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Last active April 9, 2023 03:33
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This guide will walk you through how to set up and use the proof of concept Rancher OS Management capabilities. It was written on March 23rd 2022. If you notice any errors, please reach out to me on the either through a DM to Andrew Gracey or the #cos-toolkit channel (cOS was the old name of Elemental)


  • Rancher Manager 2.6.x
  • Docker or Rancher Desktop
  • Server or VM with TPM 2.x


  • Until release of SLE Micro 5.2, we will be using an OpenSUSE base image
  • Some steps or options are skipped in the interest of clarity
  • For additional simplicity, I have turned on auto-install
  • At the time of this writing, the creation of a Cluster object has to be done before editing the MachineInventory object to add it to the cluster. (The reconciliation trigger is currently only on edit)


  • Operator Install and Setup
  • Bootstrap image creation
  • Create downstream cluster
  • Install onto system
  • Add machines to cluster
  • Update underlying OS

Operator Install and Setup

The operator that we add creates a few CRDs:

Sets a registration endpoint to allow adding cloud-init details. This will be expanded in the future to give more additional control over the registration process.

Contains all the machine data provided when the machine is bootstrapped. This includes the TPM hash to allow for validating the node’s identity. We are looking at adding rancherd “call home” data to the status field here. Still being looked at this.

Tells the system what version of the OS each cluster should be hosted on. If this is not set, the node will stay on the same version

Install the helm chart

The chart can be found at:

To install:

helm -n cattle-rancheros-operator-system install --create-namespace rancheros-operator

Add the MachineRegistration

We need to add a MachineRegistration object to tell the operator to start listening for registrations. This can be done by applying the yaml:

kind: MachineRegistration
  name: default
  namespace: default
      device: /dev/nvme0n1
    - name: root
      passwd: root

Shortly after applying, if you look at the object, it should have some status fields attached that look like:

  registrationToken: <token>
  registrationURL: https://<donthackme>/v1-rancheros/registration/<token>

This registration URL is how rancherd will know where to call home and is needed for the next phase.

Build bootstrap ISO image

Next we will build the image that we install the nodes with. For this guide, I’ll stop at the iso creation. We also have instructions for qcow and AMIs available. Also, there are a few ways to build this image but we have built a container that provides all the tools needed.

Note: We hope to automate this portion of the process to provide an image for each MachineRegistration object via Rancher Manager itself.

You will need to run this on a computer with dockerd or moby installed (Rancher Desktop is my choice, but I’m biased) This is the basic set of commands to perform the iso build.

REGISTRATION_URL=`kubectl get machineregistration default -ojsonpath="{.status.registrationURL}"`

curl -s -o reg.yaml $REGISTRATION_URL

# fix these quotes when you copy
echo “        ejectCD: true” >> reg.yaml
echo “        powerOff: true” >> reg.yaml
echo “        containerImage:” >> reg.yaml

cat reg.yaml ## Verify that the indentation is correct

curl -sLO

bash elemental-iso-build iso ./reg.yaml

Now that you have an ISO image, burn it to a USB drive using something like Balena Etcher. (Or dd if you are on Linux and already know how to do this)

Install onto node

Boot the node into the OS loaded on the USB drive. Log in with root/ros as prompted then run:

ros-installer -automatic

Once this completes and powers off, remove the drive.

Boot and verify that a hostname got set.

Here is where you would ship the device.

Create Clusters

To create the target cluster, we need to create a cluster provisioning object. Make sure to pick IP ranges that don’t conflict and a Kubernetes version that can be managed.

kind: Cluster
  name: elemental-test-cluster
      cluster-cidr: ""
      service-cidr: ""
  kubernetesVersion: v1.21.9+k3s1

This cluster will allow nodes to be added to it. As with many of these steps, this will be much more streamlined in the UI.

Add node(s) to cluster

Once the cluster is created (and only after), we can edit the MachineInventory object that was created automatically when the server was bootstrapped. For a control plane node, the new spec in each of the MachineInventory objects should look like:

  clusterName: elemental-test-cluster
    labels: null
    role: server

If you want a node to be just a worker, then use:

  clusterName: elemental-test-cluster
    labels: null
    role: agent

This should trigger Rancherd to install k3s and start the agent/worker.

Updating the OS

Note: I will try to get you a different OS image to update to. To tie a cluster to a specific OS version, we can use the ManagedOSImage CRD:

kind: ManagedOSImage
  name: test-update
  - clusterName: elemental-test-cluster

When you create this, your nodes will restart with the new image. I need to do some experimentation on if creating this before the cluster itself triggers the same issue.

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