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Created February 1, 2024 10:37
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  • Save afrittoli/e4d34aa235865cfd20ee56faf0b33031 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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fms/utils/ note: By default the bodies of untyped functions are not checked, consider using --check-untyped-defs [annotation-unchecked]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.modeling_outputs": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.utils": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Unexpected keyword argument "config" for "__init__" of "object" [call-arg]
fms/models/hf/ error: Unexpected keyword argument "lm_head" for "__init__" of "object" [call-arg]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "LMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "_lm_head_params" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "_get_empty_lm_head" incompatible with supertype "LMHeadMixin" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, bias: bool) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "past_key_values" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "hidden_states" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "cross_attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "LMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "_lm_head_params" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "_get_empty_lm_head" incompatible with supertype "LMHeadMixin" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, bias: bool) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "past_key_values" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "hidden_states" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "cross_attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "last_hidden_state" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "hidden_states" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "LMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "_lm_head_params" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "_get_empty_lm_head" incompatible with supertype "LMHeadMixin" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, classifier_activation_fn: str, classifier_dropout: float) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "CrossEntropyLoss", variable has type "MSELoss") [assignment]
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "BCEWithLogitsLoss", variable has type "MSELoss") [assignment]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "hidden_states" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "LMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "_lm_head_params" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "_get_empty_lm_head" incompatible with supertype "LMHeadMixin" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _get_empty_lm_head(self, activation_fn: str, norm_eps: float) -> Module
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "hidden_states" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "attentions" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tensor", expected "BoolTensor") [return-value]
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tensor", expected "BoolTensor") [return-value]
fms/models/hf/ error: Name "HFModelArchitecture" is not defined [name-defined]
fms/models/hf/ error: "PostInitCaller" has no attribute "from_fms_model" [attr-defined]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.modeling_outputs": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.utils": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tensor", variable has type "FloatTensor | None") [assignment]
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tensor", variable has type "FloatTensor | None") [assignment]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "input_ids" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "attention_mask" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "head_mask" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "inputs_embeds" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "output_attentions" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "output_hidden_states" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "return_dict" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "forward" incompatible with supertype "_HFBase" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., encoder_hidden_states: Tensor | None = ..., encoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "input_ids" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "attention_mask" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "head_mask" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "inputs_embeds" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "output_attentions" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "output_hidden_states" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "forward" of "_HFBase" gets multiple values for keyword argument "return_dict" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument "attention_mask" to "forward" of "_HFBase" has incompatible type "Tensor | None"; expected "FloatTensor | None" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument "head_mask" to "forward" of "_HFBase" has incompatible type "Tensor | None"; expected "FloatTensor | None" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument "map_location" to "load" has incompatible type "str | dict[str, int | str | device] | None"; expected "Callable[[Tensor, str], Tensor] | device | str | dict[str, str] | None" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Value of type "Any | None" is not indexable [index]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "None" of "Any | None" has no attribute "to_tuple" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: "_EncoderArchitectureMixin" has no attribute "_compute_attention_masks"; maybe "_compute_encoder_attention_masks"? [attr-defined]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "embedding" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "config" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "forward" incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., attention_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., position_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "embedding" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "config" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "forward" incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFDecoderModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "decoder" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFDecoderModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "embedding" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: "__init__" of "HFDecoderModelArchitecture" gets multiple values for keyword argument "config" [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "forward" incompatible with supertype "HFDecoderModelArchitecture" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., attention_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., position_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., decoder_attention_mask: BoolTensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., encoder_outputs: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "forward" incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def forward(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., decoder_attention_mask: BoolTensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., encoder_outputs: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., return_dict: bool | None = ..., labels: LongTensor | None = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument 1 to "_compute_encoder_attention_masks" of "_EncoderArchitectureMixin" has incompatible type "LongTensor | FloatTensor | None"; expected "Tensor" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument 2 to "_compute_encoder_attention_masks" of "_EncoderArchitectureMixin" has incompatible type "FloatTensor | None"; expected "Tensor" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Tuple index out of range [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Tuple index out of range [misc]
fms/models/hf/ error: Value of type "tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None" is not indexable [index]
fms/models/hf/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Tensor", variable has type "LongTensor | None") [assignment]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument 1 to "_compute_decoder_attention_masks" of "HFEncoderDecoderModelArchitecture" has incompatible type "LongTensor | FloatTensor | None"; expected "Tensor" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument 2 to "_compute_decoder_attention_masks" of "HFEncoderDecoderModelArchitecture" has incompatible type "BoolTensor | None"; expected "Tensor" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument 3 to "_compute_decoder_attention_masks" of "HFEncoderDecoderModelArchitecture" has incompatible type "bool | None"; expected "bool" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Item "tuple[FloatTensor, ...]" of "tuple[FloatTensor] | Any" has no attribute "shape" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: Argument "attention_mask" to "forward" of "HFDecoderModelArchitecture" has incompatible type "Any | BoolTensor | None"; expected "FloatTensor | None" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "_prepare_inputs_for_generation" incompatible with supertype "HFDecoderModelArchitecture" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, input_ids: Tensor, attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., **model_kwargs: Any) -> dict[Any, Any]
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, decoder_input_ids: Tensor, past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., encoder_outputs: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., **model_kwargs: Any) -> dict[Any, Any]
fms/models/hf/ error: Signature of "_prepare_inputs_for_generation" incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture" [override]
fms/models/hf/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, input_ids: Tensor, **model_kwargs: Any) -> dict[Any, Any]
fms/models/hf/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/ note: def _prepare_inputs_for_generation(self, decoder_input_ids: Tensor, past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_head_mask: FloatTensor | None = ..., decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., encoder_outputs: tuple[tuple[FloatTensor]] | None = ..., **model_kwargs: Any) -> dict[Any, Any]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.modeling_outputs": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: "__init__" of "MaskedLMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "activation_fn" [misc]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: "__init__" of "MaskedLMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "norm_eps" [misc]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: Argument 1 of "_hf_model_from_fms" is incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture"; supertype defines the argument type as "Module" [override]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
fms/models/hf/roberta/ note: See
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: "__init__" of "SequenceClassificationLMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "classifier_activation_fn" [misc]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: "__init__" of "SequenceClassificationLMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "classifier_dropout" [misc]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ error: Argument 1 of "_hf_model_from_fms" is incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture"; supertype defines the argument type as "Module" [override]
fms/models/hf/roberta/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
fms/models/hf/roberta/ note: See
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.modeling_outputs": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Signature of "_adapt" incompatible with supertype "HFDecoder" [override]
fms/models/hf/llama/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/llama/ note: def _adapt(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., encoder_hidden_states: Tensor | None = ..., encoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/llama/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/llama/ note: def _adapt(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., position_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., attn_algorithm: str | None = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Argument 1 to "HFAdaptedLLaMADecoder" has incompatible type Module; expected "LLaMA" [arg-type]
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: "__init__" of "LMHeadModelLMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "bias" [misc]
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Argument 1 of "_hf_model_from_fms" is incompatible with supertype "HFModelArchitecture"; supertype defines the argument type as "Module" [override]
fms/models/hf/llama/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
fms/models/hf/llama/ note: See
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers.modeling_outputs": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Signature of "_adapt" incompatible with supertype "HFDecoder" [override]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ note: Superclass:
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ note: def _adapt(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., inputs_embeds: FloatTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., encoder_hidden_states: Tensor | None = ..., encoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., cross_attn_head_mask: Tensor | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., output_attentions: bool | None = ..., output_hidden_states: bool | None = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ note: Subclass:
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ note: def _adapt(self, input_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., attention_mask: Tensor | None = ..., position_ids: LongTensor | None = ..., past_key_values: tuple[Tensor] | None = ..., use_cache: bool | None = ..., attn_algorithm: str | None = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: "__init__" of "LMHeadModelLMHeadMixin" gets multiple values for keyword argument "bias" [misc]
fms/models/hf/llama/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Skipping analyzing "transformers": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker [import-untyped]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ note: See
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "transformer" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "transformer" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "transformer" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "transformer" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "lm_head" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "lm_head" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "str" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/gpt_bigcode/ error: Item "PathLike[Any]" of "str | PathLike[Any] | Any" has no attribute "config" [union-attr]
fms/models/hf/ error: List item 0 has incompatible type "type[HFAdaptedGPTBigCodeForCausalLM]"; expected "type[LMHeadModelLMHeadMixin]" [list-item]
fms/models/hf/ error: List item 1 has incompatible type "type[HFAdaptedLLaMAForCausalLM]"; expected "type[LMHeadModelLMHeadMixin]" [list-item]
Found 135 errors in 11 files (checked 44 source files)
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