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Last active October 7, 2017 14:13
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AWS IAM Conditions encoded using phantom types and type members
import org.scalactic.TypeCheckedTripleEquals
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
* Encoding of AWS IAM conditions using a combination of phantom types and type members
* A `Condition` is a type representing a key, and an expected parametric value.
* Conditions might be universally or existentially quantified, and can present an additional
* `IfExists` operator, which prevents the check from failing in case the a condition key
* is not present (see
* This encoding avoids materialising these two pieces of information as runtime values,
* and uses instead phantom types to drive the relevant variations in the serialisation logic.
class PhantomMembersTest
extends FreeSpec
with Matchers
with TypeCheckedTripleEquals {
trait Quantifier
object ForAll extends Quantifier
object ForAny extends Quantifier
trait IfExists
object Condition {
type Aux[A, Q0, Ifx0] = Condition {
type Exp = A
type Q = Q0
type Ifx = Ifx0
def apply[T](k: String, e: T): Condition.Aux[T, Nothing, Nothing] =
new Condition {
override type Exp = T
override type Q = Nothing
override type Ifx = Nothing
override def key = k
override def exp = e
trait Condition {
type Exp
type Q
type Ifx
def key: String
def exp: Exp
def forAll: Condition.Aux[Exp, ForAll.type, Ifx] =
this.asInstanceOf[Condition.Aux[Exp, ForAll.type, Ifx]]
def forAny: Condition.Aux[Exp, ForAny.type, Ifx] =
this.asInstanceOf[Condition.Aux[Exp, ForAny.type, Ifx]]
def ifExists: Condition.Aux[Exp, Q, IfExists] =
this.asInstanceOf[Condition.Aux[Exp, Q, IfExists]]
trait ShowType[T] {
def show: String
object ShowType {
implicit val forAllShow = new ShowType[ForAll.type] {
override def show = "ForAllValue"
implicit val forAnyShow = new ShowType[ForAny.type] {
override def show = "ForAnyValue"
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
object Show {
def instance[A](f: A => String): Show[A] = (a: A) => f(a)
implicit val boolShow = instance[Boolean](_.toString)
implicit def showWithQ[E, Q <: Quantifier](implicit showE: Show[E],
showQ: ShowType[Q]) =
instance[Condition.Aux[E, Q, Nothing]] { c =>
implicit def showCondWithQAndIfx[E, Q <: Quantifier](
implicit showE: Show[E],
showQ: ShowType[Q]) =
instance[Condition.Aux[E, Q, IfExists]] { c =>
implicit def showCondWithoutQAndIfx[E: Show] =
instance[Condition.Aux[E, Nothing, IfExists]] { c =>
implicit def showCondWithouthQorIfx[E, Nothing] =
instance[Condition.Aux[E, Nothing, Nothing]] { c =>
"Cond carries its phantom type members" in {
implicit class ShowSyntax[A: Show](a: A) {
def show = implicitly[Show[A]].show(a)
val c = Condition("bar", false) should ===("bar=false") === ("ForAllValues:bar=false") === ("bar=false(IfExists)") === ("ForAnyValue:bar=false(IfExists)")
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