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Last active February 19, 2020 00:46
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Chef CLI Catalog
$ chef analyze help
Analyze your Chef Infra Server artifacts to understand the effort to upgrade
your infrastructure by generating reports, automatically fixing violations
and/or deprecations, and generating Effortless packages.
chef analyze [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
report Generate reports from a Chef Infra Server
upload Upload a file to Chef Software
-h, --help help for chef analyze
Use "chef analyze [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ chef hab help
Authors: The Habitat Maintainers <[email protected]>
"A Habitat is the natural environment for your services" - Alan Turing
chef hab [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
bldr Commands relating to Habitat Builder
cli Commands relating to Habitat runtime config
config Commands relating to a Service's runtime config
file Commands relating to Habitat files
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
origin Commands relating to Habitat origin keys
pkg Commands relating to Habitat packages
plan Commands relating to plans and other app-specific configuration.
ring Commands relating to Habitat rings
studio Commands relating to Habitat Studios
sup The Habitat Supervisor
supportbundle Create a tarball of Habitat Supervisor data to send to support
svc Commands relating to Habitat services
user Commands relating to Habitat users
$ chef
chef -h/--help
chef -v/--version
chef command [arguments...] [options...]
Available Commands:
env Prints environment variables used by Chef Workstation
gem Runs the 'gem' command in context of the embedded Ruby
exec Runs the command in context of the embedded ruby
shell-init Initialize your shell to use Chef Workstation as your primary Ruby
generate Generate a new repository, cookbook, or other component
describe-cookbook Prints cookbook checksum information used for cookbook identifier
policy Manage Chef Policyfiles
hab Commands relating to Chef Habitat
inspec Tests and auditing your applications and infrastructure
kitchen Test cookbooks across any combination of platforms and test suites
knife An interface between a local chef-repo and the Chef Infra Server
ohai Collect system configuration data
client Agent that runs locally on every node that is under management by Chef Infra Server
run Execute ad-hoc tasks using Chef
shell A recipe debugging tool that allows the use of breakpoints within recipes
berks Dependency manager for Chef cookbooks
cookstyle Code linting tool that helps you write better Chef Infra cookbooks
Experimental Commands:
analyze Analyze artifacts from a Chef Infra Server
$ chef
chef -h/--help
chef -v/--version
chef command [arguments...] [options...]
Available Commands:
env Prints environment variables used by Chef Workstation
gem Runs the 'gem' command in context of the embedded Ruby
exec Runs the command in context of the embedded ruby
shell-init Initialize your shell to use Chef Workstation as your primary Ruby
generate Generate a new repository, cookbook, or other component
describe-cookbook Prints cookbook checksum information used for cookbook identifier
policy Manage Chef Policyfiles
hab Commands relating to Chef Habitat
inspec Tests and auditing your applications and infrastructure
kitchen Test cookbooks across any combination of platforms and test suites
knife An interface between a local chef-repo and the Chef Infra Server
ohai Collect system configuration data
client Agent that runs locally on every node that is under management by Chef Infra Server
run Execute ad-hoc tasks using Chef
shell A recipe debugging tool that allows the use of breakpoints within recipes
berks Dependency manager for Chef cookbooks
cookstyle Code linting tool that helps you write better Chef Infra cookbooks
Deprecated Commands:
foo Foo command has been deprecated
Experimental Commands:
analyze Analyze artifacts from a Chef Infra Server
$ chef foo
WARNING: This command will be deprecated by 03/03/20
Use now: chef new foo
$ chef
chef -h/--help
chef -v/--version
chef command [arguments...] [options...]
Available Commands:
env Prints environment variables used by Chef Workstation
gem Runs the 'gem' command in context of the embedded Ruby
exec Runs the command in context of the embedded ruby
shell-init Initialize your shell to use Chef Workstation as your primary Ruby
generate Generate a new repository, cookbook, or other component
describe-cookbook Prints cookbook checksum information used for cookbook identifier
policy Manage Chef Policyfiles
hab Commands relating to Chef Habitat
inspec Tests and auditing your applications and infrastructure
kitchen Test cookbooks across any combination of platforms and test suites
knife An interface between a local chef-repo and the Chef Infra Server
ohai Collect system configuration data
client Agent that runs locally on every node that is under management by Chef Infra Server
run Execute ad-hoc tasks using Chef
shell A recipe debugging tool that allows the use of breakpoints within recipes
berks Dependency manager for Chef cookbooks
cookstyle Code linting tool that helps you write better Chef Infra cookbooks
Relocated Commands:
install Use now: chef policy install
update Use now: chef policy update
push Use now: chef policy push
push-archive Use now: chef policy push
show-policy Use now: chef policy show
diff Use now: chef policy diff
export Use now: chef policy export
clean-policy-revisions Use now: chef policy clean revisions
clean-policy-cookbooks Use now: chef policy clean cookbooks
delete-policy-group Use now: chef policy group delete
delete-policy Use now: chef policy delete
undelete Use now: chef policy undelete
Experimental Commands:
analyze Analyze artifacts from a Chef Infra Server
$ chef kitchen help
kitchen console # Kitchen Console!
kitchen converge [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Change instance state to converge. Use a provisioner to configure one or more ins...
kitchen create [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Change instance state to create. Start one or more instances
kitchen destroy [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Change instance state to destroy. Delete all information for one or more instances
kitchen diagnose [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Show computed diagnostic configuration
kitchen doctor INSTANCE|REGEXP # Check for common system problems
kitchen exec INSTANCE|REGEXP -c REMOTE_COMMAND # Execute command on one or more instance
kitchen help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
kitchen init # Adds some configuration to your cookbook so Kitchen can rock
kitchen list [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Lists one or more instances
kitchen login INSTANCE|REGEXP # Log in to one instance
kitchen package INSTANCE|REGEXP # package an instance
kitchen setup [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Change instance state to setup. Prepare to run automated tests. Install busser an...
kitchen test [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Test (destroy, create, converge, setup, verify and destroy) one or more instances
kitchen verify [INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] # Change instance state to verify. Run automated tests on one or more instances
kitchen version # Print Kitchen's version information
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