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Created February 22, 2013 15:41
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Examples of generating XML with Erlang's xmerl library.
%% @doc Helper function to generate XML from a data structure and print it
serialize(Data) ->
Xml = lists:flatten(xmerl:export_simple(Data, xmerl_xml)),
io:format("~s~n", [Xml]).
%% @doc Prints <?xml version="1.0"?><cheese type="soft" produced="2013-02-21T12:57:00"/>
test1() ->
[{type, "soft"},
{produced, "2013-02-21T12:57:00"}],
%% @doc Prints <?xml version="1.0"?><cheeses>yarg</cheeses>
test2() ->
serialize([#xmlElement{name=cheeses, content=[#xmlText{value="yarg"}]}]).
%% @doc Prints <?xml version="1.0"?><cheeses><cheese>yarg</cheese><cheese>parmesan</cheese><cheese>cheddar</cheese></cheeses>
%% xmerl simple encoding requires element content to be a list.
%% You may get an error like "no function clause matching
%% xmerl_lib:expand_content".
%% Good: {cheese, ["yarg"]}
%% Bad: {cheese, "yarg"}
test3() ->
RootElem = {cheeses, [{cheese, ["yarg"]}, {cheese, ["parmesan"]}, {cheese, ["cheddar"]}]},
%% @doc Prints <?xml version="1.0"?><cheeses xmlns="">yarg</cheeses>
test4() ->
Ns = "",
RootElem = #xmlElement{name=cheeses,
attributes=[#xmlAttribute{name=xmlns, value=Ns}],
%% @doc Prints <?xml version="1.0"?><cheeses xmlns=""><cheese><yarg><type>medium</type><country>nl</country></yarg></cheese></cheeses>
test5() ->
Ns1 = "",
RootElem = #xmlElement{name=cheeses,
attributes=[#xmlAttribute{name=xmlns, value=Ns1}],
content=[{cheese, [{yarg, [{type, ["medium"]},
%% @doc Prints <?xml version="1.0"?><cheeses xmlns="" xmlns:c=""><cheese><yarg><type>medium</type><c:country>nl</c:country></yarg></cheese></cheeses>
%% You can get xmerl to export documents with multiple namespaces, but it's
%% pretty manual, using the namespace slots in the various record types didn't
%% alter the output when tested.
test6() ->
Ns1 = "",
Ns2 = "",
RootElem = {cheeses,
[{xmlns, Ns1}, {'xmlns:c', Ns2}],
[{cheese, [{yarg, [{type, ["medium"]}, {'c:country', ["nl"]}]}]}]},
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