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Created March 24, 2014 18:21
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template < class TState >
CSolverStepLengthSelection< TState>::CSolverStepLengthSelection()
: DefaultMinGradAllowed( 0.0001 ),
DefaultMinDisplacementAllowed( 0.001 ),
DefaultDecreaseConstant( 0.0001 ),
DefaultMaxNumberOfIterations( 100 ),
DefaultMaxNumberOfTries( 10 ),
m_ExternallySetMinGradAllowed( false ),
m_ExternallySetMinDisplacementAllowed( false ),
m_ExternallySetDecreaseConstant( false ),
m_ExternallySetMaxNumberOfIterations( false ),
m_ExternallySetMaxNumberOfTries( false )
// default setting for the parameters
// minimum value allowed for the norm of the gradient
m_MinGradAllowed = DefaultMinGradAllowed;
// minimum value allowed for the displacement
m_MinDisplacementAllowed = DefaultMinDisplacementAllowed;
// constant for the sufficient decrease condition
m_DecreaseConstant = DefaultDecreaseConstant;
// maximal number of iterations
m_MaxNumberOfIterations = DefaultMaxNumberOfIterations;
// maximal number of tries in one line search
m_MaxNumberOfTries = DefaultMaxNumberOfTries;
template < class TState >
CSolverStepLengthSelection< TState>::~CSolverStepLengthSelection()
template < class TState >
void CSolverStepLengthSelection< TState>::SetAutoConfiguration( CJSONConfiguration * combined, CJSONConfiguration * cleaned )
Superclass::SetAutoConfiguration( combined, cleaned );
Json::Value& currentConfigurationIn = this->m_CombinedJSONConfig->GetFromKey( "LineSearch", Json::nullValue );
Json::Value& currentConfigurationOut = this->m_CleanedJSONConfig->GetFromKey( "LineSearch", Json::nullValue, CONF_NORMAL );
SetJSONHelpForRootKey( LineSearch, "setting for the linesearch algorithm", CONF_NORMAL );
SetJSONFromKeyDouble( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MinGradAllowed, CONF_ADVANCED );
SetJSONFromKeyDouble( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MinDisplacementAllowed, CONF_ADVANCED );
SetJSONFromKeyDouble( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, DecreaseConstant, CONF_EXPERT );
SetJSONFromKeyUInt( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MaxNumberOfIterations, CONF_NORMAL );
SetJSONFromKeyUInt( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MaxNumberOfTries, CONF_ADVANCED );
SetJSONFromKeyBool( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, OutputStateInformation, CONF_EXPERT );
SetJSONFromKeyUInt( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, OutputStateInformationFrequency, CONF_EXPERT );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MinGradAllowed,
"minimum value allowed for the norm of the gradient", CONF_ADVANCED );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MinDisplacementAllowed,
"minimum value allowed for the displacement", CONF_ADVANCED );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, DecreaseConstant,
"require sufficient decrease of energy", CONF_EXPERT );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MaxNumberOfIterations,
"maximal number of iterations", CONF_NORMAL );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, MaxNumberOfTries,
"number of tries to find a smaller solution", CONF_ADVANCED );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, OutputStateInformation,
"output internal information of algorithm (for debugging)", CONF_EXPERT );
SetJSONHelpForKey( currentConfigurationIn, currentConfigurationOut, OutputStateInformationFrequency,
"controls at which iterations the state information should be output", CONF_EXPERT );
template < class TState >
bool CSolverStepLengthSelection< TState>::StepSelectionLineSearch()
/* Current values for x, f(x) and g(x) */
ObjectiveFunctionType * f = this->GetObjectiveFunction();
TState *x_cur = f->GetStatePointer();
CEnergyValues f_cur = f->GetCurrentEnergy();
TState *g_cur = f->GetGradientPointer();
T g_norm = g_cur->SquaredNorm();
/* Iterations */
unsigned int it_count = 0;
while( (g_norm > m_MinGradAllowed) && (it_count <= m_MaxNumberOfIterations) ) //add condition on dx
/* compute alpha0 */
T alpha_cur = 100/(1+g_norm);
if ( alpha_cur > 1.0 ) alpha_cur = 1.0;
/* get the new position x and its energy f(x) */
ObjectiveFunctionType f_test = *f; //need alloc?
TState *x_new = f_test.GetStatePointer();
*x_new = *g_cur;
*x_new *= -alpha_cur;
*x_new += *x_cur;
CEnergyValues f_new = f_test.GetCurrentEnergy();
/* variables to store previous values */
CEnergyValues f_prev = f_new;
T alpha_prev = alpha_cur;
T alpha_new = alpha_cur;
unsigned int it_armijo = 0;
while( (f_new > f_cur + m_DecreaseConstant * alpha_cur * g_norm) && (it_armijo <= m_MaxNumberOfTries) )
/* compute new alpha with step length selection */
if(it_armijo == 1) //quadratic model
alpha_new = stepLengthSelection(f_cur, g_norm, alpha_cur, f_new); // TO DO
else // cubic model
alpha_new = stepLengthSelection(f_cur, g_norm, alpha_cur, f_new, alpha_prev, f_prev); // TO DO
/* store previous values */
f_prev = f_new;
alpha_prev = alpha_cur;
alpha_cur = alpha_new;
/* calculate new value to test for Armijo */
*x_new = *g_cur;
*x_new *= -alpha_cur;
*x_new += *x_cur;
f_new = f_test.GetCurrentEnergy();
/* Update new values x, f(x) and g(x) */
*x_cur = *x_new; //x_cur updated
f_cur = f_new; //f_cur updated
f->ComputeGradient(); //g_cur updated
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