This is a tutorial about how to handle the complete state of a computation so that it can be serialized, stored, translated, analyzed, restored his execution etc
This text summarizes my reseach with Transient in this aspect which is the least known. I want to make it public since I belive has useful contributions to real world computing problems in novel ways and may make a difference. The text is the result of a balance between didactic simplicity (my intention) and the terseness of my laziness.
I use a pseudocode similar to Haskell. This is a very first version which will have errors for sure. But it gives an idea. I will perfect the content from time to time to make it more informative. At first it will be a gist.
Th pseudocode uses an unsophisticated convention tbat are hopefully intiuitive. For example, this
, that
are functions which, if no definition is included, mean this=return "this"
, that=return "that"
and so on.
I will detail how a threaded program can store execution state, make optimum use of memory and execute remote computations among different nodes with optimum use of the bandwith, like RPC. This is important to be remarked in order to bypass prejudices arising from the naive examples at the beginning. The program execution stack could replicate itself in different nodes without having penalizations of performance (well... a little). So a routine invoked in a remote node is not isolated in his own sandbox of parameters like in the case of RPC but it is first class and can access all the variables of the calling node. Also any part of the program could be invoked with a URL.
The code can be implemented in any language as long as it has continuations and pure state.
We can define a simple logging primitive that store the "path" of execution and it can add his result to a log, but also could "replay" in case the computation need to be restored:
logged comp= case execution state of
Executing -> do
result <- comp
store log result in tbe state
return result
Restoring -> read (that element form the)log
That logging could be too long if we want to log subcomputations. A great optimization is to eliminate an entire subcomputation log and substitute it for his result(*).
logged this
Logged that
logged other
that= do
logged here
logged there
return thatreturn
So we log this/e/here/there..
"e" means that the subcomputation has not finished and has to be executed
but when the execution reach thatreturn
, the log, e/here/there
is erased and the log becomes this/thatreturn
logged comp= case execution state of
Executing -> do
log <- getLog -- read the log from pure state
result <- comp
setLog $ result <> log -- add result to the previous log
return result
Restoring -> do
r <-read log
case r of
"e" -> comp
_ -> return r
With this use of pure state, the program get rid of any logging that the subcomputation that
may have done before producing the result.
Pure means that the log changes are not in a mutable variable/state.
But programs have threads. At this moment is necessary to introduce parallelism and concurrency with the notation of alternatives and applicatives and the primitive abduce
For that purpose we need a language where continations are first class, in which we can get the continuation (getCont
), store it, re-execute it under a different thread etc. All except serialization. We don´t need to serialize a continuation.
logged prev
logged (abduce >> this) <|> logged that
logged other
abduce= do
cont <- getCont
forkIO $ run cont
abduces the rest of the computation so that it dissapear (produces empty) and executes it in another thread. The alternative (<|>) sees that the abduced computation was empty in the current thread, and executes the other computation that
. So the abduced computation executes this
and the next in the monad, other
(see the meaning of <|> and monad in a Haskell program). The current thread in the other side, executes that
and other
in Transient has thread control, thread pooling, finalization of resources etc but for the purpose of this text, it is enough.
unlike forkIO
it composes well as we see.
Then we have two histories, two logs, the first would be prev/this/other. The one of the current thread will be prev/w/that/other. "w" in the log means to step over the current computation and apply the log to the next expression when replaying.
logged comp= case execution state of
Executing -> do
log <- getLog -- pure state
result <- comp
add result to log
return result
Restoring -> do
r <-read log
case r of
"e" -> comp
"w" -> empty
_ -> return r
A fork can be expressed with abduce and empty as this:
fork x= (do(do abduce ;x ); empty) <|> return()
That's about parallelism. Concurrency also can be obtained by using applicative operators. Using a definition which makes use of the alternative definition above (see here)
-- standard definitions
a + b = (+) <$> a <*> b
a * b= (*) <$> a <*> b
async proc= abduce >> proc
r <- (async $ return 2) * (async $ return 3) + return 5
liftIO $ print r
prints 11
. It execute the three terms in parallel. The slowest of thee three threads concurrently calculates the result.
Now we can freeze computations and restore them in any computer that run the same program, as long as "this" "that" "other" and all the intermediate values can be serialized into a string.
translate somenode= do
log <- getLog
sendTo somenode log
-- the main would be like
main= do
fork $ listen for logs
logged this
translate othernode
logged that
This program would execute this
locally and that
in othernode.
Transient divide translate in two different primitives: teleport, wich translate the computation, and wormhole
which set the communication with the remote node.
For computations whose results can not be serialized, for example, pointers, references, IO computations, they should be executed in each node.
now suppose that I want to translate a computation to another computer, but only for getting the result of something, a DB access for example, and then getting back with the result of that in the log. That could be done with two "translate".
main= init $ do
r <-remoteDB "select ..."
print r
init proc= do
fork $ wait for logs in some port
remoteDB query= do
r <-logged this
mynode <- getMyNode
translate dbNode
result <- logged databasequery $ query r
translate mynode
return result
Note that the query makes use of parameters that were introduced in the firs node without explicitly referring to them as parameters. Unlike RPC, the prograam in the remote node can access the complete stack of the application, just like the local one.
We can define a primitive runAt which goes and return back from/to a remote node:
runAt someNode todo= do
mynode <- getMyNode
translate someNode
result <- logged todo
translate mynode
return result
Now suppose that some runAt's are executed repetitively and with a lot frequency and in different parts of the programs. We would like to make the log as short as possible so that the lengt of the data and the time it takes to process the log is minimized.
If we can send the log not from the beginning, but from a certain point in the program that already has been executed, for example, the first translate, then we have no log and we can make the remote invocation as fast as a remote procedure call.
For that purpose we need a language where continations are first class, in which we can get the continuation, store it, re-execute it under a different threaad. All except serialization. We don´t need to serialize a continuation.
setContinuation= do
cont <- getCont
hash <- getHash
insert somehash cont continuations
The hash should be as such that a remote node would calculate the same hash for that precise continuation in that position in the computation in another node. A naive hash would be a counter of invocations to logged
in the program execution. The program has to find the last continuation invoked in the remote node and invoke that continuation with the differential log, so that the next continuation is created by replaying it, and the computation continues in the remote node
translate somenode= do
hash <- getHash
log <- getLog
(lastHash,log') <- getLastLogSent somenode allclosureNodes
deltaLog <- delta log log'
sendTo somenode laasstHash deltalog
insert somenode (hash, deltaLog) allclosureNodes
-- allclosureNodes should be a pure container, so different paths of execution
-- have different invoked closure/continuations
getLastLogSent node= do
lookup node allclosureNodes
delta log log'= ...
setLastLogSent hash node log=
insert node (hash,log) allclosureNodes
init proc= do
fork $ do
(hash,log) <- wait for logs in some port
cont <- lookup hash coontinuations
setLog $ Recovering log
run cont
The delta function has some complexity. Consider this code
logged this
runAt node1 $ do
logged that
runAt node1 $ logged otherMore
The second runAt has this/e/that/other
as the log of the last invocation to that node and the sending node will have that
annotated in his state before calling at the second runAt, but clearly if the log at this moment should be this/other/e
, since the first runAt has been completed and his result, other
has been returned.
So the execution path is not informative enough. That "e" is due to the runAt that must be executed, but in order to calculate the log for the second runAt, we need to know how many log elements have been executed under that "e".
The information stored about the execution should be this/e(that,other)
instead of this/e/that/other
. The parenthesis means that under the execution of "e" the path executed was that and the final result, if reached, is other
Now we can calculate the right path by getting that info and discarding the executions "e" which has been completed (have the second element of the parenthesis filled) and instead, substitute it by his result, that is
e(that,other) -> other
so that
this/e(that,other) -> this/other (1)
I said that the complete log if we invoke the closure/continuation 0 at the beginning of the remote node is this/other/e (2)
So look, because runAt is after all, the composition of two translate's, the last one is the one towards which the invocation should be done, and because it is the last statement, of the previous runAt, the delta log to send to reach the second runAt is, simply "e". that is the delta between (1) and (2)
Now suppose that the remote node want to return back a stream of results. the second translate of runAt, instead of sending the complete log with each result, will send the differential log to the last continuation that my node has stored. That is the one of the first translate.
r <- logged this
runAt node1 $ logged stream $ proocessChunk r
stream process= (do abduce; process) <|> stream process
this generate threads that executes repeately a process and return back the results.
so that the data that the remote node return back would be e/chunkresult1, e/chunkresult2...
The bandwidth optimization is similar to a fast RPC call, since practically only the parameters and the result travel back and forth
The same happens whe we stream from the first node to the second
logged this
r <- logged $ stream that
runAt node1 $ logged $ do
liftIO $ print r
Here we send repeatedly "that" values trought the socket
the frist time we have to address the closure/continuation 0 in the remote node but the program can annotate that the continuation of the first has been created in the remote node, so subsiguient envoys make use of it and send just that
Note that for the reduction of (1) and (2) , runAt may be defined as a subcomputation, so as I said before(*), simply by adding the result to the previous log before executing the subcomputation should be enough and it should be not neccessary to store the subcomputation log. But a monolitic runAt
defined without two translate
would not have other desired properties like distributed streaming.
Let's call hard continuation to the one for wich we have reached and we have it captured in a data structure, so we can invoke it at will. A soft continuation is a combination of a the hash of a hard continuation which is running in memory and a log which is replayed starting from that continuation. When a node receive a request, it receives soft continuations and convert it into hard continuations, so the distributed program execution proceeed that way. Soft continuations are serializable but have to be restored. Hard continuations are fast but can not be serialized, but we can store his equivalent soft continuation.
Now we need to manage the memory used by such continuations. Ideally it should be stored outside of main memory, so that after a timeout they would be discarded from main memory, but if at a later time the program could restore it before his invocation. Since a hard cont can be generated by the previous cont and a log and the previous cont can be generated recursively up until continuation 0, which is the beginning of the program, then we can store and recover any hard continuation by simply storing soft continuations logs and references to previous soft continuations. Althoug a hard continuation can not be serialized, it can be regeneraed if necessaary from continuation 0 which is the beginning of the program and is ever in memory. To regenerate a hard continuation is a matter of recursively proceed back until we find a continuation which is alive in memory.
The above code can be refined to allow continuations to be restored on demand:
init proc= do
fork $ do
(hash,log) <- wait for soft continuations in some port
mcont <- lookup hash continuations -- alive hard continuations
case mcont of
Just cont -> do
setLog log
run cont
Nothing -> do
(cont,deltalog) <- recover hash
setLog deltalog
run cont
recover hash= do
(hash',deltalog) <- load hash
mcont <- lookup hash' continuations
case mcont of
Just cont' -> do
return (cont',deltalog)
Nothing -> do
(cont',deltalog') <- recover hash'
return (cont',deltalog' <> deltalog)
NOTE: There are however other additional ways to avoid abusing main memory. Since the hash depend on his positions on the code, there are at most one continuation for each setContinuation
in the code. For some multiuser programs, this is too retrictive so it is better to have an additional parameter for setContinuation sessionid
so that different threads corresponding with different tasks would have different continuations stored in the same spot of the code. Then, the management by means of timeouts and serializtions to disk becomes necessary.
"load" read the log register stored in disk for each continuation hash.
Now look at the code of the two runAt.
logged this
runAt node1 $ do
logged that
runAt node1 $ logged otherMore
A requirement is that we should give life to all intermediate continuations when we restore one of them. if we invoque the second, to force the execution of the internals of the first, we should execute this log:
while this log is being replayed, it is necessary that all the housekeeping of continuations inside translate is executed, to make sure that their continutions are restored. So even in replay mode, the continuation stuff should be executed.
The first one has a total log of: this/e, the second is this/other/e. So the register of the first stored in disk should be:
{previoshash=0, deltalog= this/e(that,other)}
And in the second:
So that I can extract BOTH the deep log to be executed to restore both continuations this/e/that/other/e and the shallow log of (2) this/other/e.
The logs used for the restore goes trough all "e" elements while the logs for invocation only uses the results. That's why it is necessary a detailed storage of the logs when intermediate continuations are involved.
Soft continuations are identifiers plus a path. This is perfect for making URL's. If the program that watch the socket could interpret an URL as such. Additionally, any place in the program could be reached by means of an URL.
init proc= do
fork $ do
(hash,log) <- wait for logs in some port or URL with format: http://host:port/hash/logged/values
-- show the URL of any place in the program:
showtURL= do
Node host port _ <- getMyNode
currentHash <- getState
(cont,deltalog) <- lockup currentHash continuations
liftIO $ print $ http://"<> host <> "/" <> port <>"/" <> deltalog
A job is some special piece of code that should take some time to complete. This time is larger than the cycle of interaction with the user and sometimes it may be longer than the uptime of the machine. To assure that a job is executed from the beginning to the end, the process is executed out of the normal flow of the program, with some special treatment to control errors, threading, scheduling, timeouts etc.
The logging can be used to assure that a job can be put in line and being re-scheduled everytime the program is started so the computation can continue outside of the job with his result.
´´´haskell do ... ev <- job $ wait for some event process ev
The pseudo code of `job` and the re-scheduler of non completed jobs:
job task= do
store hash in list of jobs
result <- task
remove from list of jobs
return result
runJobs= do
hash <- stream list of jobs
(cont,deltalog) <- recover hash
setLog deltalog
run cont
stream []= empty
stream (x:xs)= (abduce >> return x) <|> stream xs
Using logging, a job can have been partilly executed so that the scheduler will execute the non executed part:
job $ do
local $ account payer -amount
local $ account paid amount
if the first has been done but not the second, the log will have it notified, so the re-scheduler will try to execute starting from the second.