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Last active December 15, 2015 15:39
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Adult - Scattergraph (support vs confidence)
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"split_criterion": "information_gain_mix", "support_threshold": 0}, "name": "income's dataset model", "number_of_evaluations": 0, "number_of_predictions": 0, "number_of_public_predictions": 0, "objective_field": "00000c", "objective_fields": ["00000c"], "ordering": 0, "out_of_bag": false, "price": 0.0, "private": true, "randomize": false, "range": [1, 32561], "replacement": false, "resource": "model/51552ca80c0b5e04c5000270", "rows": 32561, "sample_rate": 1.0, "selective_pruning": true, "size": 3506434, "source": "source/51552c8d0c0b5e04c2000160", "source_status": true, "stat_pruning": true, "status": {"code": 5, "elapsed": 13373, "message": "The model has been created", "progress": 1.0}, "tags": ["income"], "updated": "2013-03-29T05:55:02.566000", "views": 0, "white_box": false}
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