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Last active January 3, 2016 13:39
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class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# this method expects a class to be passed with the attributes @@per_page,
# @@:per_page_max defined
def prepare_pagination(paginable_class)
# STEP 1: Prepare values
# STEP 1a: Prepare page
# what the client wants or 1 per default
page = params[:page].nil??
1 : params[:page].to_i
# STEP 1b: Prepare per_page
# either use what the client asks for or take the models defaults
per_page = params[:per_page].nil??
paginable_class.per_page : params[:per_page].to_i
# STEP 2: Sanity checks
# STEP 2a: Check page boundaries (page must at leaste be 1, but there are
# no max max restrictions, worst case: an empty set will be returned)
page = [page, 1].max
# STEP 2b: Assure proper boundaries for per_page:
# at least one per page but not more than the model allows us
per_page = [per_page, 1].max
per_page = [per_page, paginable_class.per_page_max].min
#return per_page, page
return per_page, page
# this method expects a WillPaginate::Collection to be given (aplying
# .paginate on models or scopes delivers these objects), examines it and
# delivers flincs cutom paginable http headers
def set_pagination_headers(p)
return unless p.is_a?(WillPaginate::Collection)
response.headers["X-Pagination-Total-Entries"] = p.total_entries.to_s
response.headers["X-Pagination-Per-Page"] = p.per_page.to_s
response.headers["X-Pagination-Total-Pages"] = p.total_pages.to_s
response.headers["X-Pagination-Current-Page"] = p.current_page.to_s
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