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Aaron Gussman agussman

  • General vicinity of Washington, DC
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agussman / graph_gist_HRC-emails.adoc
Last active February 1, 2016 07:59 — forked from cheerfulstoic/graph_gist_template.adoc
CHANGEME: GraphGist Template. Fork to make your own, view source to see instruction comments

Social Networks in the Clinton Email Corpus

The Hillary Clinton email archives being released by the US Department of State are an intriguing data set for analysis. They’re too large to easily analyze by hand, but still small enough that we can process them on a laptop. Here I will review some of the basic techniques of retreiving the emails and then performing some basic queries on the social networks within. Note that we’ll only be using a subset of the data here, as the entire processed corpus is too large for a gist to handle. For additional details and scripts, check out my github:

hrc data model