, "count": 1, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1]]}, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "predicate": {"field": "000003", "operator": ">", "value": 1.55}}], "confidence": 0.09453, "count": 2, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1], ["Iris-virginica", 1]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000000", "operator": "<=", "value": 6.05}}], "confidence": 0.37553, "count": 5, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 1], ["Iris-virginica", 4]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 4.95}}], "confidence": 0.81826, "count": 52, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-virginica", 4], ["Iris-versicolor", 48]]}, "output": "Iris-versicolor", "predicate": {"field": "000003", "operator": "<=", "value": 1.65}}], "confidence": 0.40383, "count": 100, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 50], ["Iris-virginica", 50]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": {"field": "000002", "operator": ">", "value": 2.45}}], "confidence": 0.26289, "count": 150, "objective_summary": {"categories": [["Iris-versicolor", 50], ["Iris-setosa", 50], ["Iris-virginica", 50]]}, "output": "Iris-virginica", "predicate": true}, "split_criterion": "information_gain_mix", "support_threshold": 0}, "name": "iris' dataset model", "number_of_evaluations": 0, "number_of_predictions": 0, "number_of_public_predictions": 0, "objective_field": "000004", "objective_fields": ["000004"], "ordering": 0, "out_of_bag": false, "price": 0.0, "private": true, "randomize": false, "range": [1, 150], "replacement": false, "resource": "model/51551c780c0b5e04c5000259", "rows": 150, "sample_rate": 1.0, "selective_pruning": true, "size": 4608, "source": "source/51551c730c0b5e04c5000252", "source_status": true, "stat_pruning": true, "status": {"code": 5, "elapsed": 97, "message": "The model has been created", "progress": 1.0}, "tags": [], "updated": "2013-03-29T04:45:45.157000", "views": 0, "white_box": false}
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