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Last active November 7, 2019 07:51
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Boilderplate for JSGrid Library

Boilerplate for JSGrid

After Struggling to use this library, i came out a method chaining for easy use of JSGrid Library. There is certain part made to fit with bootstrap tempalate


set route for get, post, update, delete. just leave null if it is not use

var route = {
    get: "{{ route('app.user') }}", // use for get data
    post: "{{ route('') }}", // create data
    update: "{{ route('app.user.update', ':id') }}", // update data
    delete: "{{ route('app.user.destroy', ':id') }}" // delete data

List of method can be use

canFilter: function (value) {},
canInsert: function (value) {},
canEdit: function (value) {},
canSorting: function (value) {},
canPaging: function (value) {},
canAutoload: function (value) {},
canPageLoading: function (value) {},
setPageSize: function (value) {},
setPageIndex: function (value) {},
setRoute: function (route) {},
setField: function (field) {},
customloadData: function (closure) {},
customInsertData: function (closure) {},
customUpdateData: function (closure) {},
customDeleteData: function (closure) {},
customEditRow: function (closure) {},
customRowClick: function(closure) {customOnError: function(onError) {},
customOnItemUpdated: function(method) {},
customOnItemInserted: function(method) {},
customOnItemDeleted: function(method) {},
customOnClearFilterClick: function(method) {},
primaryKey: function (value) {},

How to use

new CGrid().canInsert(false).setField(fields).setRoute(route).init("#appTable");
new CGrid().customRowClick(function (args) {
    //your code logic

New Field Type

  • Date and File
  • File - Can upload / replace / remove file directly from the jsgrid column
  • Date - Custom date filtering easy to filter date range

File Usage in Backend Example for PHP

for file type, if there is no file selected, it will send as '0' means false

    if ($request->hasFile('card_image')) {
        $filePath = store_file($request->file('card_image'), 'media');
        $input['card_image'] = $filePath;
   } else {
        if ($input['card_image']) {
            unset($input['card_image']); // avoid the value to be replace
        } else {
            $input['card_image'] = null;


Please alter axios response according to your data return.


Please refer here -> and

$(function () {
"use strict";
tableClass: "jsgrid-table table table-striped table-hover"
jsGrid.setDefaults("text", {
_createTextBox: function() {
return $("<input>").attr("type", "text").attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
jsGrid.setDefaults("number", {
_createTextBox: function() {
return $("<input>").attr("type", "number").attr("class", "form-control input-sm").attr('step', '0.01').attr('placeholder', '0.00')
jsGrid.setDefaults("textarea", {
_createTextBox: function() {
return $("<input>").attr("type", "textarea").attr("class", "form-control");
jsGrid.setDefaults("control", {
_createGridButton: function(cls, tooltip, clickHandler) {
let grid = this._grid;
return $("<button>").addClass(this.buttonClass).addClass(cls).attr({
type: "button",
title: tooltip
}).on("click", function(e) {
clickHandler(grid, e)
jsGrid.setDefaults("select", {
_createSelect: function() {
let $result = $("<select>").attr("class", "form-control input-sm"),
valueField = this.valueField,
textField = this.textField,
selectedIndex = this.selectedIndex;
return $.each(this.items, function(index, item) {
let value = valueField ? item[valueField] : index,
text = textField ? item[textField] : item,
$option = $("<option>").attr("value", value).text(text).appendTo($result);
$option.prop("selected", selectedIndex === index)
}), $result
let DateField = function(config) {, config);
DateField.prototype = new jsGrid.Field({
itemTemplate: function(value) {
if (value != null)
return moment(value).format('DD MMMM YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
return null;
insertTemplate: function(value) {
return this._insertPicker = $("<input>")
.attr("type", "text")
.attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
time: false,
editTemplate: function(value) {
let time = {
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
time: false
if (value != null) {
time.currentDate = moment()
return this._editPicker = $("<input>")
.attr("type", "text")
.attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
insertValue: function() {
return this._insertPicker
.attr("type", "text")
.attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
time: false,
editValue: function() {
return this._editPicker
.attr("type", "text")
.attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
time: false,
filterTemplate: function(args) {
let grid = this._grid;
let now = new Date();
this._fromPicker = $("<input>")
.attr("type", "text")
.attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
.attr("placeholder", "Date From")
format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
time: false,
this._toPicker = $("<input>")
.attr("type", "text")
.attr("class", "form-control input-sm")
.attr("placeholder", "Date To")
format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
time: false,
this._fromPicker.on("keypress", function(e) {
if(e.which === 13) {;
this._toPicker.on("keypress", function(e) {
if(e.which === 13) {;
return $("<div>").append(this._fromPicker).append(this._toPicker);
filterValue: function(args) {
return {
from: this._fromPicker.bootstrapMaterialDatePicker({
format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
time: false,
currentDate: new Date().getDate()
to: this._toPicker.bootstrapMaterialDatePicker({
format: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
time: false,
currentDate: new Date().getDate()
}); = DateField;
let UploadField = function(config) {, config);
UploadField.prototype = new jsGrid.Field({
itemTemplate: function(value) {
if (value != null) {
if (this.fileType === undefined || this.fileType === 'image') {
let img = $('<img>').attr("class", "img img-responsive").attr('src', value).attr('style', "width: 150px");
return $('<a>').attr('href', value).attr('target', '_blank').append(img);
} else {
return $('<a>').attr('href', value).attr('target', '_blank').append("Open File");
return null;
insertTemplate: function(value) {
let input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'file');
if (this.fileType !== undefined) {
input = input.attr('accept', this.fileType);
return this._insertPicker = input;
insertValue: function() {
return this._insertPicker[0].files.length === 0 ? null : this._insertPicker[0].files[0];
editTemplate: function(value) {
let parent = $('<div>');
let input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'file').attr('style', 'width: inherit;').attr('data-src-exist', value != null ? 1 : 0);
let removeBtn = $('<a>').attr('class', 'jsgrid-rm-image-btn pull-right').attr('style', 'line-height: 30px').append($('<i>').attr('class', 'fa fa-close'));
let img = null;
if (value != null) {
if (this.fileType === undefined || this.fileType === 'image') {
img = $('<img>').attr("class", "img img-responsive").attr('src', value).attr('style', "width: 150px");
img = $('<a>').attr('href', value).attr('class', 'jsgrid-image-place').attr('target', '_blank').append(img);
} else {
img = $('<a>').attr('href', value).attr('target', '_blank').append("Open File");
return this._editPicker = parent.append(input).append(removeBtn).append(img);
editValue: function() {
let file = this._editPicker.find('input[type=file]');
return file[0].files.length === 0 ? file.attr('data-src-exist') : file[0].files[0];
jsGrid.fields.file = UploadField;
$('body').on('click', '.jsgrid .jsgrid-edit-row .jsgrid-cell .jsgrid-rm-image-btn', function () {
let parent = $(this).parent();
parent.find('input[type]').attr('data-src-exist', 0);
let CGrid = function () {
this.jsName = null;
this.isFilter = true;
this.isInsert = true;
this.isEdit = true;
this.isSorting = true;
this.isPaging = true;
this.isAutoload = true;
this.isPageLoading = true;
this.rowClick = function (args) {this.editItem(args.item);};
this.pageSize = 20;
this.pageIndex = 1; = 1;
this.add = 0;
this.primaryKeyId = 'id';
this.routes = {};
this.fields = [];
this.editRowClosure = function(item) {let $row = this.rowByItem(item);this._editRow($row);};
this.errorClosure = function (args) {console.log(args);};
this.onItemUpdated = function (args) {console.log(args);};
this.onItemInserted = function (args) {console.log(args);};
this.onItemDeleted = function (args) {console.log(args);};
this.onClearFilter = function (args) {
this.callbackData = (data) => {
this.reloadData = () => {
this.loadData = (filter) => {
localStorage.setItem('report', JSON.stringify(filter));
return axios.get(this.routes.get, {
params: filter
.then(response => { =;
this.callbackData(; = $.map(, (item, itemIndex) => {
this.add = != 1 ? ( * this.pageSize) - this.pageSize : 0;
return $.extend(item, {
indexing: (itemIndex + 1) + this.add
return {
}).catch(reason => {
$(this.jsName).jsGrid('onError', reason);
this.insertItem = (insertingClient) => {
let formData = this.transformToFormData(insertingClient);
return, formData)
.then(function (response) {
}).catch(reason => {
$(this.jsName).jsGrid('onError', reason);
this.updateItem = (updatingClient) => {
let formData = this.transformToFormData(updatingClient);
formData.append('_method', 'PATCH');
return, updatingClient[this.primaryKeyId]), formData)
.then(function (response) {
}).catch(reason => {
$(this.jsName).jsGrid('onError', reason);
this.deleteItem = (deletingClient) => {
return axios.delete(this.fixUrl(this.routes.delete, deletingClient[this.primaryKeyId]))
.then(function (response) {
}).catch(reason => {
$(this.jsName).jsGrid('onError', reason);
this.fixUrl = (url, id) => {
return url.replace(':id', id);
this.transformToFormData = (data) => {
let formData = new FormData();
for ( let key in data ) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
formData.append(key, data[key]);
return formData;
CGrid.prototype = {
canFilter: function (value) {
this.isFilter = value;
return this;
canInsert: function (value) {
this.isInsert = value;
return this;
canEdit: function (value) {
this.isEdit = value;
return this;
canSorting: function (value) {
this.isSorting = value;
return this;
canPaging: function (value) {
this.isPaging = value;
return this;
canAutoload: function (value) {
this.isAutoload = value;
return this;
canPageLoading: function (value) {
this.isPageLoading = value;
return this;
setPageSize: function (value) {
this.pageSize = value;
return this;
responseData: function (closure) {
this.callbackData = closure;
return this;
setPageIndex: function (value) {
this.pageIndex = value;
return this;
setRoute: function (route) {
this.routes = route;
return this;
setField: function (field) {
this.fields = field;
return this;
customloadData: function (closure) {
this.loadData = closure;
return this;
customInsertData: function (closure) {
this.insertItem = closure;
return this;
customUpdateData: function (closure) {
this.updateItem = closure;
return this;
customDeleteData: function (closure) {
this.deleteItem = closure;
return this;
customEditRow: function (closure) {
this.editRowClosure = closure;
return this;
customRowClick: function(closure) {
this.rowClick = closure;
return this;
customOnError: function(onError) {
this.errorClosure = onError;
return this;
customOnItemUpdated: function(method) {
this.onItemUpdated = method;
return this
customOnItemInserted: function(method) {
this.onItemInserted = method;
return this
customOnItemDeleted: function(method) {
this.onItemDeleted = method;
return this
customOnClearFilterClick: function(method) {
this.onClearFilter = method;
return this;
primaryKey: function (value) {
this.primaryKeyId = value;
return this;
init:function (name) {
this.jsName = name;
width: "100%",
filtering: this.isFilter,
inserting: this.isInsert,
editing: this.isEdit,
sorting: this.isSorting,
paging: this.isPaging,
autoload: this.isAutoload,
pageLoading: this.isPageLoading,
pageSize: this.pageSize,
pageIndex: this.pageIndex,
noDataContent: "Data Not Available or No Record Exists",
editItem: this.editRowClosure,
rowClick: this.rowClick,
onError: this.errorClosure,
rowRenderer: function(item, rowIndex) {
let $row = $('<tr>');
this._renderCells($row, item);
return $row;
onItemDeleting: function (args) {
if (!args.item.deleteConfirmed) {
args.cancel = true;
let destroyModal = $('#destroy-modal');
destroyModal.find('#destroy-form').submit(function (e) {
args.item.deleteConfirmed = true;
$(name).jsGrid('deleteItem', args.item);
onItemUpdated: this.onItemUpdated,
onItemInserted: this.onItemInserted,
onItemDeleted: this.onItemDeleted,
clearFilter: this.onClearFilter,
controller: {
loadData: this.loadData,
insertItem: this.insertItem,
updateItem: this.updateItem,
deleteItem: this.deleteItem
confirmDeleting: false,
fields: this.fields
return this;
function startAjaxFormSpinner() {
$('.form-need-loading').find('button[type=submit]').addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', true);
$('.form-need-loading').find('button[type=submit] .fa-spinner').show();
function finishAjaxFormSpinner() {
$('.form-need-loading').find('button[type=submit]').removeClass('disabled').attr('disabled', false);
$('.form-need-loading').find('button[type=submit] .fa-spinner').hide();
<div id="appTable"></div>
var route = {
get: "{{ route('app.user') }}", // use for get data
post: "{{ route('') }}", // create data
update: "{{ route('app.user.update', ':id') }}", // update data
delete: "{{ route('app.user.destroy', ':id') }}" // delete data
var fields = [
name: "username",
title: 'Username',
type: "text",
editing: false,
itemTemplate: function (value, item) {
return value !== null ? value : '-';
name: "email",
title: 'Email',
type: "text",
itemTemplate: function (value, item) {
return value !== null ? value : '-';
name: "card_image",
title: 'Image',
type: "file",
}, {
name: "first_name",
title: 'First Name',
type: "text",
itemTemplate: function (value, item) {
return value !== null ? value : '-';
type: "control"
new CGrid()
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