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Created February 23, 2009 15:25
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(defclass cons-presentation-mixin ()
((car-type :accessor cons-presentation-car-type
:initarg :car-type)
(cdr-type :accessor cons-presentation-cdr-type
:initarg :cdr-type))
(:documentation "A presentation for conses."))
(defclass cons-presentation (presentation cons-presentation-mixin)
(defmethod render-view-field-value (value (presentation cons-presentation)
field view widget obj &rest args
&key highlight &allow-other-keys)
(let ((printed-value (apply #'print-view-field-value
value presentation field view widget
obj args)))
(:span :class "value"
(str (escape-for-html printed-value))))))
(defmethod print-view-field-value (value (presentation cons-presentation)
field view widget obj &rest args)
(declare (ignore args presentation field view widget obj))
(if (null value)
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(if (consp value)
(format stream "(")
(dotimes (n 3)
(format stream "~A~A" (nth n value) (if (< n 2) " " "")))
(when (> (length value) 3)
(format stream " ..."))
(princ ")" stream))
(princ "NOTALIST" stream)))))
(defclass complex-edit-mixin ()
((data :accessor complex-edit-data))
(:documentation "A helper class for widgets that are used to edit
complex types."))
(defclass dialog-input-presentation (form-presentation)
((input-widget :initarg :input-widget
:accessor dialog-input-widget
:type complex-edit-mixin))
(:documentation "An input presentation to facilitate pop-up or js
dialogs for nonprimitive type input."))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance dialog-input-presentation)
&rest initargs &key input-widget)
(declare (ignore initargs))
(unless (null input-widget)
(setf (dialog-input-widget instance)
(make-instance input-widget))))
(defmethod render-view-field-value (value (presentation dialog-input-presentation)
field view widget obj &rest args &key)
(declare (ignore args))
;; set the data for the complex-edit-mixin
(hunchentoot:log-message :debug "dialog-input-presentation, value: ~A~%" value)
(setf (complex-edit-data (dialog-input-widget presentation))
;; render a link here that will open a dialog that can accept complex input
(render-link (lambda (&rest args)
(declare (ignore args))
(do-dialog "Complex Edit" (dialog-input-widget presentation)))
(defwidget listedit (dataform complex-edit-mixin)
(:documentation "A widget based on dataform that modifies the
rendered interface to facilitate the input of a list of objects of
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((w listedit) &rest args)
(declare (ignore args))
(setf (dataform-ui-state w) :form))
(defmethod render-widget-body ((w listedit) &rest args &key)
(declare (ignore args))
;; use the selecttion list tag <select>
(:select :size "5"
(hunchentoot:log-message :debug "object to edit: ~a~%"
(complex-edit-data w))
(dolist (item (complex-edit-data w))
(htm (:option :value (str (format nil "~A" item))
(princ item)))))))
(defclass mydata ()
(text :accessor mydata-text
:initarg :text
:initform ""
:type string)
(list :accessor mydata-list
:initarg :list
:initform '(a b c d))))
(defview mydata-table-view (:type table :inherit-from '(:scaffold mydata))
(list :present-as (cons)))
(defview mydata-data-view (:type data :inherit-from '(:scaffold mydata))
(list :present-as (cons)))
(defview mydata-form-view (:type form :inherit-from '(:scaffold mydata))
(list :present-as (dialog-input :input-widget 'listedit)))
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