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Last active August 31, 2021 17:27
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Browser-Cleanup: Remove push notificaiton exemptions and non-exempt extensions
Reset push-notification exceptions and remove non-exempt extensions.
With just the -User, it lists the changes that will be made.
The User profile name name in C:\Users\
Commit changes by removing notification exemptions and extensions directories
.PARAMETER KillBrowsers
Kill running browser processes
PS> Browser-Cleanup.ps1 -KillBrowsers -Clean -User testuser
Param (
#Kill Browsers
Get-Process chrome| Stop-Process -Force
Get-Process msedge| Stop-Process -Force
$browser_profiles = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[string]
$browser_profiles.Add("C:\Users\$User\AppData\local\Chromium\User Data\Default\")
$browser_profiles.Add("C:\Users\$User\AppData\local\google\Chrome\User Data\Default\")
$browser_profiles.Add("C:\Users\$User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\")
#reset notifications
foreach($profile in $browser_profiles){
try {
$prefs=(get-content "$profile\Preferences"| ConvertFrom-Json)
$prefs|ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 |set-content "$profile\Preferences"
Write-Host "Resetted notification exemptions for $profile"
else {
Write-Host "Notifications for $profile :"
Write-Host ($prefs.profile.content_settings.exceptions.notifications|convertto-json)
foreach($extension in (ls "$profile\Extensions\")){
if(-not $exempt_extensions.Contains($extension.Name)){
write-host "Removing $e for $profile"
rm -recurse -force "$profile\Extensions\$e"
else {
Write-Host "$profile\Extensions\$e eligible for removal"
} catch{}
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