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Created October 26, 2019 15:54
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  • Save afrittoli/ca4c574ee3f35f3d34e1817e9b97e5ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save afrittoli/ca4c574ee3f35f3d34e1817e9b97e5ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[git-source-git-source-rbszd-jgw5q] {"level":"warn","ts":1572105243.044545,"logger":"fallback-logger","caller":"logging/config.go:69","msg":"Fetch GitHub commit ID from kodata failed: \"ref: refs/heads/master\" is not a valid GitHub commit ID"}
[git-source-git-source-rbszd-jgw5q] {"level":"info","ts":1572105243.7168236,"logger":"fallback-logger","caller":"git/git.go:103","msg":"Successfully cloned @ master in path /workspace/source"}
[kubeconfig-wp8c2] {"level":"warn","ts":1572105244.2574344,"logger":"fallback-logger","caller":"logging/config.go:69","msg":"Fetch GitHub commit ID from kodata failed: open /var/run/ko/HEAD: no such file or directory"}
[kubeconfig-wp8c2] {"level":"info","ts":1572105244.2613432,"logger":"fallback-logger","caller":"kubeconfigwriter/main.go:101","msg":"kubeconfig file successfully written to /workspace/prow/kubeconfig"}
[deploy] diff [current-config] [new config]
[deploy] --- /workspace/config.yaml
[deploy] +++ /workspace/source/prow/config.yaml
[deploy] @@ -925,6 +925,36 @@
[deploy]  - name: test-account
[deploy]  secret:
[deploy]  secretName: test-account
[deploy] + - name: pull-tekton-triggers-go-coverage
[deploy] + agent: kubernetes
[deploy] + always_run: true
[deploy] + rerun_command: "/test pull-tekton-triggers-go-coverage"
[deploy] + trigger: "(?m)^/test (all|pull-tekton-triggers-go-coverage),?(\\s+|$)"
[deploy] + optional: true
[deploy] + decorate: true
[deploy] + clone_uri: ""
[deploy] + spec:
[deploy] + containers:
[deploy] + - image:
[deploy] + imagePullPolicy: Always
[deploy] + command:
[deploy] + - "/coverage"
[deploy] + args:
[deploy] + - "--postsubmit-gcs-bucket=tekton-prow"
[deploy] + - "--postsubmit-job-name=post-tekton-triggers-go-coverage"
[deploy] + - "--artifacts=$(ARTIFACTS)"
[deploy] + - "--profile-name=coverage_profile.txt"
[deploy] + - "--cov-target=."
[deploy] + - "--cov-threshold-percentage=80"
[deploy] + - "--github-token=/etc/github-token/oauth"
[deploy] + volumeMounts:
[deploy] + - name: github-token
[deploy] + mountPath: /etc/github-token
[deploy] + readOnly: true
[deploy] + volumes:
[deploy] + - name: github-token
[deploy] + secret:
[deploy] + secretName: oauth-token
[deploy]  postsubmits:
[deploy]  tektoncd/cli:
[deploy] @@ -1056,6 +1086,21 @@
[deploy]  secret:
[deploy]  secretName: nightly-account
[deploy]  - name: post-tekton-pipeline-go-coverage
[deploy] + branches:
[deploy] + - master
[deploy] + agent: kubernetes
[deploy] + decorate: true
[deploy] + spec:
[deploy] + containers:
[deploy] + - image: # we may want ours here
[deploy] + imagePullPolicy: Always
[deploy] + command:
[deploy] + - "/coverage"
[deploy] + args:
[deploy] + - "--artifacts=$(ARTIFACTS)"
[deploy] + - "--cov-threshold-percentage=0"
[deploy] + tektoncd/triggers:
[deploy] + - name: post-tekton-triggers-go-coverage
[deploy]  branches:
[deploy]  - master
[deploy]  agent: kubernetes
[deploy] configmap/config replaced
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