Prereq: podman is installed
- Install podman-compose
pip3 install podman-compose
- Start the podman machine with your go/clone path mounted. I clone golang github repos under
podman machine init --cpus 4 --disk-size 100 --memory 8192 --rootful -v $HOME:$HOME -v /go/:/go
podman machine start
- Follow instruction for this blog post for local config setup:
- copy template config file
- set hostname
- set local ports
- generate and config certificates
- Additionally, set the data dir to a folder available in the podman machine, mounted from the home, like for instance
(replace user with the value on your machine) and create the local folder:mkdir ~/harbor-data
- Generate the install script
make install COMPILETAG=compile_golangimage
- Add the following three lines at the top of the
and scripts:
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias docker='podman'
alias docker-compose='podman-compose'
- Build the
base image and image
podman build . --arch arm64 -f make/photon/prepare/Dockerfile.base -t local/harbor-prepare-base:dev
podman build . --arch arm64 -f make/photon/prepare/Dockerfile --build-arg harbor_base_image_version=dev --build-arg harbor_base_namespace=local -t goharbor/prepare:dev