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Last active June 16, 2021 05:21
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Personal notes to tackle the infamous Broadcom WiFi issues with Linux (Fedora)
# Some notes for the infamous Braodcom wifi hardware (I have BCM4352)
# Installing kmod for wifi:
# Sometimes for the latest kernel releases, the .rpm package will download but not
# install, so check for the file presence:
cd /var/cache/akmods/wl
# Then look for the .rpm file for the current kernel. When you're in that directory, you can just
# install it:
sudo rpm -ivh kmod-wl-<kernel-version-etc>.x86_64.rpm
# Check status of network managers
systemctl status NetworkManager
# Check also nmcli command
nmcli general status
nmcli radio wifi
# List wireless
rfkill list all
# manually turn wlan on
sudo iwconfig wlp2s0 power on
# Make sure kernel module is loaded
modprobe wl
# List devices
lspci -vnn
# For Fedora you must enable rpmfusion free & non-free repos -
sudo dnf install kernel-devel kernel-headers @c-development --best --allowerasing
sudo dnf install broadcom-wl
sudo dnf install bcm43xx-fwcutter.x86_64
sudo dnf reinstall kmod-wl akmod-wl
sudo dnf install akmods kernel-devel
sudo dnf update
sudo reboot
# List available wifi frequencies
iwlist frequency
# List broadcom related packages
rpm -qa | grep -e kernel -e broadcom-wl -e kmod-wl -e akmod-wl | sort
# List interfaces capable of scanning
iwlist scan
# List hardware
sudo lshw -C network
# current kernel version
uname -r
# When upgrading Fedora, the latest Kernel is likely too new for Broadcom.
# To get wifi select an older kernel version from GRUB2 menu when booting the computer
# or change the default.
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