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Created February 6, 2017 09:32
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split video with moviepy
from moviepy.editor import *
from multiprocessing import Process, Semaphore
import sys
segment_length = float(sys.argv[1])
frames = float(sys.argv[2])
original_video = VideoFileClip("original.mp4")
duration = original_video.duration
clip_start = 0
num = 0
pool_sema = Semaphore(6)
def write_videofile(clip_start, clip_end):
clip = VideoFileClip("original.mp4").subclip(clip_start, clip_end).resize((1280, 720))
print(clip_start, clip_end)
clip.write_videofile("output_%s.mp4" % num, fps=frames, bitrate="4000k",
threads=1, preset='ultrafast', codec='h264')
print("error", clip_start, clip_end)
while clip_start < duration:
clip_end = clip_start + segment_length
if clip_end > duration:
clip_end = duration
p = Process(target=write_videofile, args=(clip_start, clip_end)).start()
clip_start = clip_end
num += 1
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Really helpful! Thank you.

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