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Created July 26, 2015 11:41
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My first Elm app
module Main where
import StartApp
import String
import Html
import Html.Events as Html
import Html.Attributes as Html
import Html.Shorthand exposing (..)
import Bootstrap.Html exposing (..)
import Html exposing (blockquote)
import Html exposing (Html, text, toElement, fromElement)
main =
{ model = init
, update = update
, view = view
type Operation
= AddOp
| SubOp
runOp : Operation -> Int -> Int -> Int
runOp op a b =
case op of
AddOp -> a + b
SubOp -> a - b
type alias Model =
{ displayed : Int
, lastResult : Int
, op : Operation
init : Model
init =
{ displayed = 0
, lastResult = 0
, op = AddOp
type Action
= PressNumber Int
| Add
| Subtract
| Result
| Clear
| ClearAll
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
PressNumber i ->
let (Ok newNumber) = String.toInt (toString model.displayed ++ toString i)
in { model | displayed <- newNumber }
Add ->
{ model | displayed <- 0, lastResult <- model.displayed, op <- AddOp }
Subtract ->
{ model | displayed <- 0, lastResult <- model.displayed, op <- SubOp }
Result ->
{ model | displayed <- runOp model.op model.lastResult model.displayed, lastResult <- 0 }
Clear ->
{ model | displayed <- 0 }
ClearAll ->
{ model | displayed <- 0, lastResult <- 0 }
header : Html
header =
div' { class = "header clearfix "}
[ nav_ []
, h3' { class = "text-muted" } [ text "Elm Calculator" ]
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
let numBtn i =
colXs_ 3 [ btnDefault_ { btnParam | label <- Just (toString i) } address (PressNumber i) ]
opBtn desc op =
colXs_ 3 [ btnPrimary_ { btnParam | label <- Just desc } address op ]
in container_
[ header
, div' { class = "result" } [ text (toString model.displayed) ]
, div' { class = "num-pad "}
[ row_ [ numBtn 1, numBtn 2, numBtn 3, opBtn "+" Add ]
, row_ [ numBtn 4, numBtn 5, numBtn 6, opBtn "-" Subtract ]
, row_ [ numBtn 7, numBtn 8, numBtn 9, opBtn "=" Result ]
, row_ [ opBtn "Clear" Clear, opBtn "Clear All" ClearAll ]
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A small change is required now: import StartApp.Simple as StartApp.

Also, for reference, the following packages were used:

  • circuithub/elm-bootstrap-html
  • circuithub/elm-html-shorthand
  • elm-lang/core
  • evancz/elm-html
  • evancz/start-app

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