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Created March 30, 2014 16:33
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Partial Directed Coherence and Direct Transfer Function using MVAR processes
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Implements Partial Directed Coherence and Direct Transfer Function
using MVAR processes.
Luiz A. Baccala and Koichi Sameshima. Partial directed coherence:
a new concept in neural structure determination.
Biological Cybernetics, 84(6):463:474, 2001.
# Authors: Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg, fftpack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mvar_generate(A, n, sigma, burnin=500):
"""Simulate MVAR process
A : ndarray, shape (p, N, N)
The AR coefficients where N is the number of signals
and p the order of the model.
n : int
The number of time samples.
sigma : array, shape (N,)
The noise for each time series
burnin : int
The length of the burnin period (in samples).
X : ndarray, shape (N, n)
The N time series of length n
p, N, N = A.shape
A_2d = np.concatenate(A, axis=1)
Y = np.zeros((n + burnin, N))
sigma = np.diag(sigma)
mu = np.zeros(N)
# itération du processus
for i in range(p, n):
w = np.random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma)
Y[i] =, Y[i - p:i][::-1, :].ravel()) + w
return Y[burnin:].T
def cov(X, p):
"""vector autocovariance up to order p
X : ndarray, shape (N, n)
The N time series of length n
R : ndarray, shape (p + 1, N, N)
The autocovariance up to order p
N, n = X.shape
R = np.zeros((p + 1, N, N))
for k in range(p + 1):
R[k] = (1. / float(n - k)) *[:, :n - k], X[:, k:].T)
return R
def mvar_fit(X, p):
"""Fit MVAR model of order p using Yule Walker
X : ndarray, shape (N, n)
The N time series of length n
n_fft : int
The length of the FFT
A : ndarray, shape (p, N, N)
The AR coefficients where N is the number of signals
and p the order of the model.
sigma : array, shape (N,)
The noise for each time series
N, n = X.shape
gamma = cov(X, p) # gamma(r,i,j) cov between X_i(0) et X_j(r)
G = np.zeros((p * N, p * N))
gamma2 = np.concatenate(gamma, axis=0)
gamma2[:N, :N] /= 2.
for i in range(p):
G[N * i:, N * i:N * (i + 1)] = gamma2[:N * (p - i)]
G = G + G.T # big block matrix
gamma4 = np.concatenate(gamma[1:], axis=0)
phi = linalg.solve(G, gamma4) # solve Yule Walker
tmp =[:N * p].T, phi)
sigma = gamma[0] - tmp - tmp.T +,, phi))
phi = np.reshape(phi, (p, N, N))
for k in range(p):
phi[k] = phi[k].T
return phi, sigma
def compute_order(X, p_max):
"""Estimate AR order with BIC
X : ndarray, shape (N, n)
The N time series of length n
p_max : int
The maximum model order to test
p : int
Estimated order
bic : ndarray, shape (p_max + 1,)
The BIC for the orders from 0 to p_max.
N, n = X.shape
bic = np.empty(p_max + 1)
bic[0] = np.inf # XXX
Y = X.T
for p in range(1, p_max + 1):
print p
A, sigma = mvar_fit(X, p)
A_2d = np.concatenate(A, axis=1)
n_samples = n - p
bic[p] = n_samples * N * math.log(2. * math.pi)
bic[p] += n_samples * np.log(linalg.det(sigma))
bic[p] += p * (N ** 2) * math.log(n_samples)
sigma_inv = linalg.inv(sigma)
S = 0.
for i in range(p, n):
res = Y[i] -, Y[i - p:i][::-1, :].ravel())
S +=,
bic[p] += S
p = np.argmin(bic)
return p, bic
def spectral_density(A, n_fft=None):
"""Estimate PSD from AR coefficients
A : ndarray, shape (p, N, N)
The AR coefficients where N is the number of signals
and p the order of the model.
n_fft : int
The length of the FFT
fA : ndarray, shape (n_fft, N, N)
The estimated spectral density.
p, N, N = A.shape
if n_fft is None:
n_fft = max(int(2 ** math.ceil(np.log2(p))), 512)
A2 = np.zeros((n_fft, N, N))
A2[1:p + 1, :, :] = A # start at 1 !
fA = fftpack.fft(A2, axis=0)
freqs = fftpack.fftfreq(n_fft)
I = np.eye(N)
for i in range(n_fft):
fA[i] = linalg.inv(I - fA[i])
return fA, freqs
def DTF(A, sigma=None, n_fft=None):
"""Direct Transfer Function (DTF)
A : ndarray, shape (p, N, N)
The AR coefficients where N is the number of signals
and p the order of the model.
sigma : array, shape (N, )
The noise for each time series
n_fft : int
The length of the FFT
D : ndarray, shape (n_fft, N, N)
The estimated DTF
p, N, N = A.shape
if n_fft is None:
n_fft = max(int(2 ** math.ceil(np.log2(p))), 512)
H, freqs = spectral_density(A, n_fft)
D = np.zeros((n_fft, N, N))
if sigma is None:
sigma = np.ones(N)
for i in range(n_fft):
S = H[i]
V = (S * sigma[None, :]).dot(S.T.conj())
V = np.abs(np.diag(V))
D[i] = np.abs(S * np.sqrt(sigma[None, :])) / np.sqrt(V)[:, None]
return D, freqs
def PDC(A, sigma=None, n_fft=None):
"""Partial directed coherence (PDC)
A : ndarray, shape (p, N, N)
The AR coefficients where N is the number of signals
and p the order of the model.
sigma : array, shape (N,)
The noise for each time series.
n_fft : int
The length of the FFT.
P : ndarray, shape (n_fft, N, N)
The estimated PDC.
p, N, N = A.shape
if n_fft is None:
n_fft = max(int(2 ** math.ceil(np.log2(p))), 512)
H, freqs = spectral_density(A, n_fft)
P = np.zeros((n_fft, N, N))
if sigma is None:
sigma = np.ones(N)
for i in range(n_fft):
B = H[i]
B = linalg.inv(B)
V = np.abs(, B * (1. / sigma[:, None])))
V = np.diag(V) # denominator squared
P[i] = np.abs(B * (1. / np.sqrt(sigma))[None, :]) / np.sqrt(V)[None, :]
return P, freqs
def plot_all(freqs, P, name):
"""Plot grid of subplots
m, N, N = P.shape
pos_freqs = freqs[freqs >= 0]
f, axes = plt.subplots(N, N)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
axes[i, j].fill_between(pos_freqs, P[freqs >= 0, i, j], 0)
axes[i, j].set_xlim([0, np.max(pos_freqs)])
axes[i, j].set_ylim([0, 1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# example from the paper
A = np.zeros((3, 5, 5))
A[0, 0, 0] = 0.95 * math.sqrt(2)
A[1, 0, 0] = -0.9025
A[1, 1, 0] = 0.5
A[2, 2, 0] = -0.4
A[1, 3, 0] = -0.5
A[0, 3, 3] = 0.25 * math.sqrt(2)
A[0, 3, 4] = 0.25 * math.sqrt(2)
A[0, 4, 3] = -0.25 * math.sqrt(2)
A[0, 4, 4] = 0.25 * math.sqrt(2)
# simulate processes
n = 10 ** 4
# sigma = np.array([0.0001, 1, 1, 1, 1])
# sigma = np.array([0.01, 1, 1, 1, 1])
sigma = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
Y = mvar_generate(A, n, sigma)
mu = np.mean(Y, axis=1)
X = Y - mu[:, None]
# estimate AR order with BIC
if 1:
p_max = 20
p, bic = compute_order(X, p_max=p_max)
plt.plot(np.arange(p_max + 1), bic)
p = 3
A_est, sigma = mvar_fit(X, p)
sigma = np.diag(sigma) # DTF + PDC support diagonal noise
# sigma = None
# compute DTF
D, freqs = DTF(A_est, sigma)
plot_all(freqs, D, 'DTF')
# compute PDC
P, freqs = PDC(A_est, sigma)
plot_all(freqs, P, 'PDC')
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you need to average the cov estimated on each trial independently

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sherdim commented Jul 14, 2017

at string #52 for i in range(p, n):
should change to
for i in range(p, burnin + n):

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