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Last active January 4, 2016 00:49
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Save agramfort/8543933 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
plot data from Fieldtrip realtime buffer with Python and Chaco
# Author : Alex Gramfort
# license BSD (copied for Chaco example
# to use it:
# Start ./sine2ft in the background (available in fieldtrip repo)
# Start the buffer
# Then run this script in a python terminal
# Major library imports
import sys
import numpy as np
# Enthought imports
from traits.api import (Array, Callable, Enum, HasTraits, Instance, Int, Trait)
from traitsui.api import Group, HGroup, Item, View, spring, Handler
from pyface.timer.api import Timer
# Chaco imports
from chaco.chaco_plot_editor import ChacoPlotItem
import FieldTrip
ftc = FieldTrip.Client()
ftc.connect('localhost', 1972) # might throw IOError
# ftc.connect('', 1972) # might throw IOError
# ftc.connect('', 1972) # might throw IOError
def get_data():
H = ftc.getHeader()
block_size = 500
if H is None:
print 'Failed to retrieve header!'
start, stop = H.nSamples - block_size, H.nSamples - 1
print H.nSamples
D = ftc.getData([start, stop])
return D[:, 0]
class Viewer(HasTraits):
""" This class just contains the two data arrays that will be updated
by the Controller. The visualization/editor for this class is a
Chaco plot.
index = Array
data = Array
plot_type = Enum("line", "scatter")
view = View(ChacoPlotItem("index", "data",
HGroup(spring, Item("plot_type", style='custom'), spring),
resizable = True,
buttons = ["OK"],
width=800, height=500)
class Controller(HasTraits):
# A reference to the plot viewer object
viewer = Instance(Viewer)
# The max number of data points to accumulate and show in the plot
max_num_points = Int(1000)
# The number of data points we have received; we need to keep track of
# this in order to generate the correct x axis data series.
num_ticks = Int(0)
# private reference to the random number generator. this syntax
# just means that self._generator should be initialized to
# random.normal, which is a random number function, and in the future
# it can be set to any callable object.
_generator = Trait(get_data, Callable)
view = View(Group('max_num_points',
buttons=["OK", "Cancel"])
def timer_tick(self, *args):
Callback function that should get called based on a timer tick. This
will generate a new random data point and set it on the `.data` array
of our viewer object.
# Generate a new number and increment the tick count
new_val = self._generator()
self.num_ticks += len(new_val)
# grab the existing data, truncate it, and append the new point.
# This isn't the most efficient thing in the world but it works.
cur_data =
# new_data = np.hstack((cur_data[-self.max_num_points+1:], [new_val]))
new_data = np.r_[cur_data[-self.max_num_points+1:], new_val]
new_index = np.arange(self.num_ticks - len(new_data) + 1,
self.num_ticks + 0.01)
self.viewer.index = new_index = new_data
class DemoHandler(Handler):
def closed(self, info, is_ok):
""" Handles a dialog-based user interface being closed by the user.
Overridden here to stop the timer once the window is destroyed.
class Demo(HasTraits):
controller = Instance(Controller)
viewer = Instance(Viewer, ())
timer = Instance(Timer)
view = View(Item('controller', style='custom', show_label=False),
Item('viewer', style='custom', show_label=False),
def edit_traits(self, *args, **kws):
# Start up the timer! We should do this only when the demo actually
# starts and not when the demo object is created.
self.timer = Timer(100, self.controller.timer_tick)
return super(Demo, self).edit_traits(*args, **kws)
def configure_traits(self, *args, **kws):
# Start up the timer! We should do this only when the demo actually
# starts and not when the demo object is created.
self.timer = Timer(100, self.controller.timer_tick)
return super(Demo, self).configure_traits(*args, **kws)
def _controller_default(self):
return Controller(viewer=self.viewer)
# NOTE: examples/demo/ looks for a 'demo' or 'popup' or 'modal popup'
# keyword when it executes this file, and displays a view for it.
popup = Demo()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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